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History of Taekwondo


The earliest records of Martial Arts practice in Korea date back to about 50 B.C. These earliest forms of korean martial arts are known as 'Taek Kyon'. Evidence that Martial Arts were being practiced at that time can be found in tombs where wall-paintings show two men in fighting-stance. Others reject this evidence and say that these men could be simply dancing.


Back then, time there were three kingdoms:


Koguryo (37 B.C. - 668 A.D.)


Paekje (18 B.C. - 600 A.D.)


Silla (57 B.C. - 936 A.D.)


Silla unified the kingdoms after winning the war against Paekje in 668 A.D. and Koguryo in 670 A.D. The Hwa Rang Do played an important role at this unification. The Hwa Rang Do was an elite group of young noble men, devoted to cultivating mind and body and serve the kingdom Silla. The best translation for HwaRang would probably be "flowering youth" (Hwa ="flower", Rang="young man"). The HwaRang Do had an honor-code and practiced various forms of martial arts, including Taekyon and Soo Bakh Do. The old honor-code of the HwaRang is the philosophical background of modern Taekwondo.


What followed was a time of peace and the HwaRang turned from a military organization to a group specialized in poetry and music. It was in 936 A.D. when Wang Kon founded the Koryo dynasty, an abbreviation of Koguryo. The name Korea is derived from Koryo.


During the Koryo Dynasty the sport Soo Bakh Do, which was then used as a military training method, became popular. During the Yi-dynasty (1392 A.D. - 1910 A.D.) this emphasis on military training disappeared. King Taejo, founder of the Yi-dynasty, replaced Buddhism by Confucianism as the state religion. According to Confucianism, the higher class should study the poets, read poems and and play music. Martial arts was something for the common, or even inferior, man.


Modern-day Taekwondo is influenced by many other Martial Arts. The most important of these arts is Japanese Karate. This is because Japan dominated Korea during 1910 until the end of World War II. During WWII, lots of Korean soldiers were trained in Japan. During this occupation of Korea, the Japanese tried to erase all traces of the Korean culture, including the martial arts. The influence that Japan has given to Taekwondo are the quick, lineair movements, that characterize the various Japanese systems.


After World War II, when Korea became independant, several kwans arose. These kwans were:


Chung Do Kwan


Moo Duk Kwan


Yun Moo Kwan


Chang Moo Kwan


Oh Do Kwan


Ji Do Kwan


Chi Do Kwan


Song Moo Kwan


The Kwans united in 1955 as Tae Soo Do. In the beginning of 1957, the name Taekwondo was adopted by several Korean martial arts masters, for its similarity to the name Tae Kyon.


General Choi Hong-hi required the army to train Taekwondo, so the very first Taekwondo students were Korean soldiers. The police and air force had to learn Taekwondo as well. At that time, Taekwondo was merely a Korean version of Shotokan Karate. In 1961 the Korean Taekwondo Union arose from the Soo Bakh Do Association and the Tae Soo Do Association. In 1962 the Korean Amateur Sports Association acknowledged the Korean Taekwondo Union and in 1965 the name was changed to Korean Taekwondo Association (K.T.A.). General Choi was president of the K.T.A. at that time and was asked to start the I.T.F. as the international branch of the K.T.A. The southern government was overthrown in 1961. General Choi Hong-hi left for America and established I.T.F. (International Taekwondo Federation) Taekwondo, as a separate entity, two years later.




Demonstrations were given all over the world. It took a while before real progress was made, but eventually, in 1973, the World Taekwondo Federation (W.T.F.) was founded. In 1980, W.T.F. Taekwondo was recognized by the International Olympic Commitee (I.O.C.) and became a demonstration sport at the Olympics in 1988. In the year 2000 taekwondo made its debute as an official olympic sport. There were several attempts to unify I.T.F. and W.T.F. Taekwondo, but unfortunately, these failed.




In the year 2000 taekwondo made its debute as an official olympic sport. Taken from a post in the




The Korea Taekwondo Association (KTA) is the National Governing Body (NGB) for Taekwondo in the Republic of Korea (ROK), just like the United States Taekwondo Union (USTU) is the National Governing Body for Taekwondo in the United States of America. The World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) which was formed in 1973, is made up of Taekwondo NGBs. These NGBs are members of the WTF, and not individuals. Individuals may be affiliated to the WTF through their NGB, but individuals cannot join the WTF directly.


