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kata creation


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I have experiences of this. I had to create two or three kata's. And it took for me many days to create one kata. I put only the techniques which I know and can perform very well. And through my experiences I can say, that one can only create a kata at a certain level. When she/he has or knows the 'feeling' of the katas and has felt it.

Kill is love

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With all due respect, creating a kata- and not simply reordering an old one- wont come from just dojo training. You have to have 'real' experience to create something that is worthy of being added to the collection we already have, and I suspect you don't have that.


And if you have learnt all that there is to know from already established katas please send me your dojo address as I will come and train with you. If you haven't I'd suggest just getting on with that.


Sorry to be so blunt but this all seems so daft. 6-10 years is an admirable length of time and commitment to an art but it says diddly squat about ability and you must remember that applicable katas come from men of combat not dojo attendees.





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With "all due respect", if you read my post without the intent to disagree you would have seen that the message was one of personal growth not the intent to establish a new "kata" to add to a collection of existing ones. Also, your comment about "men of combat" implys that you have vast experience in this area unlike no one else. Assuming that others do not have qualifications equal to yours is a true sign of arrogance and would be taken as disrespect by many-including the masters that you so often refer to. Since you sound like you have learned all that you can about martial arts and kata maybe you should start a "real forum" for "real martial artists" so you won't have to be bothered....and we won't have to be subjected to your small minded opinions.



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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Your presumptions are great.


Men of combat was an obvious reference to the great karate masters of Okinawa- and implied absolutely nothing about me. If you hadn't got your knickers in a twist you would have noticed that.


Your wanting to make a form for 'personal growth' is fine providing you do not delude yourself into thinking it is a MARTIAL thing.


In respect of my own experience- yes I have a lot of real world experience- vast compared to some and small compared to others- not once in my posts will you get a glimmer of me even beginning to equate myself with the original masters. If I am arrogant how come it is you who is making up forms while I am diligently searching out the subtleties of the ones we already have????


In respect to being on this forum I have a great concern for the BS being taught to people, particularly the younger ones, in many many places. It is so common, and possibly natural, for youngsters to believe that their training will keep them safe but this can be suicidal. Since coming here I have grown to like some of the posters and feel some responsibility toward them. And while I am here I will disagree with anything that my experience and learning tells me is wrong- unless of course the poster makes it clear they are sportspeople only or are just into self improvement- but when they dont make that distinction and cross the barrier then something needs to be said I feel.


However, I apologise for upsetting you.



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Your presumptions are great also. And your comments arrogant and flipant. Nowhere in my training as a martial artist have I been taught to provoke anger by simple words or actions. In fact this is contrary to what the Okinawan masters believed and strove to teach. In my many years of real experience in the real world I have used my real martial arts skills (both physical and mental) to both defend myself and ensure the safety of others. There are many who are alive today because I have used these skills the way they were intended by those masters. I have no delusions about what is MARTIAL and what is not..I believe it is you who needs to expand your definition and learn that there may be more outside the square than inside. Experience is a self limiting factor in being able to make assumptions about what is right or wrong. If you are truely concerned about others in this forum then you may want to consider changing the tone of your posts and setting a good example for the "youngsters" to follow. Opinions can be expressed without insults and antagonism. This concept has more to do with the "Martial Way" than you may know.



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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Firstly you assume I am interested in the 'martial way'. No, I am interested only in karate jutsu, here on this forum.


I don't necessarily agree with your presumptions about the masters. ALL Okinawan masters?


In respect of the youngsters I am not here to set an example on manners, etiquette or protecting the feelings of the easily offended. My responsibilty is making sure they don't follow the advice of someone without some understanding of original karate practices or the real world so they don't get hurt. Period.


Only you know whether you

In my many years of real experience in the real world I have used my real martial arts skills (both physical and mental) to both defend myself and ensure the safety of others


have actually done these things in dangerous situations- not ones that would have resolved themselves anyway. If you have then good on you. Perhaps you would recount one or two instances with descriptions of what happened purely to demonstrate kata principles applied?


Anyway this is all by the by and degenerating into something not useful. The original point was about making up katas and I still hold to my original points. I will end here and wait for an new thread before reposting.





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lol Rich, you got told, surrender.


Ninjanurse...*applause* lol well fought

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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