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Footwork Drill, technical question?

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When moving forwards. when should your lead leg move first and when should your rear leg move first. It normally comes naturally when i'm fighting but I find it tricky when doing footwork drills. Is moving your rear leg first wrong? Are they just 2 different methods? which do you use?


A really technical answer would be appreciated as i've been giving this some thought and am really confused. This applies when moving in all directions left, right, forwards and backwards


Thanks for the help! I'm not a beginner to the martial arts but I'm new to boxing drills and footwork. Help!



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The way my instructor explained it to me, the leg closest to where you are going is the first to move. Moving forward? Move the lead leg first. Moving back? Move the back leg first. Moving left? Move the left leg first. Moving right? Move the right leg first.


Although easy to remember, is difficult in practice. When moving forward I tend to natuarally want to move my rear leg forward first, according to my instructor, this is the wrong thing to do. I imagine the reason is that when stepping forward first with the lead leg, you are widening your stance while moving, which in theory lowers your center of gravity, and makes you more stable. If you move your rear leg forward first, it almost comes up and meets the lead leg before the lead leg moves forward, making your stance very thin and weak in the middle of the move. That is the only reasoning I can think of.



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It is really simple.....if you are moving forward or to the left your LEAD leg moves FIRST and your back leg follows. If you are moving back or to the right then your BACK leg moves FIRST and lead leg follows.


Hope that helps.


PS.. Stand in your thai stance and imagine there is a V on the floor, just follow the outline of the V...lead leg, back, back leg, lead leg....

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  • 2 weeks later...
I know I'm just repeating what the other two said but... lead leg first! No matter which way you're going, it's the leg that is closest. (eg: foward = front leg, right = right leg...) Not as easy as it sounds.

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