Dr. Un Yong Kim became the 5th President of the KTA in 1971. Dr. Kim subsequently became the 1st and only President of the WTF in 1973 and around 1990 he gave up the post of KTA President.


Mr. Choi, Sae-Chang became the 6th KTA President after Dr. Kim stepped down due to his expanded responsibilities in the International Sports community. Mr. Choi was a former four star general in the ROK Army and also held the post of Defense Minister. Mr. Choi was replaced by Mr. Rhee, Pil Gon in 1996



Kung Fu Black Belt 1st Dan

GoldDragon Academy


Represenitive for Paltalk.com

*-*-*-*-Mouser (Palhelp)*-*-*-*-*-

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thank you GOLDDRAGON for starting this thread.....i had been considering it for a while........... :nod:



rushman (karate forums sensei)

3rd dan wtf/kukkiwon

"saying nothing...sometimes says the most"--e. dickerson


Quite Welcome Iamrushman---


I thought I would throw in some history of the TaeKwonDo rather than the Art itself :smile:


I mean, did you know in the beginning of 1957, the name Taekwondo was adopted by several Korean martial arts masters, for its similarity to the name Tae Kyon? :brow:


I didnt know till my Sensi in Texas( where I use to live) told me !!

Kung Fu Black Belt 1st Dan

GoldDragon Academy


Represenitive for Paltalk.com

*-*-*-*-Mouser (Palhelp)*-*-*-*-*-


yes; please continue if you have anymore and i will elaborate and supplement your input and views for solidification................. :nod:



rushman (karate forums sensei)

3rd dan wtf/kukkiwon

"saying nothing...sometimes says the most"--e. dickerson


I sure will Sensi Rushman


I have to email him and see if he has any other input of TKD!




Glad you are enjoying this input as much as I am bro :bigwink:



Kung Fu Black Belt 1st Dan

GoldDragon Academy


Represenitive for Paltalk.com

*-*-*-*-Mouser (Palhelp)*-*-*-*-*-


Tae: To jump, kick or smash with the foot


Kwon: To punch with the fist


Do: An art, a way of life


Taekwon-Do is the scientific use of the body in the method of self defence; a body that has gained the ultimate use of its facilities through intensive physical and mental training. Though it is a martial art, its discipline, technique and mental training are the mortar for building a strong sense of justice, fortitude, humility and resolve. It is this mental conditioning that separates the true practitioner from the sensationalist, content with only mastering the fighting aspects of the art


Taekwon-Do is not thousands of years old, as sometimes claimed. Before the 20th century, most martial arts practised in Korea were mostly variations of Chinese martial arts.


The history of Taekwon-Do is closely linked with the personal history of the acknowledged father of modern Taekwon-Do, and founder and president of the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF), General Choi Hong Hi. It is because of his tireless effort and unflagging dedication that Taekwon-Do has the international status that it know receives


1918 - General Choi Hong Hi


General Choi Hong Hi was born on November 9th, 1918 in the rugged and harsh area of Hwa Dae, Myong Chun District in what is now D.P.R. of Korea. Young General Choi's calligraphy teacher, who was also a master of Taek Kyon, the ancient Korean art of foot fighting taught him the rigorous exercises of Taek Kyon to help build his frail body. While in Kyoto, Japan to further his education, General Choi had the opportunity to learn Karate. These techniques together with Taek Kyon, foot techniques, were the forerunners of modern Taekwon-Do.


1945 - Founding of the South Korean Army


General Choi was one of the founding members of the South Korean army, formed after liberation from the Japanese colonists. This marked the launching pad of the art in the Korean military.


1953 - Oh Do Kwan


General Choi organized and activated the crack 29th Infantry Division at Cheju Island, which eventually became the spearhead of Taekwon-Do in the military and established the Oh Do Kwan (Gym of My Way) where he succeeded not only in training the cadre instructors for the entire military but also developing the Taek Kyon and Karate techniques into a modern system of Taekwon-Do, with the help of Nam Tae Hi, his right hand man.


