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I just wanted to say hello.


I have been in the martail arts since 1964.I am the founder of Tae Su Jutsu. I look forward to talking to everyone.




Kyoshi Deborah R. Williams 7th Dan


Founder/Senoir Instructor Tae Su Jutsu


[ This Message was edited by: Patrick on 2001-06-16 11:47 ]

Kyoshi Deborah R. Williams 7th Dan

Founder/Senoir Instructor Tae Su Jutsu

Board member International Martial arts Association.

"Before destruction one's heart is haughty, but humility goes before honor."

Proverbs 18:12

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Wow 7th DAN! Please tell s a little about the style you practice. Welcome. It is a real honor to have you here. :smile:



Lars Østergaard


Oh and isn't Kyoshi the highest Japanese master title? I know a sensei that is 74 and he has 7th DAN in Jiu-Jitsu, and he is a Kyoshi, and I know a guy that has 5th DAN and he is a Renchi.



Lars Østergaard


welcome sensei taesujutsudrw


please tell us more about your innovative style


and insights to the martial arts.


with humble respects.







rushman (karate forums sensei)

3rd dan wtf/kukkiwon

"saying nothing...sometimes says the most"--e. dickerson


Kyoshi is a Japanese title..but not the highest. Hanshi is the highest...or at lest that is what I was taught. I use Kyoshi..because the Korean title is Sambomnim which means "Master teacher". As a Christian since my Master is Jesus Christ..I can not allow anyone to call me that...just a personal thing.


In class I use my Chinese title. Si-Jo, which is used for both males and female...it means founder of a system.


Tae Su Jutsu is a combination of Wing Chun, Tae Kwon Do, Tang Soo Do, and American Freestyle. It is my system...and it is geared to allow the student to learn to defend themselves earlier, than in most traditional systems.


I have been in the arts, since age 11...so to me it is a complete way of life. I hope I can contribute to the discussions in the great forum. :smile:


I am looking forward to speaking with each of you.


Take care, and God bless.




Tae :wink:



Kyoshi Deborah R. Williams 7th Dan

Founder/Senoir Instructor Tae Su Jutsu

Board member International Martial arts Association.

"Before destruction one's heart is haughty, but humility goes before honor."

Proverbs 18:12


Haven't you removed many traditions from the martial arts that you have combined then?


Or do you just educate them in where to hit and how to react without them needing any 'special' physical requirements?(As in being very flexable)


I know a lot of people that would like to go to an effective self defence form, but won't go to those with all of the bowing customs and katas. Very sad.



Lars Østergaard


I haven't removed any of the traditions.


My students still bow,learn Hyungs, and everything just like I did. As far as combining them..it has just made the system stronger.


You can not have a true martial art without the tradition...besides my students are also required to know the histories of different styles.


In most styles it takes three years to achieve a Black Belt status. in Tae Su Jutsu it takes 5.


I stated that it is a system.to prepare the student to be able to defend themselves earlier, so please allow my to expalin.


In the traditional systems...a student is a Green belt before they can defend themselves effectively...in this system. they can do it by the time they take their first belt test.


The students are taught twice as much as in the traditional system...and they do their punch, block, and kick, always in combinations..never just up and down a mat.


In traditional systems..in order to recieve a 1st degree black belt..the student must know 9 Forms(also called hyung, kata, poomse), my students must know 18. 9 Fighting forms..and 9 traditional(I created 27).


I am in know way saying that my system is the best, I do not believe there is a best, but it is in some ways a more advanced system, as far as the way it is taught. I do not teach my students just enough to keep them, coimg back for years...I teach them as much as they want to know.


We have a belt system as follows:




No stripes...just solid colors.


Have a good one.




Tae :smile:



Kyoshi Deborah R. Williams 7th Dan

Founder/Senoir Instructor Tae Su Jutsu

Board member International Martial arts Association.

"Before destruction one's heart is haughty, but humility goes before honor."

Proverbs 18:12


When you say that your style is a combination of Wing Chun, Tae Kwon Do, etc., what is the percent make up of each one? Is it 75% Wing Chun or is it an even 25% of each style? Which one is more emphasized?



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