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Sparring with women, not the same as hitting women?

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It is definitely okay to spar with women. My son is also in my dojo and I would expect him to treat the women training there as katateka first and women second during training session. He wouldn't not hit a guy who was six inches shorter than him or much weaker, so why wouldn't he help any fellow classmate train?


Yup, pretty much. :)


On a personal level, I find it quite weird. There's only one guy @ my dojo who will not spar properly with me (ie: he just blocks and throws soft shots), which I respect as his decision. But I find it odd because I feel that in refusing to spar properly with me he is seeing me as a different kind of human being (which is true obviously, but you know what I mean), which makes me feel a little awkward with him. He's perfectly nice, but I will never be entirely comfortable with him like I am the other guys. As an example, the other day one of the guys just strips off his shorts in the middle of the room and I was like "Sweet, it obviously doesn't make any difference to him that I'm here". It's all good.


Also, hitting a woman is as different as sparring is from bullying. I wouldn't smash a guy 20kg less than me any more than I'd expect a 85kg man to try to hurt me (hopefully).

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As a rather large guy, I can say that I don't spar women, kids or smaller guys the same as I spar somone my own size. I don't do it to be discourteous, I do it for safety. If I hit any of the women in my school with even a majority of my strength, I'm probably going to hurt them badly. That being said, I don't go full speed with many in my school. The instructor, 2 of the other black belts and one guy who's as big as I am. Now, I know there are women out there that can take my shots, and deliver them in kind. And, if I meet one of them, then I'll go full speed with them. But every girl in my school is under 5' 6" and 150 pounds. I've got anywhere from 6-11" and 150-200 lb advantage on them. Additionally, none of the girls in my school have that "killer" instinct where they really want to rumble. Maybe if the guys won't go full speed with you, it's reasonable. If you can handle it, kick them as hard as you can, and after a while, they'll return in kind.
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"Hitting a girl" in the abusive context is obviously not right, but what about when a woman hits you in a fighting situation, I have a related incident that I will post if anyone is interested, but I just want to hear some opinions on a man hitting a woman in a self defense situation, how would you handle it?

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i would like to think that i would hit her as i would a man. a woman is a human the same as a man :) with that said, i would try to avoid the situation with either sex :nod:

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"Hitting a girl" in the abusive context is obviously not right, but what about when a woman hits you in a fighting situation, I have a related incident that I will post if anyone is interested, but I just want to hear some opinions on a man hitting a woman in a self defense situation, how would you handle it?


Well, I would feel uncomfortable hitting a girl that I thought was attractive, (only with my fists though, knives or guns would leave no qualms with me) but fortunately, the girls I consider attractive are not likely to be capable of causing me any serious harm, at least unarmed. (I don't mean to be sexist, it's just that the sort of girls I find attractive are generally very petite and usually only about 110 pounds) If it was an ugly, fat or "butch" girl, I'd definately have no qualms about it.

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I agree with all replies. Perhaps if they were told to help them prepare for when someone decides to hit them. I had a husband and wife instructor/school owners both very good.if any male refused to " hit a girl " Michelle would take them on the mat, the will to survive can be a great motivator.

"If you don't want to get hit while sparring , join the cardio class"

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I like sparring women as well as men. The ladies tend to fight with more strategy and technique than the guys do. Also, you ladies out there tend to go right for the crotch shot. Why is that? *L*

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