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Sparring with women, not the same as hitting women?

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I like sparring women as well as men. The ladies tend to fight with more strategy and technique than the guys do. Also, you ladies out there tend to go right for the crotch shot. Why is that? *L*


Seriously. At my dojo there were these twins who invariably went for the crotch shot nearly every time they sparred. All the other girls were cool about groin contact. It was just those two. It's possible that some guy did them wrong, and they were taking out their agressions at the dojo. Somewhat understandable, but still not cool.


A few of my instructors back in the day were female. One of them was an olympic gold medalist. If I were to spar her, I'd go all out. Otherwise, I'd get mauled. She'd probably maul me anyway.


That said, I've never gone all out on a girl. I'm a big guy, so I usually have to hold back a bit. I do the same when I spar guys who are smaller or less skilled. I spar with the same intensity, but I modulate the power a bit.

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Well, Hitting women is very bad, however the only way to learn Martial Arts is to spar different people, height sex, weight, shouldn't matter. So hitting a fellow student (in a controlled place) when they have all the gear on souldn't be an issue. I am a larger male than all of the women at my dojo so I don't use full force when I spar with them. The crotch shot is the worse thou... Most of the women are considerate about not kicking below the belt thou. thx for that :)

"Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to go to his class." Choi, Hong Hi ITF Founder

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I spar women just as hard as I do men, in the real world they're going to have to deal with men, so you're doing a disservice to them not sparring with them.


You have to learn to spar with all body types, male and female

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I spar women just as hard as I do men, in the real world they're going to have to deal with men, so you're doing a disservice to them not sparring with them.


You have to learn to spar with all body types, male and female




You got that right! Don't think you're doing me any favors --- I want to know I can hold my own!

KarateForums.com Sempai
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Sparing a woman and hitting a woman (in the sense they are using the word 'hit') is not the same thing. The difference is their intent. They are training, not trying to harm you or take advantage of you. Even in contact sparing this makes all the difference.


When I spar, I treat every one the same. I'll go at it as hard as they are willing, but I don't push it past what they can or are willing to take. I'm still aware that there are some shots you don't take. If a guy has badly bruised ribs, I'd try not to strike him there. When I spar a woman who doesn't have chest protection, I don't hit her there. The intent is not to harm your partner, but still have as realistic a training session as possible in a controled environment.


One other reason some guys don't like to spar women is they may be a little intimidated. Doing poorly against a 'guurl' might embarras them. Again, I think they've misinterpreted things. First, just because someone 'wins' in a controled sparing event doesn't mean they could do it on the street. (Doesn't mean they couldn't, either.) Second, if we train because we think technique counts for something, it makes us liars to say that we shouldn't loose to a woman. But most importantly, sparing women can work the guys in different skills than just sparing other men. Before she moved away, I used to spar regularly with a woman who was about the only person who could semi-reliably kick me in the head. I like to fight in close, and most TKD folks I've fought are toast when you get inside. But this gal would get nose to nose, look you dead in the eyes, and I swear she'd smile about the time her foot made contact with the side of my head. There was no telegraphing movement of hr head or upper torsoe, she never broke eye contact until my face turned over my shoulder! I've never met anyone with as much ballance, flexability, and technique. Every one has strengths they adjust their style to, and not sparing someone is a disservice to them as well as you. I think you need to spar as many different people, from as many different systems, with as many different personal styles, as you can. That includes the opposite gender.

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I held back for awhile. Then my instuctor made me spar 5 of the ladies at once. Needless to say holding back got me no where then. So the next time I sparred I delievered a solid side kick -which was parried- followed by a round kick which knocked the lady for a loop and I felt bad. I hurried to make sure she was okay and got a punch -down there- so I am back where I started. 'To hold back, or not to hold back, that is the question!'


"I aint gonna eat, I aint gonna sleep, aint gonna breath till I see what I wanna see and what I wanna see is you goto asleep, in the dirt permanently"

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