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karate and jujitsu (plus a fashion statment)

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im thinking about taking jujitsu sometime in the distant future, after ive gotten somewere in my current stlle. i was wondering, how would jujitsu compliment isshinryu karate?


oh yea. allow me a moment of complete inmaturity to compliment all you jujitsu and judo students out there on something ive always admired...: Hakama pants are cool! OMG i have to have some of those things! it makes me so mad that id have absolutely no use for them other than to put them on with my gi top, look in the mirror and say "Dude, i rock!" (see why i dont have a girlfriend? :lol: )

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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I never had Hakama pants when I took judo, nor do any of our jujitsu students wear Hakama, but I know a number of karateka that have them for when they do weapons in tournaments. :D They do look rather sharp.


Anyway, to answer your question about jujitsu/judo and Isshinryu. I think you will find it complimentary. With Goju, I've noticed both the jujitsu and judo help to open my eyes, especially when reviewing for higher level meaning.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.


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dude....no way....are you saying i could get the hakama pants and use them with bo/sai/tnfa???? sweet!!! i also plan on taking sword someday, so i guess either way they come in handy.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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Some clubs have a certain belt level (often yudansha/black belt holder) before you are allowed to wear the hakama, so check with your Sensei.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.


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i have never seen anyone were that at my dojo, but they might. think ill ask a little later, like after i actually start learning a weapon. which reminds me if we learn bo sai and tonfa which do you think he will teach first? im thinking tonfa, because almost everyone in that class is way higher level than me and i never see them pick one up which makes me think they learned it much earlier on. then again that could be deslixic reasoning couldnt it? it could be bo, sai, and tonfa is for the highly afvanced. no...no wait , oh i dont know! which one do you think will be first? god i hope its sai, i love sai's! im finnaly geeting some for my birthday! :D

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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oh yea, wouldnt the hakama pants interfer with kicks?

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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Having never worn hakama pants I can't comment on whether they interfere with kicks or not. I suspect it would take some getting used to, though.


As for the other....my guess would be the bo, but it would say in your manual if it lists requirements for each belt level.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.


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oh yea, wouldnt the hakama pants interfer with kicks?


Yes a hakama will definately interfere with and kicks you want to do.


A bit of history on the hakama. The hakama are usually used only when doing Aikido, Kenjutsu, and Iaido. The main reason for wearing the hakama(other than just looking cool) is to help hide footwork. By obscuring the movement of the feet, the different styles of kenjutsu, iaido, and aikido were better able to keep rival schools from deciphering the secrets of their techniques. Since footwork is everything in Aikido especially it makes really good sense.

Matt Gilliard

Shodan- Yoseikan Aikido

Shodan- Goshin Jujitsu

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yea i read about that. it sounds like a great idea and it works to! they can almost walk entirely behind you before you notice there feet moving, guess that why you only see them in black to (but why would i want them in any other color) oh, and again for reenforcements sake, lets not forget the other very important reason we wear hakama's....THEY LOOK SO COOL!!!! :D

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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