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What is a Black Belt

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To me, it's not the piece of cloth you get. It's what you learn mentally and physically. Once I get my black belt, it will mean more to me, because I'm not in a race with anyone. I set mental and physical goals for myself. I joined MA for self defense, but I have learned character. My character has changed. I am a better person.


I believe a black belt isn't just physical. Yes it's just the beginning when one reaches this level. But he/she should be respectful, kind, help others, ect.


As far as teaching, I help teach all the time, and I'm not a black belt. I am not one of the instructors, so to speak. But I am asked or I am willing to help.


When should one open a school ...... I do plan to have my own school, but I would rather wait till I am, at least, a 4th dan. But I want to work for someone else first to get the experience and to learn the business end of running a school.

Laurie F

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A black belt means nothing unless you have had the right training. We once had a black belt from a Mcdojo come to my school. His dad brought him in because kids at school were stealing his jacket on doing things to him and he did not stand up for himself. His techniques were so bad, his kicks were even worse. The black belts from my school worked with him but he gave up because it was to hard for him and all they did were basic kicking.

Where Art ends, nature begins.

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To me belts are stepping stones, short term goals that I aim for every now and then - sometimes they are a reminder of how experienced a person is (I try not to pay attention to belt level but sometimes you can't help it, especially when it's your first time sparring someone - our 1st kyu's and above are allowed to throw a whole lot of other techniques that lower grades aren't allowed to so sometimes I do pay attention.


Black belt is my long term goal in karate, but it's just the representation of that goal. In reality, my goal is to become the best karateka i can be and black belt is just symbolic of that (yes I know i can improve past black belt but that's not my point). I don't see it in time - i could spend 10 years doing the same old things and still be the same skill level I am now, or I can push myself closer and closer to that goal everytime I train or practice. It's dedication.


To me Black Belt is a level of self discipline that will allow my mind to push my body to continue when even my body has given up, the self discipline to calm myself down or walk away in a situation of unnecessary conflict, the self discipline to be confident and because of that confidence stay calm when necessary, the self discipline to smile when I train and I know I need to self correct, and simply do- rather than kicking myself and getting frustrated because I might be in a position where my karate is plateauing or not as steadily improving this is one of my most important a positive attitude and outlook on life.


The body does what the mind tells it to.

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It makes me happy to see so many well thought out posts. I like to hear from each and every one of you what you think on the subject. I am always trying to expand my knowlegde level. I need to gain an understanding not only of what I understand of the martial arts but the views of other martial artists out there.


I hope that the posts and different opinions keep flowing in. So far I am very impressed!


Very Respectfully wcnavstar

"We work with being, but non-being is what we use" Tao Te Ching

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