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why train


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I have scne a lot of post similar to the one im creating now. basiclly, im doing the martial arts one, to perfect my character, two because i LOVE Asian cultures and three, to compete in a tournament setting, perhaps professionaly. this is were some people stick there tounges out at me. perhaps for one thing because they dont see self deffense on that list anywere. will, thats not really why im doing it. sorry. i mean ill learn it and everything, and im sure it will come in handy as i may be doing some work in law enforcement/security. but i just love the combat sports. i love the ring, i love the two go in one comes out mentality of bruteness that goes with the theroy of the ko. i love how the crowds seem to be in combat just as much as the fighter. Litsening to 'Eye of the tiger" gets me feeling all warm and glowing inside and i just get excited thinking about it. (please, no one tell me i should be oing boxing then, i dont want to!) so i just want to know if anyone treats there style as i do, or has these emmotions and if not what are your opinions on my purposes (all three of them) for becoming a karateka.


:kaioken: ~~~Fireka

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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In many ways you seem to be the sort of child who benefits from Karate. You display a chip on your shoulder the size of New Jersey! Hopefully a good instructor will be able to focus some of your excess energy into a constructive path. As for the "bruteness" aspect, there is no glory in injuring another person.It is too easy to injure, or even kill another person. People are fragile. You will find that you gain far more respect from being gentle and kind, than from pounding on others.


If you wish to go into law enforcement your most important priority should be your education. I know people who test for years before getting onto a police department, and the federal branches all require at the least, a BA in something. I have several friends who are in the DEA, FBI, ATF, etc... and almost all of them were recruited from University. The best way to get into the FBI, in fact, seems to be to have a Law degree, or a graduate degree in a science or engineering field!


Having said that, all branches of LE require the applicant to pass a psychological batterey that weeds out those who are looking for chances to beat up or kill others.


16 is a rough age, and I would not wish to repeat it (or 13-20, for that matter) for all the chocolate in the world. Have you friends at school? Are your teachers supportive? the world is not out to get you any more than it is the rest of us! :D

There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm!

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hobbitbob, i have to be honest here, i respect you as a martial artist but im finding this to be flat out wrong. For one thing, what 'chip' do you think i have? I am not a violent person, you mis read my post. i have been in two fights my whole life, both in elementry school. i have grown up a lot since then, and even in those two, i felt i had no other choice. I love to love people, i do all i can to help people every day, thats why i want to be a police officer, to help people. I am currently enrolled in a class at my countys technical center in law enforcement. among the many qualifications i have already recieved are defensive tacticts, local law, weapons managment, handcuffing, and POLICE ETHICS. all of these are in fact qualifications and i am aplying this summer with Burns and Pinkerton private security company (they hire gate guards with my qualifications at 17) I am also planning on serving my country as a telecommunications expert and a boarding officer in the United States Coast Guard. I do in fact love to compete and fight. one of the many MANY reasons i left boxing to pursue the martial arts was because it intrest me that i can get the same rush of combat in tournamnets and still be victorious WITHOUT even touching my opponet. (in IWKA rules, you do not have to make contact to score) i belive there is nothing more beautiful than a fair well judged battle between two trained individuals who respect eachother as fighters. This sportsmanship attracts me to the ring. No more age before beauty on my part, hobbitbob, if i may be quite candid. before you go judgeing me id ask that you get to know me a little better. im not the smart*** wise cracking teenager youve created me to be in your mind. i am simply a guy with a love for a sport, an art, and a way of life. i dont doubt ive got my problems. but considering what ive seen (a lot more than most 16 year olds have) im very proud of myself for maintaining my sanity throughout the naturaly hard years that come with adolesance (as i hope to maintain throughout this course) my devotion to my choosen carear paths and my arts. I have litteraly gone from dust to a diamond in the rough. my main goal, above all outs, is to use karate to polish that diamond.



"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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The tone of your posts makes you come off as an obnoxious teen. I'm sorry if I have offended you.

There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm!

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*does a formal bow* well *smirk* im sorry if i came off as an obnoxious teen. just note that im not one. hey i think wed like each other a lot better if we knew eachother in person so what do you say we start over huh?

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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*does a formal bow* well *smirk* im sorry if i came off as an obnoxious teen.

The "smirk" says it all.

There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm!

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Hmm.. this aspect of combat is perhaps what interests me in my post about the shotokan art, or the fight. M'eh, I still have much to learn.


When cornered, kick 'em in the spetznats. If that doesn't work, run around acting like an epilept + flail your arms about while whizzin' in your pants, then fall down foaming at the mouth. They'll be so disgusted THEY will walk away from the fight....

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Respect must be maintained to all members, and threads will not be used as fighting matches.

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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