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Sparring with women, not the same as hitting women?

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I know a lot of guys who dont like to spar with women and when they do have to they will only go with about 1/4 the intensity they usually spar at. I think most guys are afraid of hurting a girl during sparring untill she has proving to them she can take it,( not trying to sound macho or anything). the reason I say this is because I also know 2 girls who, once they hit the mat are considered just "one of the guys" (but they've also been known to lay a few guys out on a couple of occasions during sparring). but of course a lot of it depends on how you(as an individual) spar and how comfortable you are sparring a guy.
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i used to hold back against girls.. then i fought the slovakian womens team and now im scared that if i dont hit them hard enough they will hit me back! :( my hat goes off to them, they are proberly the best karate team i have ever fought in my carrer.
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sparring is how you get better, i think that men who thing they can't spar with women are rather simple in their logic, i love to train women how to fight b/c guys typically have the attitude to under estimate their female opponents, so once i train them for awhile(sparring) and they fight they guy,it is funny to see the guy losing when he was so cocky and arrogant, hehehehee, i love having fun and i think that everyone should spar regardless of sex, a woman can kill just as easy as a man, we are all human after all....

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When I spar against women (or younger kids for that matter) I find myself holding back, and being more cautious, even if we are mutually agreed that we will spar as normal.


Despite what has been said here, I cannot hit a women and would feel ashamed if I did. (Making contact during sparring is a different matter, but I couldn't intentionally "hit")

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i spar depending on the level of the individual, if it is a person with little skill i will work with them to build their skills up whether it be child, woman, man or elderly, if they are good i will go a little harder regardless of sex, and if they are on the same level as myself i will go all out, whether it is a 2 yr old super kid with some mutant or magic powers, man, woman, elderly 97 yr old woman with a walker, or even handicapped, i have met individuals in wheelchairs that are amazing, and others with no arms that could kick like any one i have ever seen on tv, people need to see , that age,sex, race or what ever don't matter is the individual. plain and simple.

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Yes sparring is definately a different story than just hitting a girl. I've only sparred one person in my life who claimed he went easy on me b/c I was a girl, but I wasn't sure if he was saying that b/c I was better than him or what. LOL! I think it's a disservice to women to go easy on us if we have the skills. Obviously you should see how someone fights and their rank and take that into consideration, but you should do that whether male or female, but think about it. In the real world a guy will be attacking the girl most likely and they'll probably be bigger and stronger. So we've gotta get used to fighting people like that. I've learned how to be a better fighter because I've always choosen to spar the big guys. Not to prove anything, but to learn from them and if they hadn't taken me seriously I would'nt have gotten any better than I was when I first started kumite. Just a thought :bigwink:

Sempai Emily

2nd Kyu-Brown Belt

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