1955 - Naming of Taekwon-Do


Technically, 1955 signaled the beginning of Taekwon-Do as a formally recognized art in Korea. On the 11th of April 1955, a special board was summoned by General Choi to decide on the unified name of Taekwon-Do. After much debate, the five major Kwans, Chung Do Kwan, Oh Do Kwan, Song Moo Kwan, Chang Moo Kwan, Ji Do Kwan, and Moo Duk Kwan accepted the name because it closely resembled the name of the ancient Korean martial art, Tae Kyon. This single unified name of Taekwon-Do replaced the different and confusing terms, such as Dang Soo, Gong Soo, Taek Kyon, and Kwon Bup.


1959 - Korea Taekwon-Do Association


In 1959, the Korean Taekwon-Do Association was formed. General Choi Hong Hi was elected its President. Ro Byung Jick of the Song Moo Kwan and Yoon Kwe Byung of the Ji Do Kwan were elected the Vice Presidents. Hwang Kee of Moo Duk Kwan was appointed the Chief Director.


1966 - International Taekwon-Do Federation


The 1960's brought the rapid spread of Taekwon-Do not only to the Korean populace and military, but to many countries throughout the world. The "Kukki Taekwon-Do Goodwill Demo Team", comprising the late Han Cha Kyo, Kim Joong Keun, Park Joong Soo, Kwon Jae Hwa, toured nine countries. This was the basis not only for establishing Taekwon-Do associations in a great number of countries, but also the formation of the International Taekwon-Do Federation as it is known today. On the 22nd of March 1966, the International Taekwon-Do Federation was formed in Seoul with associations in Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, West Germany, the United States, Turkey, Italy, Arab Republic of Egypt and Korea.


1972 - The Growth of Taekwon-Do


In 1972, General Choi moved the headquarters of the International Taekwon-Do Federation, with the unanimous consent of member countries, to Toronto, Canada, envisaging to spread this art eventually to all countries throughout the world. In 1985, the founder of Taekwon-Do strengthened his desire to spread his art to the entire world, especially third world and politically disadvantaged countries by moving the International Taekwon-Do Federation to Vienna, the capital city of Austria, where it is still located. Throughout his life, General Choi's greatest desire was to spread Taekwon-Do, his art, to all people, no matter race, creed or political view. With the foundation of the ITF, General Choi's vision of establishing Taekwon-Do as a worldwide non-political organization and martial art, not just a sport, has come true. General Choi states in his book, "Taekwon-Do:"


"All things are governed by the law of Yin and Yang, dark and light... happiness can often stem from catastrophic moments... My life has been a turbulent one, riddled with lonely fights and unfortunate adventure that few would envy... a life of self-exile thousands of miles distant from my beloved country. Even so it has truly been a worthwhile endeavor.


It is one of nature's ironies that delicate plants such as orchids or tulips require extreme care while weeds flourish with no attention at all. Wild panic grass, easily mistaken for wheat or rice, can actually prevent the growth of the genuine article. I cannot help but despair over the tainted image of Taekwon-Do recently created by practitioners of sham Taekwon-Do, who have nothing in common with the origin and art form except for a borrowed name.


I console myself with this thought: Like a counterfeit diamond that cannot cut glass, fraudulent Taekwon-Do is appearance without substance and like a summer shower that quickly dries from the earth or a hurricane that rapidly passes from the sky, phony Taekwon-Do practitioners and imitators cannot endure. It exists solely on the strength of political influence and is totally devoid of fundamental philosophy or technique based on logic. As such it is destined for an early exit. The issue lies in our ability to dirrerentiate between the true and the false.


My dream has at last been realized... the ultimate fantasy of spreading and teaching Taekwon-Do with no regard to considerations of religion, ideology, national boundaries, or race. I can say without hesitation that I am the happiest man alive.


It is my earnest desire that Taekwon-Do should retain its original concept and technique. It is also my sincere hope that Taekwon-Do's emphasis on promoting a healthier body and mind will provide a significant contribution to human progress for many generations to come."


The Present


Today, Taekwon-Do is practised in almost every country, with a large presence in Korea, Malaysia, Argentina, Poland, Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Russia and many other countries. Malaysia has been called "The Second Home of Taekwon-Do" by General Choi. General Choi's great contribution to the world recently earned him a nomination for the 1999 Nobel Peace Prize from the Canadian government. Despite his 82 years of age, General Choi still travels all over the world, conducting Taekwon-Do seminars and grading examinations.


