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Fight Scenario


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What would you do in this situation ie. what combos, techniques etc would you perform:


A man storms towards from the front (about 10ft away), he's obviously very angry with you and he looks like he is going to swing for you instantly when he gets in range, at the same time his friend is coming at your left flank (he's 5ft away) they are both very angry (maybe drunk). You are cornered so you cannot escape. What do you do? :(

"When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee

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So in other words, we have a guy coming from the left and another from the front. Might as well put it in order of proximate threat. With only this info to go on, the possibilities are almost endless. But how am I cornered? If they are the distance you say they are, then there is still a slight gap.


As the first guy closes I reach out with one hand and throw him into the other guy, then I straighten out my cape and go home. ;)

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I wouldn't know unless I was actually in the situation. Playing "what if" is as foolish as thinking you will foil a mugger with your trusty 670degree spinning back heel summersault split landing handstand kick.



There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm!

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move your feet so that attacker 2 is behind attacker 1 and you dont have to be fighting on two different directions


i'd rather deal with 2 attackers from one direction than two directions


what i'd do after that would probably get my ass kicked - but i'm more the kind of person that uses my surroundings as well as my training - if i have something in my hand i'd throw i'd be throwing it at whoever is closer's bridge of their noise to stun them

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Theorizing about what to do in a fight is very foolish becasue in a real fight you will never do what you would do in theory. If you practice a jutsu art and practice the applications from the kata against a live fit oppenant trying to resist you can start to see what a real fight is gojng o be like. But doujng these what if scenerios is a complete waste of time as there is hundreds of ways you could get attcked.


personally I would spit in the eyes of the first person then kick him in the crutch then smash his face in, next guy you could poke in the eys then shove your hand down his mouth and if a life or death situation presented itself, you can shove the hand down enough so the person dies instantly.


others things could be headbuts, tearing ears, biting nose off or ear, smashing down onto chest resulting in heart failure and death instantly.


To theorize about these situations is pointless, becasue in the end of the day it is all in how you react in adrenalin. If that encounter happend to me I would probobly forgett all the street fight techniques and just start punching like hell.



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curl into a fetal position and cry while calling 911 on my cell phone.

Probably the wisest answer so far! :D

There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm!

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