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Athletic vs Stocky


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My teacher sais a Karate body should be strong and heavy and not athletic,






sorry... BWAAHAHAA!!!!


sorry again.


Thats the way to sell it. Sure you could go to a gym and get in shape, OR... you could come here and be heavy!


I think your karate teacher is to lazy to get in shape. Rather then admit it, he came up with a reason not to that seemed plausible.


Being in good shape is good, no matter what you are doing. Listen to your boxing coach. As far as conditioning for fighting goes boxing coaches will no more then karate instructors 99 times out of 100.

Andrew Green

http://innovativema.ca - All the top martial arts news!

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If you say size don't matter I say you nuts.


I agree the time you put in is important but you can not say size don't matter. Ive trained for 10 years my younder brother is 6'8 310lbs plays OL at WVU and I have my hands full with him only because he is so big. Im 6 300 myself.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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Size does not not matter, it depend on how long you train.


So are you saying an 85 year old life-long trainer could kick the snot out of a 25 year old because he's been training longer? I think not

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Lazy. My teacher has been a bricklayer since he was 15 and damaged his back when he was in his 20's. Doctors told him he would never be able to do anything to do with karate or any sport. My teacher instead got books and courses and learnt about how to keep his back in shape. So in the end, instead of having a bad back every day, he only has it 3 times a year or so. He is incredibly surpasing many of the athletic type built peolple at are club. When I say heavy I mean someone that has a heavy dense body, not fat body!


Anyway this post is getting out of hand, Size does not matter? True. 'Its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog.' This has nothing to do with size, we are simply talking about how one can train their own body to either lose weight and become lighter and strong, or build a heavy dense body (not a fat body!) And can we stop saying about skill! We have a 2nd women who is well under 5'4 and she has gone all over the country with my teacher and breaking the egos of many of todays so called Martial Artists by completly demolishing them by using her own body to her advantage. Training and effort is all you got. But I am not talking about this.


So far quite a lot of people say that an athletic build tends to be better in sport and in the ring, and a more heavily built body (not fat) will do better in a real confrontation.


Anymore comments would be helpful, and please no more crap about how training is more important of course it is but THAT IS NOT WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT! Its like doing a kata and thinking that that is the way you will respond in a fight, 2 different topics of discussion, so please only comments about heavily dense bodys vs light athletic ones. It may seem quite an immiture post, but hey I'm 15 years old let me be immiture.





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