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Bill "Superfoot" Wallace!

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My dojo had the honor and privelige of hosting a seminar today that Mr. Wallace taught!


Kids had a one-hour seminar, adults had a three-hour seminar.


We learned a lot about kicking, and he showed us his favorite techniques.


I got my picture taken with him :D


Everybody learned a lot ... almost too much to remember! (or maybe I'm just simple-minded... :weirdlook: )


We did drills that worked on fakes and general "sneakiness", as well as strength, flexibility and endurance drills.


Let me just say this: He is absolutely insane!!! And I mean that in the best way possible. He's a goofy nut that made learning techniques very fun. He was "mean" in a kidding way...name-calling and such, but the whole seminar was very fun. There was barely a serious moment! :lol:


I don't really know what to say...guess I'm just bragging :D


Lemme try to provoke some discussion here...


:idea: Has anybody been to one of his seminars? What did you work on? Did you get to fight him?

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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Never meet the man but my Hanshi trained with him some back in the good ole' days. Hanshi has only praise for him and says he has the most devastating left kick he has ever seen. That was his bread and butter and he used it too perfection. He said he once saw him kick an opponent out of the ring with a single kick. Didn't call him "super foot" for nothing. It's great that you got to spend some time with someone with the didication and desire for the art as he has.

"If your hand goes forth withhold your temper"

"If your temper goes forth withold your hand"

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I heard a story of him challenging someone of the Budo Taijutsu school, he tried kicking this guy with his 70 mph kick. The guy walked into him and Wallace fell down. Lesson a kick can be snuffed no matter how fast, be careful.

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who

are willing to endure pain with patience."

"Lock em out or Knock em out"

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I have got so much respect for that guy! He did a seminar at our club last year. His whole philosophy of stretching and sparring is spot on.


His theories on stretching first thing when your cold is a bit controversial but I totally agree with it and it works for me.


He is amazingly fast, i was lucky enough to be the big senior grade who he kept picking on to demonstrate stuff on. He is awesome and lets not forget the guy retired from fighting over 20years ago!!!!





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Well, he does have a master's degree in...well I don't remember the name of it, but it makes him very knowledgeable about stretching and such :D


I was jealous. Mr. Wallace kept picking on my friends, but he doesn't seem to like to demonstrate on girls, so I was fresh outta luck. :(


He's in excellent shape...he did so much demonstrating and so many techniques and never even broke a sweat or breathed hard.

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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His Master's was in Kinesiology and Physiology Edited by karate_woman

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.


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He certainly likes to pick out the big guys and he's not afraid to hit 'em. He was throwing some heavy body shots at me to show how it brings your elbows/arms down then the moment you move waiting for the next hit he wacks you in the head, he does this with his hands and feet!!!!


When i say he picks on people i mean in the most respectfull and nicest way. He appears to be a genuine nice bloke!


If you get the chance to attend one of his seminars i recommend it! His books are a good read too!



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