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do high kicks matter in muay thai??

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i have been wondering about high kick's that are involved in muay thai (thai boxing) and are they really necisary? i am able to do them it's jus i have not seen a person use a high kick in a match though you are tought them ! :-? !!! or is this justa stupid question!! :lol:
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sure they are useful...but use them in moderation...wait for an opening and a head kick easily can be a knockout blow if they are not expecting them.
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high kicks? Good for training useless in a real fight. use your kicks to take out the thighs and stomachs of the people, that is how the Muay Thai really apply this. The reason I know this is because my teacher actually went to Malaysia and trained with the Muay Thai, no head kicking there, they mainly make contact with the upper shin with round house kicks that travel down into he thigh. Remember all kicks travel down, never up, that why you have hands! Front kicks are mainly applied to the stomack and are push kicks to give your self distance. you can also use it to kick the person against the corners and then get in-close with knees, elbows and close shots to the body.



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I wouldent say they are useless....but i agree that you should stick to low/mid kicks fot the most part....but a flash high kick out of nowhere can be devestating.
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High kicks can work in the ring but when it comes down to the street high kicks will never work. But of course we are talking about Muay Thai not street fighting and they are 2 completely different things. High kicks could work I ised to use them a lot when I was younger when I did sport karate but for a more combat effective fight use your kicks like a boxer uses body shots, ie use the kicks to bring the body down then come in with knees, elbows and so on, like a boxer works the body so eventually the oppenant lowers his body letting you give a knockout blow.
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  • 4 months later...

High kicks do work. Watch "K1 Greatest Knockouts" if you don't believe me. They will more often than not knock out an opponent if contact is made (remember there are no pads/gloves on shins and feet so contact is very solid and the legs are very strong).


They are quite easy to defend against though as they are a relatively slow move and should therefore usually be used within combinations where the opponent is opened up in preparation for the kick. They are also more effective at later stages in the fight when your opponent is tired and prone to making mistakes or dropping their guard.

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