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how do i tell my friend


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Hi everybod


Me and my friend go to the same dojo and train Goju Ryu. My friend has been in a few fights and i havent been un any. anyways my friend thought that it would be a good idea to have a semi contact fight needless to say i won quite fast :karate: this made me think if he can get beat by a less experienced fighter ( i am one full belt lower) should i tell him to not fight because of the consequences? be it a not insane reason for a fight?

If you cannot be made you cannot be broken

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Goju, how did you recive the victory. its not uncommon for such a thing to happen. a number of things could effect your opponet and its foolish to judge skill level based on one bout. also please rephrase the question, im not sure i understand the question.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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why does he fight? do you mean that he fights like in sparring or in bar fights, etc? if he is fighting outside of sparring he should grow up a little and be a more resposible martial artist. and if he is sparring he shoud NOT quit. he should train harder and work on his moves, endurance, and other things that he has problems with. help him out, like, say "hey want to work on moves, or spar..." or something of the sort!

Tae Kwon Do

15-years old


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Well I would hope you would would not fight anyhow. SD is one thing but fighting for the sake of fighting is wrong.


Rank means next to nothing when you gage fighting ability. So don't read a lot into it.


1. Can you take a punch'


2. How athletic are you opposed to them


3. Size


4. Age


5. Muscle Mass


6. Speed


7. Handicaps or Injury


8. Luck


9. Circumstances (drunk, sick, etc)


10. Fear


All can cause a higher ranked person to loose. Fighting ability does not relate to rank as we think it should. I always thought their was some smoke and majic that went with being a black belt till I became one.


The postion of MA to not having to fight by knowing how to fight. Or as President Reagan once said Peace by force.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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When you say your friend's been in a few fights, are ya talking 'bout school yard fights, or tournaments? When you two sparred, did you interject rules of engagement? For example, even in semi contact sparring, did you both stop after "scoring" with certain tecniques? Or did it go to the ground & pound, or perhaps a submission?


Is there a question of maturity in regards to his fighting? Is it outside the dojo? If it's in reference to tournament competition, then perhaps he's been lucky, or the calibre of competitors limited.


However, always remember that anyone can have an off day, and that old saying that there is always someone out there that is better than you are. :brow:


Mind of Mencia

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if he is fighting outside of sparring he should grow up a little and be a more resposible martial artist.


Hahaha, maybe I should take up that advice. I've been *trying* to get into fights with people my size/age/shape/etc, just for the cause of getting *actual* fighting experience. It's not like I pick a fight with just anyone, though. The reason why I've been doing this is because there are three things that are very different. There's the street, the "dojo", and then there are tournaments. All are different.


Anyhoo, good advice. I shouldn't do that, it's stupid.


When cornered, kick 'em in the spetznats. If that doesn't work, run around acting like an epilept + flail your arms about while whizzin' in your pants, then fall down foaming at the mouth. They'll be so disgusted THEY will walk away from the fight....

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okay, im gonna get pummled for this, but... in regards to the last post what your doing is not nessaciarily wrong i dont think. i mean, if the fight is fair and you relise the skill level of your opponets. the fact of the matter is street fighting DOES have its own rythm, style, and almost a sort of art to it. though it is very uneffective against a well trained fighter, you do need that kind of practice i think and therefore if you make the fight fair and protected (i would supply both fighters with if nothing else gloves and a mouthpiece) than there should be a good way to do this, however the question of staying within the bounds of the law is also a problem. dont pick fights though, theres a diffrence between picking a fight and requesting a bout. and when youy do request a bout, do it in such a way that the opponet will not feel embarassed to say no (i.e. not in front of your schools intire cheerleading squad!)

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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Thnx for all of your responses i know it is not right to fight for the sake of fighting. I dont know if you were refering to what we did or the fights my friend gets into, my friends dad died recently and he gets angered fast i try to stop him but i dont want to hurt him. regarding size he is taller than me by maybe four inchesbuti out weigh him we are about the same age but i have faster reflexes than him and beat him at point sparring a lot so i dont think its foolish cause it wasnt one bout just one submission :evil: so thats all.

If you cannot be made you cannot be broken

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