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Chi - Wat is it?

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Space exists because of the rapid expansion of 4 dimentions in Nth dimentional space.


This may be true. However, space, like time, is physical. So, according to Taoist philosophy, its existence is dependant on chi.

Chi does not seek balance any more than magnatism seeks it (chi does not seek), but harmony is found in balance, and happiness in harmony. The universe exists as polar opposites, and so does everything in it. Thes opposites are contanly working at destroying one another, but at the same time are the seed from which the other grows.


This is a truth of reality, not an aspect of chi.


Chi is the force that drives this seeking for ballance. And these polar opposites are a manifestation of yin and yang. Basically what you say here is true, except that it is an aspect of chi. A magnet may pull a metal bar uphill. Remove the magnet and if the weight of the bar is sufficient to overcome the coefficient of friction, it will slide back downhill to a state of rest. Both force conditions are a manifestation of chi.

And Taiji is not the grand nexus of chi, it's properly Taiji chuan (Grand nexus boxing) and it's a fighting style which draws from grand-nexus principles :)


Taijiquan, or Tai Chi Chuan, is Grand Terminus Boxing (fighting). It is a style developed from and based on Taoism. Tai Chi is a major part of this philosophy, and refers to the force that drives yin and yang. The taiji in Taijiquan refers to these grand nexus principles.

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I'm a taoist.. what are you?


A devout a-hole!


I'm only interested in Taoism as it relates to my arts. My understanding is admittedly limmited, but comes from reading sources like Dr. Yang, Jwing Ming and Waysun Liao, among others.


Is this a philosophy or a religion for you? I'm willing to yield to a better understanding of The Way, though I may have questions. For example, are you saying that space isn't physical, or that the Taoists don't think it is physical? Or that it doesn't concern them? Or have I missed your point entirely, as any of these would be incorrect in my understanding.


The main point of my post here originally was to suggest to anyone interested in really learning about Qi that they go to a qualified instructor and learn it firsthand. We can discuss the details of Taoist thinking all we want, but I'll stand by that point as otherwise discussing the existance of Qi and what it does is pointless.

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Jerry, do you take Taoist Tai Chi? Or are you simply Taoist.


It still blows me away that they don't believe it is to be practiced as a martial art. I had a rather animated discussion one day with someone who insisted T'ai Chi was not a martial art, and he was looking down on karate. It didn't even matter when I showed him the practical application of some of his moves (as I'd been shown by my Sensei, who taught T'ai Chi Chuan, Yang Style)...T'ai Chi was NOT a martial art. :o I guess he's right regarding Taoist T'ai Chi...it isn't truly a martial art unless it is being taught as one. :roll: And here it is on the website of the International Taoist Tai Chi society http://www.taoist.org/english/lineage.php#practice :oops:

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Delta1: the point was that I disagree with your definitions. I've not met any qigong practitioners that made the claims you did there (not saying none exist). I also hold these claims to be false.


Fair enough. We'll just have to disagree, at least untill one of us is enlightened. In the grand scheme of things it isn't that important any how (at least to me, not being a Taoist). So, as far as this discussion, I yield to your deeper understanding.

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It still blows me away that they don't believe it is to be practiced as a martial art.


They can believe what they want, but you are correct. Taiji is a martial art.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I know I'm a bit late to the discussion, but I figured I'd drop my experience in the matter in.


I think we'd all agree that the human body effectively runs on electricity or electrical impulses transmitted through the nervous system to catalyze movement and thought and emotion and essentially all human activity. The meditation aspect of chi kung, along with other benefits, oxygenates the blood at a much higher level than normal and, in my experience, a greater amount of oxygen in the blood seems to increase the amount or intensity of these electrical impulses. Perhaps this is a consequence of the body simply running at a higher level of efficiency. This would explain without a doubt the health benefits of having a lot of chi. Rather, the more accurate statement would be that having a lot of chi would be the effect of having a healthy body that is running efficiently and is well oxygenated.


Consequently, when someone says they have hit someone with a "chi blast," most often he means that he has struck someone in such a way as to conduct this bioelectricity into the other person's body as a sort of "blast" (though no doubt there are those who claim to be able to hurl balls of energy at people and such. I suppose I am skeptical of this, but if I were to experience it in some way, I would consider it with a more open mind). On an even more rudimentary level, simply having a greater amount of chi in your body will allow your body to utilize your muscles at a much greater efficiency. I have noticed that simply doing chi kung as a supplement to my normal training has made my strikes harder and harder. From my own experience with feeling chi in my body (strongest after I have finished doing some kind of chi kung), it feels like sticking my finger in an electrical outlet.


I'm of the opinion that the earliest Chinese and Indians who felt this sensation did not have the sort of knowledge of electricity/magnetism and human biological mechanics to associate this sensation and this energy to the completely natural and physical kind of biological energy that it is. Thus, this conception has stuck around for several thousand years and in the contemporary world, this sort of mysticism is looked down upon as gibberish and new-age garbage when, in fact, it is more likely that those who teach it using the classically Taoist conception simply have not modernized it due to their own ignorance of simple biological and physical functions.


P.S. JerryLove, we train at the same school (though I go to the Carrollwood one).

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Master Yang Zhen Duo original blood member of the yang family said that chi is the universal energy, the air you breath that fills our lungs is chi, now many stylists have diff interprtstion of it say example in kijitsu ki is interpreted as combat energy more like a ki sheild persay. While practicing qigong you learn to elevate your chi by breathi8ng techniques moving and stationary meditation like taichi. Know ethere you can beleive in chi or not that is all all though there are diff level of chi, in highest level ur chi becomes shen/spirit. If ever practicing to increse chi my sifu told us one thing dont't practice tai chi for the result of chi just practice and it will come."Dont work for the fruit of the action..." Good luck all :wink:

"Sweat more in the dojo,bleed less in the street"Kajukenbo fighters axiom.

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Chi means or is:


breath, vapoir, air, steam, vital fluid, force, temper, feelings, human energy, and the psychophysical power associated with blood and breath.


And energy comes from the heart.


Understand what chi is now?

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