Olympic Taekwon-Do


Taekwon-Do became an Olympic sport in the 2000 Sydney Olympics. An account of Taekwon-Do in the Olympics can be found in the book The New Lords of the Rings by journalist Andrew Jennings.




(Taekwon-Do Yoksa)


Although the origins of the martial arts are shrouded in mystery, we consider it an undeniable fact that from time immemorial there have been physical actions involving the use of the hands and feet for purpose of self-protection.


If we were to define these physical actions as "Taekwon- Do", any country might claim credit for inventing Taekwon-Do. There is, however, scant resemblance between Taekwon-Do, as it is practiced today, and the crude forms of unarmed combat developed in the past.


Modern Taekwon-Do differs greatly from other martial arts. In fact, no other martial art is so advanced with regard to the sophistication and effectiveness of its technique or the over-all physical fitness it imparts to its practitioners.


Since the theories, terminology, techniques, systems, methods, rules, practice suit, and spiritual foundation were scientifically developed, systematized, and named by the author, it is an error to think of any physical actions employing the hand and feet for self-defence as Taekwon-Do. Only those who practice the techniques based on the author's theories, principles and philosophy are considered to be students of genuine Taekwon-Do.




A combination of circumstances made it possible for me to originate and develop Taekwon-Do. In addition to my prior knowledge of Taek Kyon, I had an opportunity to learn Karate in Japan during the unhappy thirty-six years when my native land was occupied by the Japanese. Soon after Korea was liberated in 1945, I was placed in a privileged position as a founding member of the newly formed South Korean Armed Forces.


The former provided me with a definite sense of creation, and the latter gave me the power to disseminate Taekwon-Do throughout the entire armed forces, despite furious opposition.


The emergence of Taekwon-Do as an international martial art in a relatively short period of time was due to a variety of factors. The evils of contemporary society (moral corruption, materialism, selfishness, etc.) had created a spiritual vacuum. Taekwon-Do was able to compensate for the prevailing sense of emptiness, distrust, decadence and lack of confidence.


In addition, these were violent times, when people felt the need for a means of protecting themselves, and the superiority of Taekwon-Do technique came to be widely recognized. My social stature, the advantage of being Taekwon-Do's founder and my God-given health also contributed to the rapid growth of Taekwon-Do all over the world.


My involvement with the martial arts did much to supplement the health that God gave me. I had been born frail and weak and was encouraged to learn Taek Kyon at the age of fifteen by my teacher of calligraphy. In 1938, a few days before I was due to leave Korea to study in Japan I was involved in an unexpected incident that would have made it difficult to return home without risk of reprisals.


I resolved to become a black belt holder in Karate while I was in Japan. The skills I required were, I felt, sufficient protection against those who might seek to do me harm. Not only was I able to return to Korea, but I subsequently initiated the national liberation movement known as the Pyongyang Student Soldier's Incident. Like so many patriots in the long course of human history, my actions aroused the wrath of those in positions of power. I was imprisoned for a time in a Japanese army jail. In January of 1946, I was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the fledgling Republic of Korea army and posted to the 4th infantry regiment in Kwangju, Cholla Namdo Province as a company commander.


I began to teach Karate to my soldiers as a means of physical and mental training. It was then that I realized that we needed to develop our own national martial art, superior in both spirit and technique to Japanese Karate. I strongly believed that teaching it throughout the country would enable me to fulfill the pledge I had made to three of my comrades, who had shared my imprisonment by the Japanese.


"The reason that our people suffer in this way at the hands of the Japanese," I had said, "is that our ancestors failed to rule wisely. They exploited the people and, in the end, lost the country to foreign domination. If we ever regain our freedom and independence, let us not become the rulers of the people. Instead, let us dedicate ourselves to advising those who rule."


It was with this ambition in mind that I began to develop new techniques, systematically, from March of that same year. By the end of 1954 I had nearly completed the foundation of a new martial art for Korea, and on April 11, 1955, it was given the name "Taekwon-Do".


On the spiritual level, Taekwon-Do is derived from the traditional, ethical and moral principles of the orient and, of course, from my personal philosophy.


