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Enter the Budderfly

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Hello everyone!


great discussions here, I was hoping to get some good topics like the ones I've seen here in my forums, but then again, I don't have as many members. =)


I train at Tong Moo Do. It is a MMA but I can debate that it isn't a McDojo. Our grandmaster's philosophy is to not create the perfect martial art, but the perfect student. Of course, perfect is impossible. You are always constantly learning and setting the bar higher.


I am an assistant instructor in the Children (5-8 yrs) and Junior (9-14) Blue/Purple/Red belt classes and I am getting my brown belt in 3 months. 2 years after that, I'll earn my 1st Dan Black Belt.


I have a natural ability with weapons. Probably because I used to do baton twirling for 6 years (don't laugh, my mom put me in it - I wanted to play hockey). My two favorites is the double (or single) nunchuckus and the long staff.


I am proud of myself and how far I have gotten. I joined for numerous reasons. I like knowing that I can be safe, my fitness/flexability has improved and my confidence in myself has increased. I feel as if I have gained a second family. We are very close and supportive of each other.


I compete now and then, but not to win medals. I go for the experience. I like sparring, but after awhile, you get to know your partners and the style is the same. At tourneys, you'll be against "fresh" martial artists from a plethora of styles. I also do forms and weapon forms too for the heck of it. Because I am female and 25, there is only a small handful of people that go in it. Sometimes there are good turnouts though.


I also do photography in my spare time, and I work for a Major book publisher/distributor in Canada. I love the outdoors. I'm going River rafting in a couple weeks and camping a lot through the summer. You gotta love British Columbia. We have everything. Mountains, Forest, Oceans, Lakes, Deserts, Marshland, Trails, you name it! I couldn't imagine living anywhere else.


I'm not marrried (yet) but I do have a great boyfriend. We met at Tong Moo Do. He joined 5 months before I did. He is also incredibly talented. He was pulling 540 kicks 3 months after he started! And his form is excellent. He's just amazing. He is going back to school to take philosophy.


I don't have any kids, but I do have a Godson named Kai. He's 2 and a half. Funny age, that. Some people call it the "Terrible two's" but I prefer to call it the "Information Station". It's amazing watching him learn and grow.


I have a website and if you want to check it out click here: https://www.budderfly.net. I have a Forum, Photo Gallery, E-mail Accounts for members and other little bells and whistles that usually go with a website.


Cheers everyone!


Budderfly :karate:

Edited by Budderfly
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