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Fight Scenario


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OK. Given

wouldn't know unless I was actually in the situation. Playing "what if" is as foolish as thinking you will foil a mugger with your trusty 670degree spinning back heel summersault split landing handstand kick.


that Hobbitbob is dead right, and Neil has made some valid observations here's my extra thoughts.


You need to avoid technique log jam. The generally accepted way to negate this as much as possible is to have only a couple of opening shots that you train over and over so that your conscious brain isnt too involved in the choice process. Stripping away is more important than building up collections of techniques. These choices must be able to be applied with gross motor skills due to the adrenalin rush and they must be good fight stoppers. The chin jab (palm heel) is a good example from the combatives people and I know someone who has used the palm heel to forehead to gain high knockout percentages on first strike and there are some others too. Having said that if you dont get these in first then you are in a free form situation which isn't a place I've enjoyed being in, given the possible outcomes. Here hopefully your bunkai will give you some options but again you need to keep it simple.

If that encounter happend to me I would probobly forget all the street fight techniques and just start punching like hell.


and aliveness training is needed to give you experience in dealing with adrenaline so as to overcome this last point as much as possible.


Also don't underestimate the power of aggression. The ideal state of 'no mind' the arts strive for maybe workable for the greatest artists but generally you want to tap into your animal instincts.


I would like to emphasise that this post is intended for information purposes only and no martial techniques are to be used unless you feel your physical safety to be in serious immanent danger. Be aware of the law and how it affects you.


Best wishes



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But surely training for situations and having some tactic in your head is the best way to prepare for it if you were ever attacked. I have heard from so many people, mainly in these forums that reherseing and preparing for these situations is one of the best ways to prepare yourself when it actully happens.

"When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee

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But surely training for situations and having some tactic in your head is the best way to prepare for it if you were ever attacked. I have heard from so many people, mainly in these forums that reherseing and preparing for these situations is one of the best ways to prepare yourself when it actully happens.


Yes, but only if the situation training you do is flexible...you don't want to freeze in the middle of your self defense because your attacker didn't do what they were "supposed to". :lol

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.


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