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Thinking of boxing or Kickboxing

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hi i'm new to the forums and thinking of taking p boxing or kick boxing... i just wanna learn how to fight and get used to pain i guess, but over here in northern ireland absolutly no one kicks in a fight... NO ONE... unless their trainned in tae kwon do i guess lol.


i tried ju jitsu for a while but i got bored of it because we did try our moves on a partner *of course* but we never got to utilize what we learnned in a sparring match... and everyone didn't even do it full force like in a street situation cause when our sensi would tell us to do a straight arm lock or somthing the other person would punch at you at a slow speed and if you would wait for them to hit you they would just miss you or stop before your face and stuff like that... and that was what the green belts did... the white belts *like me* just went at each other in slow motion lol. but i'm hopeful no one will do any of that kak in boxing or kick boxing.


hop i get a few nice welcomming messages as well :)

Flashy Flashy BANG he's down.

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Kickboxing and Mauy Thai can be very deadly. It doesn't take to long to learn it because its very straight to the point nothing really fancy. It will help you in a situation on the street if you work with it. Goodluck!


P.S. welcome to the forums everyone is really nice here

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Nobody loves you, eh? Me neither. *LOL*


I personally would recommend Muay Thai (thai kickboxing), but then, I'm biased! I did karate for a few years, and I really enjoyed that, but Muay Thai is above and beyond that. I love the exhileration of actually hitting and getting hit. It is a million times more difficult and more realistic. And (for me at least) it has been a great atmosphere, no pressure, really supportive.


Good luck finding somewhere to train!

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It doesn't take to long to learn it because its very straight to the point nothing really fancy.


Excuse me!


You realise you just made it sound really simplistic, right?? I'm sure that it would be very easy to be passable at Muay Thai, since yes, there are no katas or anything else. No gradings, just bouts -but it is not "nothing fancy"! Have you done Muay Thai? If you want to be a truly good Muay Thai fighter you could spend as long training as at any karate! :x


Ok, I'm done. :wink:

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:oops: Woah... I didn't mean anything offensive there. Yes actually I have done Mauy Thai, im not saying that you shouldn't train when doing Mauy Thai, im saying you can learn it very fast, im not saying you'll be able to beat Mike Tyson after 3 practices, but you do learn it much faster then any other style. Yes if you want to be a champion at Mauy Thai you should train alot, perhaps even more then a person who uses karate. What I meant by fancy was flashy like do quad spinning kicks or something crazy like you see off a movie. Peace
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Gotta agree with Boxeador. Muay Thai is nothing fancy, it is simple, and that is what I love about it. Less time spent learning a broad range of different things that may or may not be useful in a street fight, more time spent training and and perfecting a limited amount of techniques that are all very useful in a street fight. No katas = simple if you asked me, and that does not mean ineffective.


Alright Kicky: Your Juijitsu teacher sounds like he was more concerned with avoiding lawsuits than teaching effective self defense. Any art will seem weak and boring if taught with kid gloves on. Juijitsu is great for self defense if taught the right way. Fortunately Mauy Thai is almost always taught in a brutal manner and although quite difficult for the first couple months, it will make a very good fighter out of you very quickly in comparison to other arts like Karate. Other arts are highly effective after a couple years. Boxing and kickboxing will get you used to taking a hit much more quickly.


BTW - almost no-one in America kicks in a street fight either. But that is why I wanted to learn Muay Thai instead of boxing, if you can kick and they can't, chances are they will have no way to defend it. I imagine a couple devastating low kicks to the knee would end most fights before they start.



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