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I'm starting to get angry.............


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I've seen a few posts that just say that a person got their next belt. Then all these other people jump in and say "Congrats" and "Good Job, keep going" etc. Do these people seek attention because they don't get enough otherwise or what? I got my black belt, and once in a while I refer to it but I don't make a whole topic on how I got it so that everyone says "wow, good job". Granted, everyone should be congradulated when they get their next belt but why would you need to have strangers to commend you? Do these people want attention or to be "feared and respected" on this website? I've got news for some of ya. We're all in Martial Arts, not just you. SORRY IF THIS IS A LITTLE................MEAN. But I'm just wondering.............
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There is a difference in sharing your accomplishments in the dojo with other martial artists than there is telling someone who has no idea what you are talking about.


It gets to be kind of a commuinity thing. Many of us like to encourage each other. Part of that is encouraging new students. Part of that is helpig those who are discouraged keep going. And part of being part of the martial arts community is sharing in the accomplishment of others.


Someone who is a couch potato has absolutely no idea of what it is like to give your all in a test situation. The nerves, the worries, the hours of training. We can appreciate the accomplishment of our brother and sister martial artists. Something our non participating peers can.

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The nerves, the worries, the throwing up in the bathroom before hand. I sooo eagerly await testing again........



There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm!

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Just think of the forum as another dojo you belong to. Like Sai said it's about encouraging and supporting one another in their martial arts journey. You can read the post if you like or not, you can reply or not, it's totally up to you. If it's a member who wants to let us know of their progress, then great..............but if it becomes a matter of boasting/bragging, and a "I know it all" attitude, then that is something completely different.


None of the post regarding a promotion has ever come across to me as someone wanting to be "feared", much less respected. I think everyone knows that respect is earned through hard work, dedication, as well as respect for others. So don't let these posts stress you out so :brow: .


Mind of Mencia

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Yeah. a lot of people feel that these online communities play a big part in their understanding and drive in martial arts, so they want to give back and share their accomplishments with those they feel are their peers and teachers.
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...I want to be feared and respected!...I want to boast and brag on a board FILLED to the FREAKIN' BRIM with people who could quite likely kick my arse in no time flat!


obviously, I'm being sarcastic.

The nerves, the worries, the throwing up in the bathroom before hand. I sooo eagerly await testing again........


hahaha! you and me both. I always hear about people ralfing beforehand, but I've never been THAT nervous. (ok I did spew once before a test, but that was the hangover!) When I wait to be tested, I'm all vcool and everything, then when they call my name, it's an instant "ohholycrap" moment for me.


When cornered, kick 'em in the spetznats. If that doesn't work, run around acting like an epilept + flail your arms about while whizzin' in your pants, then fall down foaming at the mouth. They'll be so disgusted THEY will walk away from the fight....

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Yorked before my first Shodan test (1985) and my Sandan Test (August, 2002).

There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm!

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i probably learn as much here as i do in the dojo, this is my second dojo. I hope when i make ku kyu i can put up one of those ost. i understand, it gets in the way of actually talking about martiala rts and learning from others. but people are needy, lets just face it. and we dont feel like weve done anything unless a bunch of other people say that we have.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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I think it is great that people post their accomplishments here. Getting your next rank is a big step esp. in the lower ranks. Getting encouragement from others helps motivate people. I agree that the belt doesn't make you any better but achieving goals is something to be very proud of.

2nd Degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and Tae Kwon Do. 1997 NASKA competitor-2nd place Nationally in Blackbelt American Forms. Firearms activist!

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i always just have to pee before my test :)


i think a lot of folks miss out on being able to talk about martial arts with a close-knit group of folks. the people in my studio almost all go to the same college... some of us are roommates, we go to the bar after class sometimes, etc. but outside that, everyone else thinks it's weird. parents/family/girlfriends might be like "oh, that's nice." but they don't understand the impact of such a big step.


sometimes it's just nice to be able to say "green belt!!! yaaaaaaaa!"



I'm no longer posting here. Adios.

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