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Powerfull Kicks and Punches


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kicking and punching thin air is not going to make your punches or kicks any stronger. To make the kick or punch stronger you have to condition it using a heavy bag, makiwara. I use both. To strenghen the muscles used in the kick you should do bodyweight calisthenics. Some simple bodyweight exercises for specific karate conitioning is.


Fist pushups: Get into a pushup and rest your upper body onto your first 2 knuckles of the fist (the area you make contact with). Keep your elbows tucked in by your sides so your elbos are always touching your lats or sides.Tense the fist as hard as you can and relax all the other muscles in the body. Keep the abdomen pulled in by rolling the bum in witch in-turn rolls the stomach up, witch will help you to do the push up easier. Go down and make sure your nose touches the floor and using a plyometric movement push your self up as fast as you can. When you get to a sticking point rest at the top and breath deeply and then continue. This will help when you reach a plateua.


Finger tip pushups: Same us above except rest all 5 finger tips on the ground and so you are holding your bodyweight with your balls of the feet and finger tips. Remember when executing any pushup always keep the tummy pushed in since using more muscles in the execution of any exercise produced more co-ordination of power and co-ordination is the best strengh you can have in a fight, and keep elbows tucked into your sides! The more co-ordinated fighter always wins. Never isolate any muscle.


Palm pushup: With this all of the weight on the palm as opposed to the whole hand so you are always using karate techniques.


Back hand: This is very painful at the start but just do it. Place your back of hand together with the other hand so the fingers of your left hand are touching the fingers of your right hand nd vice versar.


Make up you own pushup, even do fourum pushups, and do fist handstand push ups.


Also for legs do spuats. To see ho to do a corrct hindu squat as well as a hindu pushup. http://www.cbass.com/Furey.htm


I do bodyweight calisthnics based on Matt Fureys books. I highly recommend them to be very specific conditioning for combat sports and martial arts. https://www.mattfurey.com





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To develop and explosive and powerfull puch..I usually do a lot of "jumping" push ups...then finish with a sand bag....U can use the makiwara to improve your technique.


For strong kicks, use weights in your legs kick as hard as you can for 5 minutes, 5 series...then take off the weight and kick as hard as you can for 5 minutes 5 series too....


All this worked excelent for me... :kaioken:

Just as it is the clear mirror that reflects without distortion, or the quiet valley that echoes a sound, so must one who would study Karate-do purge himself of selfish and evil thoughts, for only with a clear mind and conscience can he understand that which he receives

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Remember, power comes from your hips and mid-section. Pivot when you punch or kick to get your body weight behind them. Like they say in baseball, "Use your hips when you hit". Also, lift weights, eat protein, and use a heavy bag.

Phil. 4:13

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