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Attack from a knife

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Yeah, that's what I said attack the person not the knife. Close the distance, but timing is crucial. You also can move at a 45 degree angle to the outside of the knife hand and take him. You're gonna get cut, so do whatever it takes. There's many ways to deal with this, but you have to take what is given to you. I usually carry a small lock blade, so the attacker better know how to use it, cause I do. You may even get killed, but you're not gonna just stand there and do nothing. :)

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who

are willing to endure pain with patience."

"Lock em out or Knock em out"

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Most people using knives don't know how to do it properly - some do know, and they are much trickier to deal with. Either way, they say that a knife is worth 5 years of MA training, so avoid such conflicts at all costs. Run if you can - the options here are survival or death, not victory or defeat.


But if you have forgotten to pack your Bat Dam Jo / Uzi that day...


1. as the attacker comes, angle to the off side - his left if the knife is in his right - this puts the weapon on a longer and more easilly controlled line, and the opponent must turn or overstretch to reach you.


2. attack the eyes, throat etc with all the force you can muster - several times to make sure - at the same time put him down by kicking off a kneecap.


3. take the knife from the attacker, and insert it into his a s s. He is unlikely to die, but for the rest of his life he will miss TV and remember you every time he goes to the toilet.


4. go home and increase your training regime.


Yup - it's a nasty business - but "big boys' games, big boys' rules" - and if he's using a weapon in an unprovoked attack he deserves it all anyway.


Respect to y'all




Self-defense is only an illusion, a dark cloak beneath which lurks a razor-sharp dagger waiting to be plunged into the first unwary victim. Sifu Wong.

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1. as the attacker comes, angle to the off side - his left if the knife is in his right - this puts the weapon on a longer and more easilly controlled line, and the opponent must turn or overstretch to reach you.


Unfortunately you ignore the most obvious and most dangerous solution he can take... simply marching forward toward you.

2. attack the eyes, throat etc with all the force you can muster - several times to make sure - at the same time put him down by kicking off a kneecap.

Agrred but MAKE SURE YOU CONTROL THE KNIFE! Never give up that control for anything else (except perhaps, an opportunity to flee).

3. take the knife from the attacker, and insert it into his a s s. He is unlikely to die, but for the rest of his life he will miss TV and remember you every time he goes to the toilet.


Untrue, there are large veins running in the posterior to feed the legs; these are the arteries that most commonly undergo deep-vein-thrombosis and kill people for sitting in one position too long. Severing one of these will cause him to bleed out reasonably quickly.


Aditionally, there are many nerve onduits which control the legs... you've got a good shot at causing paralaysis.

Yup - it's a nasty business - but "big boys' games, big boys' rules" - and if he's using a weapon in an unprovoked attack he deserves it all anyway.

What he does or odes not deserve is not really a concern... me not being dead tmorrow is. :)

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Personally I think people who use weapons while fighting are cowards. Uncomfertable with the skill they have with out the knife,or club or chain or whatever.


But if one was to be attacked against a knife a good method to learn is to have a partner with a crayola marker and you where some old dirty clothes preferablly something of a light color and practice techniques to rid him of the knife.


If you take away his weapon you will take away his confidence.

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I think some of you might have a flawed idea of what a knife fight is like - others seem to know what they are talking about. As someone who actually practices knife fighting as an offensive art, allow me to give you some insight into how one might defend against such attacks. Grabbing his arm and disarming him? It works great! In fact, a friend of mine who practices Jiu Jitsu wanted to demonstrate his disarm and ended up slashed (with the practice knife thing) across the jugular, stomach, face, and a half dozen times along the wrist and forearm.


