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what is the most leathal style of martial arts?

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If your goal is lethality, don't waste your money on martial arts. I mean why spend all that time, effort, and cash to learn all that useless stuff like discipline, self control, honor, and loyalty when all it takes to be lethal is a driver's license? No wonder all the "bloodsports" are so popular. Have we really gotten so far away from this being an "art"? Aside from all that, what does it matter? Do you really think you're capable of killing another human with your bare hands? I don't mean physically, I mean emotionally. I very seriously doubt it. Besides, if by some chance you ever do, are you prepared to justify lethal force? I think not. And what if you fail to justify it? Are you prepared to face the consequences? again, I believe the answer is no.

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."

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I think the most leathal style of martials arts would have to be Nuclear War. Entire countrys destroyed in no time and almost no effort on your part.

Kendo is like starwars and everyone gets to be Darth Vader.

"Luke, I am your sensei"

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*ahem* yeah right well back to martial arts lol


Ninjitsu (aka Nimpo)


a ninja master can kill you without you knowing he is there. sneaky guys, ninjas are. lots of mind tricks(well not the jedi kind). these masters are quick and deadly. they waste no time, assassins do their job effiently and as quickly as possible.


krav maga is a nice basic style. some good techniques but nothing most of us have not seen before. it will give you a good workout but there is not much beyond that. the recent popularity is mostly hype.

Man to man, Soldier to soldier, Dust to dust.

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There's just no question about it, Sum Ting Dum is the best. I mean if you follow up a Mah Finga Huts with Ouh Mah Fut it's a lethal combination.

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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I don't know, I heard Dim Sum can be quite the vicious killer. Or perhaps the combo of Kreamov Sumyon gai!


When cornered, kick 'em in the spetznats. If that doesn't work, run around acting like an epilept + flail your arms about while whizzin' in your pants, then fall down foaming at the mouth. They'll be so disgusted THEY will walk away from the fight....

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The best style of MA is modern military tactics. Combines air/ground offensive, unmanned intelligence and attack vheicles loitering above enemy positions, armour with infantry divisions forming depth defenses.


In particular is the decentralized command of modern martial arts. Each high-level command (offensive action, harassing action) is implemented semi-independantly by various subdivisions of units, creating a much more unpredicable force.


They might even be able to beat Bruce Lee.

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