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During my practise of Zen Style Taichi, shifu says, practise any form of excersie will help you bring up your "Chi" level, to prolong your training, to enhance your health, all with better breathing techniques of "Chi Kung".


Application of "Chi" into your power is call "Nai Kung" or "Inner Engery Strength". Shifu show me a stunt, I push my fist into his stomach, motionlessly, with a single breath act, within his (shifu's) stomach, I felt another "THING" pushing my fist out, very fast. My hand was "thrown" out from his stomach :o


In Chinese, Qigong and Neigong has similarity. Qigong is the air we breath, Neigong is using the air we breath and apply into usage. The stomach stunt is Neigong.


"Wu Dang" master came to Singapore to perform in 1995 along with others. He did a super performance of "Chi Kung" which I will remember for life. A old lady was ask to stand behind a wall. Master stands on the other side and starts to perform. Standing in a bow stance with his palm out stretch towards the direction of the old lady (behind the wall remember). Master slowing retract his palm and the old lady starts to bend backwards, the more Master retract his palm, the more the lady bends, which I think it is impossible for an old age grandma to be able to bend (unless she practise the art of yoga :P )


What master is doing is actually using his "Chi" to manover the "Chi" around the lady to help her bend. In plain english, controlling of air in the environment.

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before i start, i mean no disrespect to anyone and this is just my opinion...


as you said before, chi in chinese simpy means air/breath.


i believe that is was an observation in the good old days that if you can't breath, you can't act. therefore, if you can control your breathing, you ccan control your movements better. just like when we exert force, we breath out to get that little bit more. breath out=exert chi.


unfortunately, it is the chinese nature to tell stories which is where all of the magic energy versions of chi come from. the classic example is the "book of bone and sinew transforming" (yik gun ging). it is originally a book on how to stretch and keep supple and breath properly in exercises but one of the story tellers turned it into a magical book of ancient secrets...


well, that's my two cents....

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well, it could just be that i'm pretty a firm believer of science. wing chun works for me because it is no nonsense and doesn't bother with mysticism. everything is based on the body, and in particular, your own body so not all moves will work for eveyone.


the problem i have with "chi" in the mystic sense is that if it is all true then a move that is used with the correct chi would theorectically work with anyone.


and also, most of the demonstrations i have seen that involve stances and posture and how one way is stronger i see only as being a demonstration of body structure.


once again, i am not deliberately arguing, just trying to explain myself properly. like i said, this was always going to be a messy topic to discuss.

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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I understand completely, and am the same way. It's only after coming up with and doing some double-blind experiments that I came to realize that my dismissal was incorect.


I don't have the answers for you as to what is going on; nor can I go through and clearly point out what is real and not in terms of claims. I can tell you what I've done, and what happened, but you were not there, and have not done it yourself, and so it would just be another claim.


BTW, the experiments were no-contact readings and manipulations with "voulenteers" who were not martial artists and whom I had not told what I was doign (asked if they would "help me with an experiement") and did not tell what to expect.

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Lets all take a brake to look at the lighter side of Chi...


Try going to https://www.yellowbamboo.com


Take a look at the vidoes on this site for extreme Chi action like never before seen ha ha ha ha ha ha.........??


But seriously, chi can be explained as extreme focus of internal energy, it does not have to be thought of as being mystical. Yet there are those out there who can do some amazing things with their chi (yellow bamboo aside :lol:




This energy as some might call it is adrenaline that allows a mother to pull a car off of her dying child.


It is an invisible force that exists simply in our minds, and because we beleive it exists. I tcan then be manipulated to a certain believability.


Chi moves our bodies without thought, as if being possesed, making our movments seem natural and without effort.


This energy can also be drawn up from the ground via deep rooted stances and sinking.


Chi is muscle anticipation, for anyone who has ever done a one inch punch will know what I am speaking of.


Wether or not you think of it as scientific or mystic, it still comes out with the same result.............................................................. Energy!




Very Respectfully wcnavstar

"We work with being, but non-being is what we use" Tao Te Ching

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well, ultimately if it works for you then it's all good.


i'm just not a big fan of the magic in the martial.


after all, most of it IS just about fighting...



post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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Umm, have to disagree wcnavstar,


Adreneline is the adreneline that allows a mother to pick up a car (that and the endorphins that block the pain signils telling her brain how much damage she is actually doing to her own body).


Rooting and sinking have ready biomechanical explanations as well.


FTGU, I'm not saying it's magic; I'm just saying there more than the tricks of body positioning, center of balance, softness, etc. There is a real "something" there; and I can't really describe "what" in useful physcial terms.

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ahhh, but i see it as as those little elements such as positioning and centres and structures that makes it all work... when it works i feel nothing because the pressure applied to me goes straight through me into the ground and the force is dissipated BECAUSE of structure and position.


my main thing against chi is that if it isn't about positions etc then if you are a chi master then you can disregard eveything relating to structures and use only your chi.


as of yet i have not seen any demonstrations that do not rely on body mechanics.

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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