Versus A Skilled Attacker




Most knife disarms revolve around you being able to at least decently access the knife hand. The techniques most of the people on this topic have described would be useless. A slashing attack can be executed in a tiny fraction of a second with practice - you cannot even see the blade in motion. The rest of the time a skilled user will be guarding the blade either close to their body or by using the knife defensively. How do you expect to block or grab the arm? Most knives weigh very little and do not make a slow, fluid arc like in the movies. A knife attack by a skilled user cannot be seen coming, unless you are already crippled and they are going to plunge the entire blade into you. By the time any skilled attacker were going to execute a move like that you would likely already have both your wrists cut as well as your throat. Skilled knife users do not have to "wind up" to cause you a fatal injury. They generally do not go berserk and go into a flurry of stabbing attacks or slashing attacks. It's worth considering that knife fighting is a martial art just like any you practice, and your opponent may well have trained as hard as you have. Any distraction technique will not cause them to lose their focus. This, coupled with the fact that their blade is far better at causing harm than your hands are, makes nearly any martial artist outclassed versus a skilled knife wielding opponent. You might as well attempt to fight an electric fence, only instead of an electric shock, you'll be mortally wounded every time you go close.


Versus an Unskilled Attacker




If your attacker has little to no practice with a knife, you at least have a chance. They may hold it in front of them in an attempt to ward you off. This is the only position that can effectively be disarmed. Fortunately, this is the position most commonly assumed by inexperienced knife fighters. The techniques people have listed in this topic may have decent success against this this stance. However, you still stand a good chance of being cut. Some will hold it above their head to bring down on you when you come close. This is fairly simple to defend against if you are much stronger than the attacker. If you are not much stronger... well.. it's still better than the alternative, getting a knife plunged into your back or skull. Against any other stance, you are almost guaranteed to be injured, likely severely. If the knife is sharp, (and most are) and swung hard, it stands a good chance of going DEEP. If it hits your arm it may go right THROUGH. Fortunately you can block or dodge this type of attack if skilled enough. Quick attacks are extremely difficult to block or dodge, but fortunately you can survive a few of them if you have the outside of your arms turned toward the blade.


Versus Multiple Unskilled Attackers




Things don't look good. If you're all alone and they want to kill you, at least try to shout some good last words.


Versus Multiple Skilled Attackers




Pray. You're dogmeat.


Now, the way to defend:


First try to determine if the other person has any skill with a knife. If they pull out the knife and hold it in one of the positions described in the unskilled portion, they are probrably unskilled. If they are skilled, you probrably will not know that they have a knife until you feel something cold on your skin, but they may pull it out and hold it in a combat stance. You can USUALLY identify a skilled attacker who has pulled a knife because they don't generally screw around and play with the knife - they will be in position long before you are in range.


Firstly, RUN! Why do you think soldiers carry knives? Because they are deadlier than an assault rifle at close range. Would you try to fight an attacker with an assault rifle pointed at you?


Failing that, if you cannot run because you are trapped, an injured spouse/friend is unable to escape and you will not abandon them, etc, try everything short of fighting. If they want your money, hand it over.


Failing that, if they just want to cut you for the heck of it.. try to determine how badly they want to hurt you. If they are clearly going to attempt to kill you or someone near you, fight with all you've got. Skilled knife fighters will generally only pull out the knife when they intent to kill you. Many unskilled users will use it only as an intimidation tactic. In that case, stalling for time is the best. They may eventually get tired of harassing you and leave you alone. If they see their intimidation is not working, they will often get frustrated. Sometimes an unskilled attacker will genuinely attempt to harm you. The only good advice I can give there is to try the distraction technique described above. If they are attempting to cause you actual harm getting the first strike may make the difference. If you can surprise them by attacking suddenly mid-sentance (assuming you are within appropriate range) you may be able to cause enough harm before they get re-oriented to remove their knife or cause them to drop it. Being surprised will loosen their grip greatly. Being subsequently clobbered/hit/thrown will often cause it to fall from their hand.


Remember - most street fights will not end in your death even if you lose. Knife fights can result in your death even if the other person did not mean to kill you. A grazing blow/near miss with a fist or leg you will barely feel. A grazing blow with a sharp knife can easily cripple you.

