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Okay, using karate if you were attacked would you use all your techniques you've learnt, would you enter a clear stance, keep your guard up high, would you use any high kicks. I'm just wondering what you would be thinking in a real fight situation and how you would react to it. Many people lose there composure and just throw a load of crude punches without any thought to what they have learnt.

"When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee

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Well, It would depend on how you were attacked. If you were choked from behind, you wouldn't set a stance, you'd just try to get out first. If you know you're gonna be attacked, you can be better prepared. My opinion is that some MA focus to much on "If I was attacked" and not if you're going to attack.[/b]
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I honestly think it depends on training if you have never sparred full contact/been in a fight/compete in a full contact event then you are very unlikely to use alot of technique imo...
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I'd use mainly punching techniques, keep the kicks low and stay in a left stance. I think kicking high is dangerous towards the kicker, they can be easly intercepted besides a good low kick in the groin or shin can do extesive damage.

"When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee

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no matter how i was attacked, i would use what ive learned but i would also be merciless, understanding that its a potentialy life threatning situation. This means targeting the groin, eyes, low kicks to the knee cap, punching the opponet while he is down, whatever i have to do to make sure i can get away with out being followed. it seems to me that i have drwan a big line in my training, spliting it between self deffense and my true passion, competetion. in competion my secret weapon is that my right leg is like a shot gun, in self deffense, it seems my knee jabs are my best friends.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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You use whats the situation give you. However I do not teach or focus on high kicks I think they get you hurt. As far as hand placement. To each his own. Lots of times with street fights you don't have time to get them up because you are already hit.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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Fireka you said u would be merciless and punch a man whens he down, but when would u finish the attack? when he's totally imobilised, when he's dead? MA's teach self defence I think that attacking like that is very dangerous. I do agree that u should attack with very little mercy towards your opponent for your own self preservation but you must draw a line somewhere.

"When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee

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In a basic street fight, if you have a background in martial arts I find that you will fight instinctively but with some of your karate background mixed in as well. For example, often the blocking techniques that we learn in AK are unreasonable, so I find myself disregarding them but using some of the techniques that have been programmed into my mind as instinctive.
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Hi Rich


Most of the answers you'll get here are by people who have never been in a life threatening situation so 'pinch of salt' might be a phrase used here.


To answer your question.


Entering a stance: If you saw another post I wrote you will remember that stances are frozen moments in time, part of movement stopped for demonstration purposes. So no you wouldnt do anything that daft. If you are attacked you will be in some form of 'shizen' or natural posture. Your first strike (if you have any sense it will occur before theirs) will probably move you into a more zenkutsu position and here you will move into whats appropriate for further attacks.


High kicks: For your average person these are pretty dodgy- and chances are the action will start closer and 'in yer face' negating much chance- to use them, so if you kick low kicks are the order of the day.


Guard: Most situations unless you are attacked by surprise will start with some verbal exchange. At this point a 'fence' should be raised- kind of a non-threatening hands up posture which leaves your hands poised for a hopeful 'one shot finish'. If they touch your fence- BANG!


To some others: Real fights are sloppy. Real karate looks quite different to generally what is taught. People who have never fought in the street against a thug should remain silent on the subject. Wisdom is teaching what you know and listening when you don't- many karateka need to have a bit of ego-lessening, even if they are young and impressionable. After all if other people take on board what you say and then get hurt when it all turns to sh*t you must take some responsibility for the outcome.





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I have aften taught a "guard" during the pre-altercation verbal phase of an encounter should be something like both hands in front of the body palm to palm in a "contemplative" attitude. From here one can block or strike of grab as neccesary. ANY technique should be executed from Shizen Tai, the "natural" position. Even the various "stances" are variations of Shizen Tai.


As far as head kicks, I have always said that the first kick might not be to the head, but the fourth or fifth one might be. :) I am not willing to sacrifice stability for flashiness.

There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm!

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