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Personally I dont think I could grab the blade with my hand, I wouldn't dare!

"When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee

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I probably would be nervous in a fight but would keep my guard up.


If im in my on guard stance the chance of the opponent throwing a windmill punch to my head is pretty high. I block and wind them with a kick to the floating ribs. Everyone go's and helps him up and start going ur snide to me and chase me. Well that would happen at my school.


One must be like all changes of state.

Solid - Tough and strong!

Liquid - Relaxed and make your techniques flow!

Gas - Fast!

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from my experience you should never try and guess what an attacker on the street is going to do... all that does is make you setup a combo in your head that fails completely when you try to excecute it.


i have had my fair share of street brawls with all types of characters. and in at least a few of them there was something i could of done to end the conflict before it got physical, and that would of been the best thing to do.


but since everyone has already been through this speech, i am skipping it.


since the biggest part of this topic seems to be on knife defense [something i have put a lot of work into, considering the likelyhood that an assailant on the street will have one and won't hesitate to pull it out] here is a training method i have tried before, it's very common sense and most of you will go "oh yeah, that is nothing genius" but here it is. if you have a good friend that trains with you at the dojo or is just interested in helping you out, then run down to your local costume shop and purchase a reasonably sized plastic knife replica. give it to your friend and tell him to just come at you with it with the idea of ending your existance. and you do your best to take it away, put the limb with the knife in a position to be broken, or damaging your assailant enough so that he is in no position to pursuit you when you get away. even if all of this fails and you spend most of your time just retreating and evading the swings and stabs, at least you get used to dealing with the weapon. but just remember, this type of excersize will not make you a knife deflecting machine and unstabable. The attacker on the street will more then likely me much more aggressive and forceful then your friend is [depends on the friend]. it is just like dojo practice, and hopefully it will better your chances...

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Practicing with plastic fast food knives works for me, especially since you can still be scratched quite nicely with the serrated edges on the things! It adds a small amount of realism!

There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm!

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good point.. if you spend some time with the plastic replica knife and it is just not doing it for you cause your not scared... then just take a kitchen knife and dull the blade down on peice of granite, then brake the tip off... this makes the knife about 80% less lethal, however there is still enough danger to get your blood pumping... but i recommend spending some time with the plastic replica first.
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A good trick my teacher implies is getting a rubber knife and rubing lip stick on it. If the knife touches you it will leave a mark which represent blood. I havn't done this but he uses when he goes on courses and people have all these theories and dreams about how they will herocially disarm an assailant with and age uke or gedan barai and then punch oui zuki. What must happen to their beleifs when they are taught the truth about knife defence. Most likely and the best thing to do is just run.
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I have seen fights start with the to people face to face doing the chest or belly bump. My sensi taught me that you should not let a man get that close to you, it is your personal space. If a guy tries to get into your face, raise you hands up chest high with the palms faceing out. Take a step back and tell him to stay back I do not want any trouble. If he steps in again you attack.


He was warned and bystanders have seen that if ther are any. The second time he came in, his advance is considered an attack.

Where Art ends, nature begins.

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I have to disagree on this one. "Alpha Males" are fond of invading each others personal space and getting chest to chest, nose to nose, screaming at the top of their lungs at each other, pointing fingers in each other's faces, etc... before begning to swing. These are often bloody, brutal fights!

There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm!

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