Even though I am only five feet tall, I pride myself on having lived in strict accordance with my moral convictions. I have tried to fight on the side of justice without fear of any kind. I believe that this was possible for me only because of the formidable power and indomitable spirit instilled by Taekwon-Do.


The physical techniques of Taekwon-Do are based on the principles of modern science, in particular, Newtonian physics which teaches us how to generate maximum power. Military tactics of attack and defence have also been incorporated.


I wish to make it clear that although Karate and Taek Kyon were used as references in the course of my study, the fundamental theories and principles of Taekwon-Do are totally different from those of any other martial art in the world.


In March of 1959, I led the military Taekwon-Do demonstration team on a tour abroad. We visited South Vietnam and Taiwan. It was the first such visit in the history of Korea. On this occasion, I renewed my resolution to leave my personal legacy to the world, in the form of Taekwon-Do, and I formulated the following basic ideals for the Taekwon-Do practitioners:


1. By developing an upright mind and a strong body, we will acquire the self-confidence to stand on the side of justice at all times;


2. We shall unite with all men in a common brotherhood, without regard to religion, race, national or ideological boundaries;


3. We shall dedicate ourselves to building a peaceful human society in which justice, morality, trust and humanism prevail;


I also resolved to dedicate myself to the world-wide propagation of Taekwon-Do, in the sincere hope that it would provide the means by which the unification of the divided halves of my fatherland would become possible.


My study of Taekwon-Do proceeded in two parts, spiritual discipline and technical perfection. Because the human spirit belongs to the realm of metaphysics, what I mean by spiritual discipline is not easy to describe. One cannot touch, see or hear the spirit of man, It is wider and deeper than anything we can perceive. In this respect, I, myself, am only another student participating in a continuing and never-ending learning process.


I have come to define the spiritual dimensions of Taekwon-Do as fusing oneself with the ideals of Taekwon-Do and attaining and understanding the full meaning of each of the Taekwon-Do patterns. If we consider ourselves as one with Taekwon-Do, we will respect it as we respect our own bodies and Taekwon-Do will never be used in a dishonorable way.


The names of the patterns are derived from the most illustrious people to have been produced by nearly five thousand years of Korean history. A proper understanding of the patterns leads, inevitably to the realization that Taekwon-Do is a martial art to be used only for self-defence and only in the cause of justice.


The history of Korea contains not a single sample of its military forces being employed for the invasion of its neighbors or for any other purpose except national defence.


In the technical area, I created a wide variety of techniques that can be used in almost any situation. They are based on the following principles:


1. all movement should be designed to produce maximum power in accordance with scientific formulas and the principle of kinetic energy;


2. the principles behind the techniques should be so clear that even those ignorant to Taekwon-Do will be able to distinguish correct from incorrect movement;


3. the distance and angle of each movement should be exactly defined in order to achieve more efficient attack and defence;


4. the purpose and method of each movement should be clear and simple, in order to facilitate the teaching and learning process;


5. rational teaching methods should be developed so that the benefits of Taekwon-Do can be enjoyed by everyone, young and old, men and women;


6. correct breathing methods should be devised, enhancing the speed of each movement and reducing fatigue;


7. attack should be possible against any vital spot on the body and it should be possible to defend against all varieties of attack;


8. each attacking tool should be clearly defined and soundly based on the structure of the human body;


9. each movement should be easy to execute, enabling the student to enjoy Taekwon-Do as a sport and recreation;


10. special consideration should be paid to promoting good health and preventing injuries;


11. each movement should be harmonious and rhythmical so that Taekwon-Do is aesthetically pleasing;


12. each movement in a pattern must express the personality and spiritual character of the person it is named after.


Adherence to these basic principles is what makes Taekwon-Do a martial art, an aesthetic art, a science and sport.


Patterns (Tul)


The Chang Hon or "blue cottage" patterns are known for the combination of fast and slow, light and forceful movements together with extensive footwork. Chang Hon is the pen name of General Choi Hong Hi, founder of Taekwon-Do.




Reason for Patterns


Pattern practice enables the student to go through many fundamental movements in series, to develop sparring techniques, improve flexibility of movements, master body shifting, build muscles and breath control, develop fluid and smooth motions, and gain rhythmical movements.


