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self defence from rear bear hug?

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Does any one know a defence from a rear bear hug which works everytime? Mainly on an opponent who is being difficult!!


I used to throw my head back into their face, stamp on their feet then step one leg behind them and stand up to sweep them back over my leg. The result is usually an effective takedown.


Unfortunately when my friend dave attacks he's a nightmare. He doesn't behave like an ordinary attacker would, So this may be a bit of a silly question...


He tucks his head in between my shoulder blades, he has a grip i can't break and he also digs his knees into the back of mine so i can't stand up straight. I can usually get him off balance onto the floor but ideally i want to break free and run away as soon as possible from such an attack. And he doesn't stand still either!


How do you get out of a rear bear hug (with their arms around your body AND arms)?





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Does he train with you? The bad part about training partners is that they know what's coming and can prepare for it. If someone off the street grabs you, do you think they will know the technique you are going to throw?


When I have a male attack me I do all that stomping and sweeping as well. It's effective. The easiest solution (for me) is to sway my hips to the left or the right to expose their groin to my hand and pull it like a draw string. Even if you can't pull out, you can squeeze with your hand. Please be careful though. You want him to come back tomorrow and train again :D

"No Excuses"

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it depends when you attempt to halt the hold


if it's as the hold is taking place a duck and elbow to the groin.


The other kind of defence I can think of is as the bear hug has just taken place - kicking your leg back and up to meet their groin - if they're alot taller than you then your best chance is the shin or the knee


other than that I can't think of many other options

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Drop your bodyweight down (bend your knees) and twist your body hard using the hips, all at the same time...then chop him in the groin. If he doesn't let go of this, or just bends forward, you can throw him, judo style.
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One thing to break his grip, either go for the wrist pressure point (1/2 inch from wrist on the bone side, either side) or go for his pinky only on one hand. Also, if you can't complete a full over-the-shoulder throw, just do a half side-step and lower your center of gravity at the knees, which will enable a throw or toss much easier than over-the-shoulder as it will be more over-your-side. I don't know what this throw is called, unfortunately, only that it has a higher rate of success.

Martial Arts Blog:http://bujutsublogger.blogspot.com/

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It might work to rake your knuckles across the back of his hand anf use your other hand to aid by applying pressure. It also depnds on the size of the opponent, I had this big guy lift me off the groung but he was easily caught with a back kick to the groin.

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Drop your self down (forcefully) into a low kiba dachi as you raise your elbows. Execute an elbow strike to the groin which will bend your attacker forward onto your back. Reach around and execute a shoulder throw to finish the technique. We use this in class and it is very effective. Even though your partner knows whats coming and he is holding you very tight at the very least it will break the hold.

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I had the same problem with bear hugs. I have strong legs, but weak upper body, so for me to go "strength for strength" with a guy (unless he is small) is a bad idea. Some of the advice here I tried (except for the throw one ..... I'm not all that good with throws yet). My fav to do in this situation is rake his shin with my foot (in real life, you'd have shoes on, and it would hurt like hell). Then drop down like gheinisch mentioned, a coupla elbows to the ribs and grion area :D

Laurie F

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Hands up, reach to his tucked face and try to remove an eye or tyo. Hands down, reach down his pants (or the front if you can't get in) and claw/tear at his testies. On top of that, kick his legs and knees if you can, and swing your weight around, and what you are already doing.


Sometimes the fingers are also exposed and can be dislocated. Sometimes they have something in a loaction you can bite. If nothing else, these things ususally break the hug enough for you to go back to what you are more used to.

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My fav to do in this situation is rake his shin with my foot (in real life, you'd have shoes on, and it would hurt like hell).


Another move similar to this is to rake down the instep of the leg, starting high and close-ish to the knee, and then just dragging down all the way to the floor, hitting the ankle on the way by. Paaaainful :dead:

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

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