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::::Please use ONLY in Defense::::::::




Common Rules Regarding Pressure Point Training


Pressure point applications should only be attempted under the direct supervision of a proper instructor.


Always practice with respect for your partner, using extreme caution and restraint.


Limit practice to 15 minutes per week to avoid overworking points.


In this introduction we will briefly discuss the theories of attacking pressure points, give a general description of the accupuncture meridians along with the corresponding organ, its yin/yang classification, and the assosciated mineral.


Pressure points are usually located on a 'meridian' that corresponds to a specific organ. Manipulating these points will cause different reactions upon the corresponding organ. Locating pressure points requires knowledge of meridian, element, and yin/yang classification.


After learning pressure point meridain location, you must learn the theories of attacking pressure points. Attacking pressure point theories requires knowledge of pressure point location, meridian, element, and classification.




Pressure Point Meridians




Bladder Meridian Conception Meridian Gall Bladder Meridian Governor Meridian Heart Meridian Kidney Meridian Large Intestine Meridian Liver Meridian Lung Meridian Pericardium Meridian Small Intestine Meridian Spleen Meridian Stomach Meridian Triple Warmer Meridian


Pressure Point Attack Theories




Attacking a Meridian Attacking Yin/Yang Cycle of Destruction Diurnal Cycle




:idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:



Kung Fu Black Belt 1st Dan

GoldDragon Academy


Represenitive for Paltalk.com

*-*-*-*-Mouser (Palhelp)*-*-*-*-*-

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lol @ babysteffee


I am not at all smart. Just good on my studies:)


But I do thank you for the compliment. I would like to see your site Moobrack--who knows. I might sign it ( wohoo )




THanks all and God Bless!


Happy Posting!


Will Update more 'knowledge' for you babysteffe!! :bdaybiggrin:

Kung Fu Black Belt 1st Dan

GoldDragon Academy


Represenitive for Paltalk.com

*-*-*-*-Mouser (Palhelp)*-*-*-*-*-




You all are just too kind ( wipes away tear) lol


The worse pressure point I can think off will have to be where the thumb and and pointer finger connect ( right in between) . There are lots more but thats my favorite one :smile:


Any volunteers?.lol jk :grin:


:bigwink: :cowboy:

Kung Fu Black Belt 1st Dan

GoldDragon Academy


Represenitive for Paltalk.com

*-*-*-*-Mouser (Palhelp)*-*-*-*-*-

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