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Chi - Wat is it?

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Chi, Ki and Prana are just word and have whatever meaning we give them. Chi being real or not all depends on how you define it.


Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming, in his book “The Root of Chinese Chi Kung” defines Chi as “any type of energy that is able to demonstrate power and strength. The energy can be electricity, magnetism, heat or light.” He goes on to say that most people have too narrow a definition of Chi. He lists some examples of some of the kinds of Chi as follows.


Diann Chi- electric power


Reh Chi- heat


Ren Chi- the body energy of a living person


Jeng Chi- the spiritual strength to do good


Chi Shyh- the moral of an army


Goe Chi- ghost Chi


Tian Chi- Heavenly Chi


Hwo Chi- the energy of living things


Chi is energy itself and can be used to describe the state of the energy. By this definition Chi is real and is easily proven. Chi can be wacking someone up side the head, talking your way out of a fight or the sensations you get in your body when meditating.


If you live a couple of doors down from what most of us call reality, Chi as you define it probably doesn’t exist. (either watched too much DBZ or played too much D&D…)


About the only way you can argue with this is if you dispute the fact that kinetic, electric, heat and light energy exist… Good luck! Check out the book. It’s a bit thick but has lots of good info.

"There is only one tactical principle which is not subject to change; it is, 'To use the means at hand to inflict the maximum amount of wounds, death, and destruction on the enemy in the minimum amount of time.' " Gen. George S. Patton Jr.

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i don't know much chi is what you call the energy inside u that lets u run, jump, sing, everything that takes energy in your body a person with greater chi will be able run faster then a person with less chi.

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okay, my grandmothers side has a deep influence of druids, i myself being born in ireland. she taught me a sleeping curse once but my clan was supposedly really good at summoning people. let me see if i can get you the one person on this site i KNOW can help you.




I dont know if that worked or not, either way you should deffinitly ask Jerrylove about this, the dudes a freak-in genius on this subject.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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Hi i really want to learn more about chi and how to improve my chi.
By the word "chi" itself means the air that you breath. To improve your Chi means to able to breath better, simple?


"How about those Chi Kung?", you might ask. Chi Kung is routine sets that you practise to further enhance (not improve) and accumulate your air within your body.


There are 2 basic Chi Kung, inner and outer. Lets talk about outer as it is much more easier to "say". Outer Chi Kung or Hard Chi Kung is a practise to harden your body (head, hands, body, legs, fingers). More indepth will be practise of our blood flow, vein reactions, chinese medicines...


Inner Chi Kung or Soft Chi Kung is the practise of building and withholding (or trapping) air in our body to prolong our daily activities. "Chi" can be use for healing purpose. A good chi kung master can use his chi to heal another patient but that require to giveup his chi to the patient.


Meditation has the effect of Chi practise but not the focus point. Chi Kung must be impart and not self-train...

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More like the depths of Key West (I was on vacation)... but I appear :)

Hi i really want to learn more about chi and how to improve my chi.


The practice is called qigong [chi-gung]. Ideally you would start with a qualified instructor and can then move out on your own. Without at least a practitioner, it's hard to tell real sesnations from false ones. What kind of help are you looking for?

Chi, Ki and Prana are just word and have whatever meaning we give them.


So are "car" and "dog"; but the meanings are not flexable.

Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming, in his book “The Root of Chinese Chi Kung” defines Chi as “any type of energy that is able to demonstrate power and strength.

Then he's making up his own words; that's not a legitemate interpretation.


But you raise a good point. I know what Chi is, but individuals asking may not. That said, I don't assume the poster has a false impression unless he indicates so.

don't know much chi is what you call the energy inside u that lets u run, jump, sing, everything that takes energy in your body a person with greater chi will be able run faster then a person with less chi.

That conclusion is demonstrateably untrue. Let's walk through the logic:


You claim that Chi is how you run, so the guy with more chi will run falster than the guy with less.


You claim that Chi is how you jump; so I presume you would say the guy with more chi would jmp higher.


The paradox comes in the fact that a sprinter will outrun a high-jumper; and the high-jumper will out jump the sprinter. So who had more chi?


Hence we see the paradox that devalidates your logic :(

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i didn't mean it that way it came out wrong what i mean is chi is like energy, i don't have a lot of time so i'll be back and try to explane what i mean sorry for not giving a good explanation earlier

Fighting out of hate brings only disgrace.

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i don't know much chi is what you call the energy inside u that lets u run, jump, sing, everything that takes energy in your body a person with greater chi will be able run faster then a person with less chi.


You are talking about jing, which is a manifestation of chi but not the same thing.

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Chi is the eternal power that both binds and moves the universe. It is inherent in everything, as without it nothing would exist, including empty space. Chi includes, and seeks ballance between, constructive/regenerative and destructive/degenerative forces. Chi seeks ballance, therefore both nature and physics seek ballance. Chi is life force, original, ultimate, or intrinsic energy. Tai chi is the supreme ultimate, or grand terminus. It is the force that seperates yin and yang (opposites). Yin chi and yang chi are forces that are in flux but seeking a stable state of ballance or harmony. As one ascends, the other descends, As one ends, the other begins. These forces are inherent in all living things as well as the laws of physics which govern all matter.


So, there you have a thumbnail sketch of the roots of Taost philosophy and CHI. It relates to the martial arts in every aspect, starting with the psycological interplay leading up to conflict through to resolution of confict. The ebb and flow of combat is the struggle for ascendancy of one and the descendancy of the other. It is the search for peace through the use of violence. Even the moves are based on this philosophy. Opening and closing your center line as you move is yin and yang. Movement itself is your basic chi converted to jing and applied to the opponent (along with a dose of li). The chi usually refered to in martial arts is a higher, or more developed energy. It relates to the mind and control of chi, or energy. The highest manifestation of chi is shen, or spirit.


There you have it. You expected maybe feelings? If you want to feel your chi, go to a knowlegable instructor and learn some basic Chi Gung (Quigong). Reading about it on the net, you'll get more out of the philosophy as it relates to the roots of your art(s). You can't experience it in print.

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Hmmm, this Taoist feels otherwise.


Space exists because of the rapid expansion of 4 dimentions in Nth dimentional space.


Chi does not seek balance any more than magnatism seeks it (chi does not seek), but harmony is found in balance, and happiness in harmony. The universe exists as polar opposites, and so does everything in it. Thes opposites are contanly working at destroying one another, but at the same time are the seed from which the other grows.


This is a truth of reality, not an aspect of chi.


And Taiji is not the grand nexus of chi, it's properly Taiji chuan (Grand nexus boxing) and it's a fighting style which draws from grand-nexus principles :)

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