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What style of karate do you practice and what is it like e.g. do u use low deep stances, many kicks, spar full,semi,no contact stuff like that???i ask because i know nothing of any other styles of karate i only no a lil' bit about my own. :-?

I'd quote bruce lee but to me he's just another person who got lucky

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I practice isshinryu, its an okinawain hybrid. we use natural stances, block with a slightly diffrent part of the arm than most styles, but the most distictive and talked about diffrence is in our punch. we dont use the corkscrew punch at all, all of our punches are at verticle angles and should require little to no twisting of the wrist. we have some katas that are singular to our style and we practice the bo, sai, and tonfa.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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i am not in karate but i do practice tae kwon do. we use low stances and we kick most of the time. it depends on our level at how we spar. mostly full contact though.

Tae Kwon Do

15-years old


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i study kyokushin karate.its the karate style made by mas oyama.we also use natural stances,blocks, kicks (from waist).its full contact, bare knuckled but no punches allowed to the head.
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I practise shito-ryu and wado-ryu. Wado-ryu has high stances and the hand blocks are high and it's semi contact in that stye and almost no breathing at all! (which is not positive).


In shito-ryu, there are a bit lower stances and the hand blocks are done into the middle of the stomach. I prefer that more, because it is more comfortable or better to do (well, at least for me it is). They breath a bit more in katas than in wado-ryu and less than shotokans do. Shito-ryu doesn't have so many kicks in the katas, but there are quick and effective punches and blocks which makes the whole kata more effective than wado-ryu.


Shotokan has very low stance and the breathing is over the limit, it's not so good to breath to much in the kata, because when you breath out all the time, you waste your energy and that's why the punches and blocks, kicks look a bit slow.


That's what I know. :)

Kill is love

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Started out in Wado, from 1981-1991. Shotokan from 1992-2003 (with a little Hayashi Ha Shito Ryu thrown in for good measure.) Now doing Seibukan Shorin Ryu.


Martial girl, breathing is very important in Wado Ryu. You may still be at the point where it is more important to worry about "what am I doing next" than about inhaling vs. exhaling on a techinqu. Incidently, one of the two Kata that are used by WKF to "typify" Wado is Sesan, a breathing Kata.


I'm curious how learning Wado and Shito side by side is going? The two styules are quite different in emphasis!

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Focus on low stance early in rank but as you work towards black you begin to work more freestyle stances.


Shotokan is a nice mix of punching and kciking. However the style is built arround blocking and the counter punch but to say it favors punching over kicking IMO is not true. 55/45 split.


One of the great things about Shotokan is you can spar any way you wish. Its powerful and fast enough to be used in full contact events and is often a base style of many MMA's. At the same time it has enough freedom in it that many top point fighters will use to because of its focus on shifting and counter attacks.


Big focus on kata.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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HUH? Breathing in Wado?? Nobody in Estonia breath in Wado! :-?






The shitei kata's here in Estonia are: Chinto and Seishan, those two kata's are the main kata's. I haven't heard that in Wado they breath.


Well, not like in Goju-ryu. I mean, Goju-ryu is the style where they do exhale and inhale techniques, but in Wado?


Guess why my club now is focusing on shito-ryu?


Because in shito-ryu there are exhale and inhale kata's, like: Seienchin - that's a real breathing kata! But Wado kata's? I don't think so.


Anyway, that's who it is in Estonia, maybe it's different in other countries. :roll:


BTW, I'm not at that point: "what am I doing next". I don't need that.


Because, I focus on shito-ryu right now with my instructor and I don't study every day a new Wado kata where I have to think: Ok, now I have learned this kata, what is the next one? I've got to learn a new!


That's not me, dude. :)


Oh and you were wondering about how learning two different styles side by side.


Well, when we train some techniques at the training, we train like this:


The instructor says: Now do the long cat stance (wado). And then we do it two times, and then she says: Now do the short and low cat stance (shito). We train like that with other techniques too, and it's really good!


The students can choose which style suits with them most and then they choose which kata from which style is best for them and they do those kata's at competitions! It's very good to have two styles in on Dojo. Like 2 in 1. lol :lol: But it is great, because when I only did Wado once, then my shuto uke was kinda.. 'cold' and hard. But when we started to focus on shito-ryu, and now when I try wado's shuto uke, my shuto uke blocks faster and more simple, much better!


So, two styles makes each other prefect, like staying in balance! :)

Kill is love

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hi... i'm a shito karateka too...


i was wondering if anyone here that's also in shito could help me on this:


In wich kyu do you learn Matsukaze, Shinpa and Annan?



If you could improve yourself in only three or two months, everybody would be invencible...

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I practice Trodai Karate. It consists of a blend of many different styles of karate, with a strong focus on self defence. Our stances are high and there is a good mix of punching and kicking (Although there are slightly more puching techniques). When you get to purple belt you train heavly in grappling and floor fighting. We sparr in semi contact. Stick fighting is the only weapon we use, that is studied briefly at black belt level. Knife defence is a large part of are style. Trodai karate is fast and powerful.

"When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee

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