It also enables a student to acquire certain special techniques which cannot be obtained from either fundamental exercises or sparring. In short, a pattern can be compared with a unit tactic or a word, if fundamental movement is an individual soldier’s training or alphabet. Accordingly, pattern, the ledger of every movement, is a series of sparring, power, feats and characteristic beauty.


Though sparring may merely indicate that an opponent is more or less advanced, patterns are a more critical barometer in evaluating an individual’s technique.




Important Points While Performing Patterns


1.Pattern should begin and end at exactly the same spot. This will indicate the performer’s accuracy.


2.Correct posture and facing must be maintained at all times.


3.Muscles of the body should be either tensed or relaxed at the proper critical moments in the exercise.


4.The exercise should be performed in a rhythmic movement with an absence of stiffness.


5.Movement should be accelerated or decelerated according to the instructions in this book.


6.Each pattern should be perfected before moving to the next.


7.Students should know the purpose of each movement.


8.Students should perform each movement with realism.


9.Attack and defense techniques should be equally distributed among right and left hands and feet.




Reason for 24 Patterns


There are a total of twenty-four patterns in Taekwon-Do.


The life of a human being, perhaps 100 years, can be considered as a day when compared with eternity. Therefore, we mortals are no more than simple travelers who pass by the eternal years of an eon in a day.


It is evident that no one can live more than a limited amount of time. Nevertheless, most people foolishly enslave themselves to materialism as if they could live for thousands of years. And some people strive to bequeath a good spiritual legacy for coming generations, in this way, gaining immortality. Obviously, the spirit is perpetual while material is not. Therefore, what we can do to leave behind something for the welfare of mankind is, perhaps, the most important thing in our lives.




One Hana


Two Tul


Three Set


Four Net


Five Tah Sot


Six Yo Sot


Seven Il-Gohp


Eight Yoh Dul


Nine A-Hop


Ten Yuhl








Bow-Kyong ye








Yell/Shout-Ki Hap


Training Hall-Dojang




To Grand Master (9th Dan)


-Sa Sung Nim Geh


To Master (7th to 8th Dan)


-Sa Hyun Nim Geh


To Instructor (4th to 6th Dan)


-Sa Bum Nim Geh


To Asst. Instructor (1st to 3rd Dan)


