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Is Chivalry Really Dead?

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Very much respect to your article. I feel the same way, but sadly the world doesn't.

Certainly, there is a great lack of chivarly in today's society.As Patusai pointed out, the United Statesian (I disagree with the word American) philosophy of "I gotta get mine" mixed with the dog-eat-dog philosophy of capitalism has overrun any chance of the return of chivalry in the U.S. I try to be chivalrous in my high school but that has landed me in various sticky situations. For instance, I saw two girls about to get into a fight on the last day of school. I walked up to them while they were getting intense and asked "Is everythiing alright?" (actually, i asked "aiyyo, what's goin' on, y'all?") One girl responded very rudely and the other pushed me away. Two seconds later, a stray fist glanced my face and a fight had begun. Another time, I, like you, saw a girl from my class coming down the hallway to class. Seeing her, I opened the door for her and held it open. Rather than say "thank you" or even ignore my action, she began to berate me. She started to yell at me, in essence saying, "Just because I'm a girl, you think I need this door opened for me. That 'chivalry' [junk] is so sexist, it just assumes women are weak and need big strong men (said sarcastically) to open doors for us. Fool..." She pushed past me. Finally, at the beginning of the summer, I called my ex-girlfriends house to talk to her about our recent break-up. Her mother answered the phone and told me not to call anymore. I answered politely, "I understand, ma'am." I barely got enough time to say "It's not to say that you're old, but I respect you and your daughter" when she started yelling at me, saying that I was calling her old. Not trying to be disrespectful, I listened to her 5-minute rant. She went from me being age-ist to saying "just because you take martial arts, you're soooo (sarcastically) respectful." I realized one thing about "chivalry," it has to go two ways. The two girls in the fight were too intent on hurting each other to even give an instant to my worry, my classmate had her feminist opinion on chivalry, and finally, my ex's mom though that i was being sarcastic. People feel uncomfortable because our (united states) society is so based on "all for one." In other societies, like Latin American families, you're punished for not being chivalrous.

No, chivalry is not dead, but most of the world aren't ready for it.

Destined To Bring Light

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I'm sorry to hear of your hardships in maintaining your MA discipline, but was happy to ready that you did not give up.

Unfortunately, high schoolers are not always mature enough to understand that opening a door is a show of respect, not an attempt at dominance.

No one said it would be easy, and you shouldn't expect thanks from everyone. But you will be 10 times more invigorated when they are. Stay true to yourself, that's the most important thing.

Also, think about moving to Texas. :lol:

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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