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Is Chivalry Really Dead?

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I Know what you feel.


The concepts of Budo have had a major influence in my life.


I always try to follow the path and do what I know is the right thing.


I do a poor job of it ,and most people these days scoff at my ideals of living a life of principle, but I find it to be a most rewarding path.


I recently stopped training with one of my teachers because of his total disregard for the welfare of his students, and general poor conduct.


It sucks because his knowledge of technique was superb and I was really learning alot from him. But I just couldn't handle his badass attitude and the way he condoned the use of MA for street violence.


His reason for training was basically so he could F* people up.


When I saw him try to pick a fight with some innocent passerby kids on the street I knew I had to leave.


I just could'nt allow myself to be associated with such a looser any longer.


With the decline of traditional values taught in dojos these days, I fear these kind of martial thugs are becomming alot more common.

"Today is a good day to die"

Live each day as if it were your last

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I was recently writing a paper on Bushido and Chivalry, and that made me think of this article.


I talked about how codes of honour can still impact the modern world, how some people try to follow these ideas.


I agree, chivalry isn't dead.

Lure with bait; Strike with chaos.

~ I: Making of Plans, "Art of War", Sun Tzu.

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*applause* Good piece! I know what you mean about chivalry being hard to find. I have some cool homeschooled friends whose parents drill manners and chivalry into them. It's funky being out in the real world, and then returning to a homeschool function and seeing guys give up their seats for the girls, holding doors, etc. It's very flattering.


And let me just say one thing to the guys..... holding the door or giving up your seat for a girl automatically makes her think :brow: . LOL!

DORKS HAVE MORE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Great Article :up:


Chivalry is certainly not dead, but it is practiced by a minority of people.


There was a day in school when we had to go to stations during our gym class to learn about the courses offered next year to us and there were seats set up at one station. I noticed that everyone had a chair except one girl. I got up and told her she could sit down. I didn't think anything of it, but when we went back to the locker rooms to get our stuff a guy asked me if I was gonna ask her out b/c I offered her my seat :-? . I asked him why he would say that and he told me that a guy dosen't do that unless he has an alterior motive. That's just one example of course...


Chivalry won't die as long as there are people around who understand the importance of respect.


BTW, Drag'n, I have great respect for anyone who makes a decision like that. People have to stand by their principles.

"To win a fight without fighting, that is the true goal of a martial artist."

-Grandmaster Nick Cerio

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i have noticed that alot of people no longer have respect for each other for example today at school i saw two guy's rip the door of off a cuboard for no reason and then run away.

Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil~Exodus 23:2

Violence, even well intentioned, always rebounds upon oneself.~Lao Tzu

And mankind is naught but a single nation~quran

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i have noticed that alot of people no longer have respect for each other for example today at school i saw two guy's rip the door of off a cuboard for no reason and then run away.

Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil~Exodus 23:2

Violence, even well intentioned, always rebounds upon oneself.~Lao Tzu

And mankind is naught but a single nation~quran

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I don't think for a minute I'm going to single handedly change the world. But perhaps if I succeed in influencing enough people to follow the right path and others like me do the same, then there will always be enough of us to counter the evil influences of the world.

I truly believe that without the influence of the chivalrous, the human race is doomed to self destruction. This is by no means a negative view of things. Indeed, I am suggesting that that your view of life and the actions of those that share your view are essential to the survival of the human race.

Chivalry dead? I think not. It is the core of true human spirit.


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Nice article!!

Today many people have forgotten of chivalry, honour and respect. All things of great importance.

Today we have guided missles and misguided men

-Martin Luther King Jr

"There are no limitations only plateux, and once you reach them you must not stay there."

--Bruce Lee

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