-Boo-Sabum Nim Geh




Taekwon-Do Hand Techniques in English and in Korean


10th Grade - White Belt






Walking stance forearm low block


Gunnun so palmok najunde makgi




Walking stance middle front punch


Gunnun so kaunde ap jirugi




Walking stance knife hand low block


Gunnun so sonkal najunde makgi




Walking stance inner forearm middle side block


Gunnun so an palmok kaunde makgi




9th Grade - White Belt/Yellow Tip






Walking stance forearm rising block


Gunnun so palmok chukyo makgi




L stance inner forearm middle block


Niunja so an palmok kaunde makgi




L stance knife hand guarding block


Niunja so sonkal daebi makgi




L stance forearm guarding block


Niunja so palmok daebi makgi




8th Grade - Yellow Belt






Walking stance high front punch


Gunnun so nopunde ap jirugi




L stance twin forearm block


Niunja so sang palmok makgi




Walking stance forearm rising block


Gunnun so palmok chukyo makgi




L stance middle knife hand side strike


Niunja so kaunde sonkal yop taerigi




7th Grade - Yellow Belt/Green Tip






Walking stance outer forearm high side block


Gunnun so bakat palmok napunde yop makgi




Walking stance middle reverse punch


Gunnun so kaunde bandae jirugi




Walking stance straight fingertip thrust


Gunnun so sun sonkut tulgi




Walking stance back fist high side strike


Gunnun so dung joomuk nopunde yop taerigi




Sitting stance knife hand side strike


Annun so sonkal yop taerigi




6th Grade - Green Belt






L stance knife hand high inward strike


Niunja so sonkal nopunde anuro taerigi




Fixed stance middle punch


Gojung so kaunde jirugi




Walking stance inner forearm circular block


Gunnun so an palmok dollimyo makgi




5th Grade - Green Belt/Blue Tip






Sitting stance middle punch


Annun so kaunde jirugi




Walking stance palm obverse hooking block


Gunnun so sonbadak golcho makgi




Walking stance palm reverse hooking block


Gunnun so sonbadak bandae golcho makgi




Walking stance front elbow strike


Gunnun so ap palkup taerigi




L stance twin knife hand block


Niunja so sang sonkal makgi




X stance back fist high side strike


Kyoch so dung joomuk nopunde makgi




Walking stance double forearm high block


Gunnun so boo palmok nopunde makgi




4th Grade - Blue Belt






L stance reverse knife hand outward block


Niunja so sonkal dung bakuro makgi




Rear foot stance palm upward block


Dwitbal so sonbadak ollyo makgi




Walking stance upper elbow strike


Gunnun so wipalgup taerigi




Walking stance twin fist high vertical punch


Gunnun so sang joomuk sewo jirugi




Walking stance twin fist upset punch


Gunnun so sang joomuk dwijibo jirugi




Walking stance X fist rising block


Gunnun so Kyocha joomuk chukyo makgi




Low stance palm pressing block


Gojung so mongdung - I makgi




Closed stance angle punch


Moa so giokja jirugi




3rd Grade - Blue Belt/Red Tip






Walking stance upset fingertip low thrust


Gunnun so dwijibum sonkut najunde tulgi




Close stance back fist side back strike


Mao so dung joomuk yopdwi taerigi




Walking stance X fist pressing block


Gunnun so kyocha joomuk noollo makgi




Sitting stance outer forearm W-shape block


Annun so bakat palmok san makgi




Walking stance flat fingertip high thrust


Gunnun so opun sonkut nopunde tulgi




L stance double forearm low pushing block


Niunja so doo palmok najunde miro makgi




L stance back fist high strike


Niunja so dung joomuk nopunde taerigi




X stance X fist pressing block


Kyocha so kyocha joomuk noolio makgi




L stance knife hand low guarding block


Niunja so sonkal najunde daebi makgi




2nd Grade - Red Belt






Sitting stance palm pushing block


Annun so sonbadak miro makgi




L stance upward punch


Niunja so ollyo jirugi




Vertical stance knife hand downward strike


Soo jik sonkal naeryo taerigi




L stance obverse punch


Niunja so baro jirugi




L stance side elbow thrust


Niunja so yop palkup tulgi




Close stance inner forearm middle side front block


Mao so ann palmok kaunde yopap makgi




1st Grade - Red Belt/Black Tip






Walking stance knife hand front strike


Gunnun so sonkal nopunde ap taerigi




L stance forearm low block


Niunja so palmok najunde makgi




Walking stance reverse knife hand high front strike


Gunnun so son dung nopunde ap taerigi




Sitting stance forearm middle front block


Annun so dung joomuk nopunde yop taerigi




L stance X knife hand checking middle side block


Niunja so kyocha sonkal kaunde yop makgi




Walking stance both palms upward block


Gunnun so doo sonbadak ollyo makgi




There you go RushMan :smile:


Hope this finds you in good health.



Kung Fu Black Belt 1st Dan

GoldDragon Academy


Represenitive for Paltalk.com

*-*-*-*-Mouser (Palhelp)*-*-*-*-*-


which text did you get all this out of?



Javier l Rosario

instructor taekwondo/hapkido

under master Atef s Himaya

"whenever youre lazy enough not to train .someone, somewhere is training very hard to kick your *"


goldragon i don`t know if you heard this before or if never!!


but why dont you write a story??? :idea:

when you do your best it`s going to show.

"If you watch the pros, You will learn something new"




My TaeKwondo Sensi ( Sensi Wang ) emails me input about things and notes that he used on his Students back in the days. So I have his permission to share these with you :smile:




I am too lazy to write a story....lol :lol:


Otherwise my books would be published and you would have my autograph in the book. :brow:



Kung Fu Black Belt 1st Dan

GoldDragon Academy


Represenitive for Paltalk.com

*-*-*-*-Mouser (Palhelp)*-*-*-*-*-


All I can say is...."Thanks Patrick for the "Print this thread " feature....I may read this during lunch time today! (and may post on bulletin board for my students!)


Many of the 'grades' differ but its dependant on the school.


I believe that anyone who does train in TKD should be well aware of it's history. I have read many books and articles pertaining to it's history & tradition and always seem to come away with something new!


Thanks for sharing all that "Readers Digest" version of TKD History with us GoldDragon!







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