Paladin - A holy beat down in the name of God!

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Versus A Skilled Attacker:


Don't defend against the knife at all... attack the knife. You'll get cut, don't try to avoid doing that... just attack that knife and render it useless as a weapon against you (take it if you can).


Versus an Unskilled Attacker:


Same thing.. you've just got a little more room for error.


Versus Multiple Unskilled Attackers:


Same as with unarmed attackers... deal with the closest first; use him as a shield where possible. Focus on getting your own weapon and inflicting as much damage as possable... take them with you.


Versus Multiple Skilled Attackers:


Give my regards to whatever God you pray to.


Of course, get away whenever possible. Avoid the fight whenever possable. Shoot them whenever possible. Etc.

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Sorry I haven't replied to this sooner....

1. as the attacker comes, angle to the off side - his left if the knife is in his right - this puts the weapon on a longer and more easilly controlled line, and the opponent must turn or overstretch to reach you.


Unfortunately you ignore the most obvious and most dangerous solution he can take... simply marching forward toward you.


I don't understand what you mean. When I face an opponent, I will angle correctly according to his approach - direct, circular, whatever. As a WC practitioner, we go in for that sort of thing ;-).


Of course if he were to jump on my back and slashes my throat before I saw him, it can be more tricky...

2. attack the eyes, throat etc with all the force you can muster - several times to make sure - at the same time put him down by kicking off a kneecap.


Agrred but MAKE SURE YOU CONTROL THE KNIFE! Never give up that control for anything else (except perhaps, an opportunity to flee).


Errr, I HAVE CONTROLLED THE KNIFE. My postioning has put me out of reach of the blade, and my lead hand has contol of his two lines which are both, as I said, off me. And even if he turns to change that - in the split second before I maim him - I'll simply step to a better angle. Again, we practice this stuff with big shiny butterfly swords...


Here's how to try this theory out...


1. Get a friend to stand to your side, with their left hand on your left arm, facing the side of your head (like they were looking at your profile). 2. Turn and touch them with your right hand before they can move out of reach. If you wanna make this lively, tell them that they can slap your head if they get there quick enough.

3. take the knife from the attacker, and insert it into his a s s. He is unlikely to die, but for the rest of his life he will miss TV and remember you every time he goes to the toilet.


Untrue, there are large veins running in the posterior to feed the legs; these are the arteries that most commonly undergo deep-vein-thrombosis and kill people for sitting in one position too long. Severing one of these will cause him to bleed out reasonably quickly.


I'm not a real doctor, but I wouldn't think that tearing the anus with a knife inserted into it would penetrate any arteries. And hey - the dude attacked me with a knife, so if he dies - good.


Aditionally, there are many nerve onduits which control the legs... you've got a good shot at causing paralaysis.


Excellent - I'll remember that :-)

Yup - it's a nasty business - but "big boys' games, big boys' rules" - and if he's using a weapon in an unprovoked attack he deserves it all anyway.

What he does or odes not deserve is not really a concern... me not being dead tmorrow is. :)


Excuse me ? It is a concern - for myself, my loved ones and for society, because I believe that wrongdoers should be punished for what they do. Live by the sword, die by it and all that.


Respect to you all




Self-defense is only an illusion, a dark cloak beneath which lurks a razor-sharp dagger waiting to be plunged into the first unwary victim. Sifu Wong.

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we learn to side snap kick the knife out of there hand before they can get a chance of attacking you with the knife, but if i were defend myself against a knife attack, the person with the knife is trying to kill me, so if he came in with a thrusting stab to my stomach i would shift off the the side and front leg round kick him in the ribs, (breaking his floating rib) and finish him off with a reverse punch.

"When I fight, I fight with my heart,and soul. My heart, and soul is Shotokan Karate."

Shotokan_fighters creed

"karate has to come natural in a fight, if you have to think about using karate in a fight, you will loose the fight"

3rd kyu brown belt - shotokan karate

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