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Just returned to training...


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Hi all,


after 6 years out of studying karate, I've rejoined my old club and been training for just over a year now and successfuly passed two gradings.


I've got two problems:


The first is speed - over the last year, I've been doing quite a lot of gym work which has meant that I've lost speed in my techniques (most noteably punches). The easiest would be to stop going to the gym or dropping my weights, but that is not the answer. I've read a couple of good threads which stated a couple of good back and leg stretches, but can anyone recomend any stretches or specific weight exercises which would help?


The last is hip rotation. This has always been a pain as I am not blessed with flexibility, but again, are there any specific stretches or weight exercises that may help?


Thanks for your help! :karate:

"Practice makes perfect..."

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I think your flexiblitly will return with time, patience and regular stretching. Mine does when I have to take time off.


As for speed remember that it took time to build it up in the beginning and will take time for it to return with practice now.


Check out the health and fitness area for threads on stretching.

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I agree with the speed part that it takes practice to get it back. However, the practice I think needs to be a little specific. If it's in kicking then zone in on what makes a kick (knee lift, kicking and snapping back and putting it down)... what makes a punch (the pulling arm, pushing the arm out and rotating at the end)... stepping (pushing off the back foot, making sure you don't turn the front foot out as you step, letting your front knee go forward as you step, and run into the step)...


I'm not entirely sure how the strength work should make your speed any slower... I'm not sure about how the body works in that way.. but I didn't think that strength training would decrease your speed unless concentrating on strength work at the expense of trying to get your speed up. However, they do work together a lot. Say for example you are doing shiko dachi in a kata and you need to steep forward into shiko dachi... actually I suppose because you do Shotokan you do kiba dachi more?... (I'm in shito ryu and we do shiko).. anywho... you need a fair bit of strength work in your legs so when you land you have balance etc (and okay.. a bit of flexibility)... and by building your strength in your legs you can balance more.. then test the balance.. that is.. each time you land.. maybe try getting someone to lightly tap you to see if you'd stumble a bit...


but the exploding at the start and the ending starts with twitch fibres and specific practicing on a move and strength to ground yourself...


I'm not sure if I'm making sense to anyone... I know what I'm talking about :P :lol:


Hip rotation (as part of speed) and all the other components of karate that involve speed (a lot of them) also rely on the fact of whether you have fast twitch fibres, slow twitch fibres or something in between. Some people are blessed with fast twitch fibres and when they move they explode and are so damn fast.


What specifically is the hip rotation in? moving from one stance to another? punching?


if it's stances then as I said about blah blah blah..


if it's punching.. then it's a lot of practice.. if you're in Zenkutsu dachi (front stance) then keep the front knee still and the front hip still... what moves is the back hip in... to come in line with the front hip (well this is what we teach)...


for this .. maybe laying on the ground... with your legs bent... and practice pushing off one leg and thrusting one hip into the hair... developing a bit of strength in your leg and learning to push off the leg... and try and explode off each push... push the hip out as fast as you can...


Well I'll end my thesis here :P...


hope I helped a bit :karate:





Stress - The confusion created when one's mind overrides the body's basic desire to choke the living * out of some * that desperately needs it!

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