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Lets Discuss the "Dim Mak" (Death Touch)

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yeah and just see crouching tiger hidden dragon for reference please thats about as real as you get...anybody else in this fantasy mode tune in.....



Javier l Rosario

instructor taekwondo/hapkido

under master Atef s Himaya

"whenever youre lazy enough not to train .someone, somewhere is training very hard to kick your *"

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What about thinking first ?


I can quote other books that say this, don't argue with me or say I'm a lyier argue with the authors and experts.


Internal body development practices (and this MEANS _body_ development, with a little bit help of mind NOT interfering bodies capabilities in a hindering way) seriously develop, from as much esoteric factors as muscle development, reflexive muscle contraction, pain tolerance, body relaxation and thus less damagable resistance, and some "odd" ones as liquid filling of various layers (tissue, joint capsules), the capability of not taking much damage of medium large interferences. To take damage, something has to resist outer compression. If this is lessened physically to a considerable amount, the ability of not taking compressive damage is raised to "unbelievable", but physically very explanable degrees. Someone who has fajing skills, can inconsciously produce counter pressure, relying on the ability to fajing against the intruding object on contact. IMMEDIATELY on contact, so forget about concentrating on your qi while thinking you are invincible, looking towards what is hitting you. You don't have the time for such an "experts" procdure, it has to be a reflex, or doesn't work. As the skin also changes and gets thicker under the biological adaption from doing as odd procedures as standing meditation, simple qigong and other things from aliens, it gets less likely damaged (cut, torn) from not too sharp edges. If taking a sharp one... well, don't try it.


The "feather fall" ability, or however fairy tale books of "ancient china" call it, is REAL. It is, as simple as it is, a reverse fajing protecting the body, and the joints, from getting shocked. You need intact, strong joint capsules, being completely dampened with enough liquid for beginning to be able to do it. Concentration, qi and a miracle mind makes you get broken legs or smashed feet and knee joints with a concentrated mind.


Obviously, in a time where you know about penicillin, prions, in-vitro-fertilizing and other magics, a black hand should be a hand with dead blood in it (and has to get amputated nearly immediately), or a simple colouring from the use of blue, brown or coal pigment issuing dit da jows. Leaving marks on someones skin means, you damaged the skin or caused massive blood rush in this area. Skin damaging occurs reasonably with a hand or foot accelerating fast in the moment before touching and having a certain kind of touch, like a whip leaving marks on the skin, or, a less "deadly" example, a wet towel used by kids.


The "qi" jumping is definitely NOT "above the laws of physics". It is above the stupid argumentation of "physicists" who take a cheap shot at "disproving" comparably easy use of body abilities around the ability to issue short, strong, shuddering type movements, like all short powers. Hold the foot of a patient in a clinic while having kind of epileptic (or mad) trembling, and you will feel how much power is possible. Someone doing a high jump in that mode is just doing that in a trained manner




[ This Message was edited by: ChangWuJi on 2001-09-30 23:47 ]

"There are no limits. There are plateaus, but you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. If it kills you, it kills you. A man must constantly exceed his level."

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the video talked about people who could do amazing things with their chi. it showd people being beated with sticks, being hit in the nuts, breaking bricks on their heads.


Some of the non-martial arts strong men do these same demos without knowledge of chi.


A dim mak strike probably killed someone once, a thousand years ago, and they built an art around it.


Incucing unconcsiousness by a strike that cuts off blood to the brain is real though, and happens frequently.

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just because they dont know of chi, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.


just because i dont know an individual in spain, doesnt' mean that individual doesn't exist.


i dont believe in wind, because i can't see, yet it is still there......


i believe that there is truth to all these stories, yet at some point there are those that exaggerate the tale to make it sound even better. I believe in chi and all that, i have performed demos with sticks and board breaks on my body, done breaking with various body parts, all the black belts in my art must break a concrete slab with their head for their testing, we do kicks to the groin with focusing the mind to cause no pain, and i have seen where the iron chain/iron shirt/ iron coat is performed with swords and spears being pushed agains the body with out the blade piercing the skin, there is a guy in texas that shows how to bend a knife on his throa,i know of pressure points, and vital points that you can cause death with by hitting them, so why is it impossible to cause delayed death or paralysis....? I think it is possible, it involves more study into the human anatomy and such....but yeah, i think it can be done,....as for running on walls for an extended time, flying and shooting energy blasts, well that is still a stretch for me to believe....so until i learn differently that is where i draw my line of fact and fantasy

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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I dunno about killing but all the theory of acupressure which is used for healing is merely a form of technology, right? You understand a science, you learn to manipulate it and you get a result. Technology is neutral, not good or bad. However, what we use technology for can be considered as good or bad. A gun or martial art can be used for good or bad. If someone can heal someone or revive someone, using reiki, or acupressure, or acupuncture, or drugs, or whatever, wouldn't that person know how to harm someone? Our modern doctors do it all the time. or kill people, we call it malpractice. I don't think Dim Mak is "magic", it must based on something. However, most practitioners of chinese martial arts do not practice chinese medicine. It used to be something students would learn. So they could mend their sparring partners broken bones, cuts, etc. So is Dim Mak malpractice or just bad bad evil doctor/killers? :B

There is no "best" martial art. A good martial artist is a good martial artist. - various good martial artists

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Are we more concerned with arguing the mechanisms actually involved? Or determining wheather there are hits that will kill you for other than obvious reasons (like how acupuncture helps you for other than obvious reasons).


If the former, I've got ideas but don't feel like wading in... for the latter, I would be surprised if this is not the case. I've put in (and have had put in) hits that "left an impact" which then needed to be "fixed".

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You guys may not beleive in dim mak due to george dillman and his antics but the real thing is in kansas and his name is master taiku seiyu oyata seek him out.

Im great you are not

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I wouldn't suggest walking up to Oyata and asking him to show you Dim Mak. He's been a little suspicious of people asking about pressure points ever since a guy (who may have previously been mentioned) took a couple (3) seminars from him then tried to steal his system's name and proceeded to proclaimed that Oyata taught him all the secrets of Dim Mak when in reality it is doubtful that Oyata even gave him the time of day. Oyata is a true living legend however. It's ironic that his name has become associated with pressure points since Oyata is about the most no-nonsense down and dirty fighter you've ever met. He just happens to have a large knowledge base as well.

The only two things that stand between an effective art and one that isn't are a tradition to draw knowledge from and the mind to practice it.

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