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Family Martial Arts

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i love having people watch me practice! especially while sparing! it give you an extra adrenaline rush.i like to show off also, which can be a bad thing. but when i pull off some cool jump kick or a really good spin kick i feel extra good, because people saw me. maybe its just me.





In the road of life there are many paths. If you don't know where you are going, any one will take you there.

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My sister trains with me in the same class...we started together. We also started karate together 6 years ago, and left for kickboxing...and we're both gonna start either judo or jiu jitsu together.


My boyfriend has been doing tae kwon do since he was about 6 years old...and my son is only 10 months old so it might just be a little early for him yet.


Both my parents hate martial arts, and fitness in general though, which is a shame. :uhoh:

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  • 2 months later...

Family martial arts are great I spent much of my training in a family oriented school.


My brother has done kung fu. Now he too is a computer junkie.


I am currently the only non couch potato in the family. And of course they "don't get it".


They were incredibly impressed though when I started to be able to walk again.

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This is also been brought to my attention. It seems that little kids are just pushed through so that the parents don't get mad. I think some little kids don't know what they are exactly doing. There is an 8 year old girl with a blue belt in my school (4th Geup), I think that is crazy. I am a firm believer in having kids start out at the age of 12 at least. Since it takes a good 5 years to complete, these kids will retain what they have learned and not forget it. It is also probabily a good portion of Martial Art club revenue to bring in many little kids. "Oh Don't ya know, they are just so gosh darn' cute". :roll:

Do unto others, as they done to you.

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My daughter started a year after me (when she was 7). But she laid off for a couple years when we moved up to where there were no schools near by. Now she's back in it (12). My son just started (9), and my wife has a problem with her joints that won't allow her to.


It's even more fun now that we finished the room over our garage. We have "family" classes during the week, and go to formal class on Friday nights.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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  • 1 year later...
My wife thought it would be a good idea for me and our son to take Karate together when our church started offering classes. I was hesitant to begin with being 34 yrs. old and all but went ahead and started. Now we have both been at it for 4 yrs. and are purple belts in Hon-Shin-Do getting ready to test for our 3rd kyu brown. And look at me now, posting on Karateforums. :lol: I guess you could say we're hooked! :D :P :karate:

"If your hand goes forth withhold your temper"

"If your temper goes forth withold your hand"

-Gichin Funakoshi

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Yeah, my dad's an orange belt in Aki Jujitsu (we started at the same time, but I moved away and he stuck around) and my brother picked up his green in TKD and was training in Jujitsu with my dad and I, but is taking a break until he figures out what to do. My mom isn't doing anything right now, but is looking at getting into Tai Chi.
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