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KarateForums.com Survivor 2 Final Challenge: Entry Two

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Zenshin Chi Antei



Zenshin Chi Antei (ZCA) loosely translates into "Body, Spirit, Equilibrium". The name is composed of a mixture of Japanese and Chinese terms. This is symbolic of ZCA's mixture of techniques from styles around the world.


The philosophy behind ZCA is to be a Mixed Martial Art that offers balance between traditional and modern martial arts. It is based largely off of Tae Kwon Do, and supported by Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Aikido. In other words, it is basically Tae Kwon Do that has been modified and improved to cover things like ground fighting.


ZCA is designed to provide an effective means of self-defense and physical fitness training, but not to the exclusion of mental and artistic exercises--such as kata, and difficult "for-show-only" techniques like TKD-style jump kicks.


Zenshin Chi Antei provides balance between three aspects of martial arts: physical, mental and artistic.


Physical: Zenshin Chi Antei practitioners are given intense fitness training, with the intent of building high levels of endurance. ZCA is also meant to be a highly effective martial art for self-defense training. This is done by training students in grappling/ground fighting, self-defense throws, joint locks, pressure points, defense from grabs, strikes (such as Muay Thai leg-kicks, knee and elbow strikes), redirection of the opponent's movement, and so forth.


Mental: To be prepared to defend themselves, students must also be mentally prepared. By giving students sparring experience, making them defend themselves against unexpected attacks, and other such exercises, ZCA teaches them how to control their adrenaline stress. This is a vital skill to have when being confronted by an aggressor.


ZCA also encourages its practitioners to be responsible, disciplined and respectful people.


Artistic: ZCA also covers the artistic things like kata (both open-hand and weapons), jump kicks, and less "realistic" technique. Why? For several reasons: kata improve memory, high kicks increase speed and balance, and jump kicks are good for leg strength. Besides the practical reasons, kata can also be taken to tournaments and competitions. Also, these techniques can be just plain fun! Some things are simply for enjoyment. The artistic aspects of Zenshin Chi Antei balance the physical, "fighting" aspects, and keeps ZCA from being a pure fighting system. It also allows for martial artists to be well-rounded in fighting and artistic performance.


Ranking System


ZCA utilizes a 10 kyu system for students over the age of 12. Each kyu rank receives four stripes on the right side of the belt. Using this system, the average student would take about 3.5 to 4 years to advance to the rank of 1st dan.


There is a 15 kyu system for students under the age of 12, using the same 4 stripes again. Using this system, the average student would take about 5 to 5.5 years to advance to the rank of 1st dan. The reason for this is to extend the amount of time it takes for the child to reach 1st dan, thus allowing them to age a little more, yet still receive promotions.


Training curriculum:


Zenshin Chi Antei uses a variety of kicks and hand strikes.


The kicks are taken mainly from TKD and include the basic side, front, round, thrust, and hook kicks. These kicks are thrown anywhere from the waist to the head during sparring. For self-defense training, however, these kicks are thrown below the waist, targeting mostly the knees, shins, and groin area.


For the artistic purposes mentioned above, ZCA also includes the aerial kicks of TKD.


Hand strikes include jabs and hooks from boxing, as well as backfists from kickboxing, ridgehands, chops and spears.




There are two kinds of sparring in ZCA: stand-up and ground fighting. Both are equally practiced, and are sometimes combined. All kicks are thrown above the waist, head contact is allowed, but no face contact.




ZCA tournaments consist of four main competitions: Open-Hand Forms, Weapon Forms, Breaking, and Sparring.


Forms are judged on a 10-point scale. Judges look for things like difficulty, speed, power, intensity, flexibility, and so forth. For weapon forms, judges would look for the previous points, as well as proficiency with and control of the weapon.


Breaking is done in two ways, with hand/elbow techniques only:


Speed - breaking as many separate 3 inch thick boards as possible within a 30-second time limit.


Power - breaking as many cement blocks as possible with a single strike.


Tournament sparring for ZCA is fairly unique. It begins as stand-up point sparring. All strikes must be above the opponent's belt, and excessive contact is not allowed. Controlled head contact is allowed, but face contact isn't. The first person to reach 5 points wins; kicks are worth 2 points, punches are worth 1 point. There is a 5-minute fighting time limit. This means that the clock is stopped during judging.


Takedowns are allowed; from there the match can continue into a ground fighting match. The only way to score when the match is on the ground is by using a legal submission technique (choke/joint lock). Submissions are worth 3 points. However, ground fighting time is limited to 30 seconds at a time, to keep the matches balanced between stand-up and grappling.


The entire concept behind this style of point sparring is for it to be fun and entertaining, using technique and knowledge rather than brute force and strength.




Obviously, Zenshin Chi Antei is not for the "No Holds Barred" martial artist who wants nothing to do with kata. ZCA is ideal for the martial artist who is looking for more than a hard-core fighting system. It's meant to be an effective fighting system that is balanced by the artistic aspects of martial arts. In other words, ZCA offers the best of both worlds--realistic and artistic.


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