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A brief history

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Here are some facts from a Japanese Martial art that is in reality Originally from Korean


Fact: Daito-Ryu Aiki Jujitsu originated in Korea and is known to have existed during the Silla Dynasty.


Fact: It was taught to Japan's Minomoto Shogunte during the Kamakura feaudal era.


Fact: It survived in Japan.


Fact: Hapkido did not originate from Aikido, but both system originated from Daito-Ryu Aiki Jujitsu (Note: This has been proven and is now considered fact. At one time it was believed to have come from Aikido, but further studies now show other wise.)


Fact: It is currently considered a Japanese Martial Art


Fact: The Japanese admits it originated from Korea and considers it their Martial Art because it survived in Japan.


Fact: The original Taekyon arts did not vanish and is still taught in Korea, but is not as wide spread!


Fact: The Bushido Code of Honor was actually the Ancient Korean Guard's Code of Honor and the Samurai of Japan later adopted it (This was proven by ancient text)


Fact: Many Japanese martial arts that contain many foot work is believed to have Origins from Korea, but that doesn't mean the whole are originated from Korea.


Fact: Some historians believe that some Japanese Martial arts are Korean martial arts and that was one reason many Korean writings were destroyed.


Fact: Korean martial arts were only banned for a period of about 15 years photos being found shows tha Koreans continued to train in their martial arts any ways, thus many of their martial arts survived though in much smaller numbers.


Fact: Modern Taekwondo is not 2,000 years old, but taekwon arts like Tang Soo Do do have roots from their ancient counter parts. Taekwondo is a mixture of the ancient taekwon arts and other martial arts in japan and china.


My own theory: Korean and Japanese martial arts are so deeply intwined we will never know for sure what is truly fact and what is truly fiction so if you read all that I fell sorry for you, because things in history will continue to change and what you read today may not be true tomorrow...instead of worrying about origins of a martial art...just be glad they're there!

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Interesting :) I really don't worry about the history as far back as that. Only who my Master instructor studied under ..... blah blah blah. I just like what I do, and I just train hard ;) But those are interesting facts.

Laurie F

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Fact: Hapkido did not originate from Aikido, but both system originated from Daito-Ryu Aiki Jujitsu (Note: This has been proven and is now considered fact. At one time it was believed to have come from Aikido, but further studies now show other wise.)


Hapkido founder's Daito-ryu claims have been doubted all round. Daito-ryu Honbu has a list of all students for over a hundred years and his name ain't among them. He also claimed to have gotten master certificates and have lost them, but again, his name is not in the Honbu dojo list of the certified men. And how come he never went back to get new certificates? Also people who did study there, seemed not to know the man. So, it is not a fact but a claim. Some believe it, some don't, noone has proven it true (or false).

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i just wanted to show that cultures after many years becomes intertwines as trade and business grows between those countries. I just used that as an example I could use Greek and Roman culture as well, but I just used Japan and Korea as examples

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Further studies in many books I read and studied now considers it a fact at least according to those books. Like I said it is always impossible to prove or disprove historical data and since Daito-ryu originated in Korea any ways during the Silla dynasty I don't think it really matters. If you want I'll change that statement from fact to a Hypothesis.

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Sources Range from Martial Magazine (A periodica) July 2003 issue.


Source: Ancient Text from Silla Dynasty (Can be found in Historical records)


Source: Writings from Minomota Shogunte Also on Historical Records.


Source: History Of Korea


Source: History of Japan


Source: Tae Kwon Do Kyong Myong Lee (though in my opinion it is not accurate)


There are more and im trying to get the web-sites, so be patient

Is it not easier to strike a mountain than it is to strike a fly!

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I would like to reiterate that I wasn't trying to be historically completely correct. After more research some of these are not considered complete facts but are generally accepted theories. I was trying to show how cultures can become intwined. Tatashi Saito a reknown Japanese historian has many great books that shows some excellent view on Ancient Korea as well as Ancient Japan. I think he has a wealth of information. If I have gotten something wrong or something has been disproven recently than feel free to make corrections after all I'm only human and I may have missed some stuff. Also word of advice when doing research web-sites are not great sources, because a good many are considered to be biased also after doin research if some one corrects you than don't be mad and say their wrong instead embrace it and look into their views and thoughts.


A good source also is the Korean Yi Dynasty Historical records from1392-1910. As for the things I wrote as fact well as I have stated some of them are not facts but are Theories that have become widely accepted and the reason I am saying this is because I did some research and people showing me web-sites and books that say other wise on some of the things I wrote. See people I embrace other peoples view and than do research to see if I am wrong or if there is enough evidence were I cannot claim something as fact.

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