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What should I disgaree with in your post Fireka, as I missed it?


In terms of traditional schools- all but two of the list I gave KA are traditional in makeup. The other two will have kept a lot of the original but updated some of it- how well I do not know.


Its a great idea that martial arts are for perfecting character but in the real world you don't see a lot of it unfortunately. Amongst high ranking grades in many different arts you can find the same levels of pettiness, ego, bad impulse control etc. as you would in the general population. That doesn't mean there aren't decent high level people but there are too in everyday life.


As you know I myself am primarily self preservation focussed but that doesn't mean I don't have an interest in tradition and culture. Taijutsu is a lot older than karate and has so many areas of study that it isn't really a martial art, more a way of life that contains martial arts. I know you can live karate as a way of life if you are a budoka but I hope you get what I mean.


After 'Nin' can come 'Po/Ho' and 'Jutsu'. One signifies Eternal truth and one, as in other arts, the baser levels. 'Do' would come in the middle, as the 'way'.





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