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Opinions on Ki


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Fireka - I didn't mention anything about religion. I purposly left religion out of my comments. I never mentioned anything about religion.


Beer-Monster: You got me on the part about chinese medicine and chi. The only thing is ... how much of chinese medicine really works? The stuff that does work, could it be done without chi? As for the one-inch punch issue, you are a physicist and should be able to figure it out easily enough. How much of your punch transfers kinetic energy to your target? The swing of your arm, or is it the part begining with and following contact? The one-inch punch a the punch with a shorter swing. The important part of the one inch punch is that you a.) Make contact with the smallest area of your fist ... your knuckles b.) at impact, your body weight is behind the punch, and c.)accelerate your arm into the target as quickly as you can. It is difficult for me to explain without a visual demonstration.


Yes. It would be great to be able to do the hado-ken. My favorite fighter was Ken, cuz the dragon punch was better in street fighter 2 turbo than Ryu's

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smr, did you get this from my Anti Karateka thread? Fireka, I'm interesting in reading your book when your done, tell me about it. I think ki is being in control over everything in your body. To master it, you must be in tune with all aspects of your mind, soul AND body. Think of it this way. If you don't want to do something, you most likely won't do it well, But if you did like it, you'd strive to do better. Thats a spirit/mental example. When you focus on something, you also do it better. When you train for a while, you may get a "second wind". Where do you suppose that came from? It just "happens" That could be the releasing of a small amount of ki. (Im not saying that your a low rank because I have no idea) but about the time I got to third degree brown, 5 months before black, I started to think "Hey, maybe I do understand and believe in Ki" So maybe when you get a little higher, you'll understand to. Not to get off in religion and if you don't believe in god, i mean no offense, but god and ki are alike in only one aspect. You don't see them but you know they're there. My last question is do you believe executing a technique and yelling "kia" boosts power? If so, where did that come from? Maybe its adrenaline, maybe just excitement or perhaps...........Ki? I'm not trying to sound like some smart ass "I know it all and thats that" teenager. I'm only fourteen but I do believe in Ki and I don't care what others say. I just tell them my thoughts and let them decide.
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I think ki and chi would be cool if I could believe them. I would be the first to jump on the chi or ki bandwagon if they were real. I am always looking for was to improve my skills, but I cannot force myself to believe in something just because someone else tells me it's there. And yes, I'm an atheist. But I'd rather not get into that. I just knew someone would ask.
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I believe in ki, but am not going to try and convince you. :)


That book fireka is writing sounds interesting.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.


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smr-The problem I think you and others have is your concept of Ki. You seem to think that its the believe in some wierd form of magic. To quote Arthur C Clarke, any sort of advanced technology would seem magic to those who do not understand it. So to the ancient Chinese such things may have seemed magical, thus starts the myth. But we know understand various form of biological processes behind acupuncture as having to do with the enervous system.Yet you believe in the nervous system and not the Ki. Perhaps chi flow is the ancient chinese's way of explaining the nevous system based on the facts they had all those hundreds of years ago, it is said to flow in nerve like meridians. Is it so impossible that Ki has to do with nerves not magic.


For example a person in extreme distress and panic is capable of bizarre feats of physical acts. One person managed to lift up a crashed helicopter to escape. Science explains this as a focus of adrenalin, mental power and nervous strengthening brought on by the survival instinct. Perhaps Chi Kung is the use of breathing to voluntarily focus the above things. The Chinese found away of uniting energy and factors in the body which usually act independently, making them stronger and healthier. It may seem like magic but its discipline and science. However our western mind find it easier to discard it as nonsense instead of putting in the thought and research to get through superstition and make it fact. Thats a matter of pre-conceptions not logic. The basis of science is to do and ex[eriment and test a hypothesis. But few experiments have been done to test this in favour of arrogant disregard.


As for the one inch punch. It is an explosive release of the bodies energy. The Chinese called this Fa Jin and it was suposedly a release of Chi. Kinetcic energy = 1/2 mv^2. V is velocity and so to have enough energy to launch a person across the room, you need alot of velocity. The normal acceleration of the human body is insufficient to achieve such velocity in one inches interval. Therefore it requires alot of focus and talent of the bodies energies, noty just kinetic. And that what Ki is, not magic but a focussed use of the bodies resources. Is that so hard to believe, its just science and will power. :karate:

Mind, body and fist. Its all a man truly needs.

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SMR, you mis understand me. the point i make can best be shown through a phrase often used by priest "it does not matter weather or not you belive in ki, it belives in you!" :)


Of course, the ki is replaced with god, but wither you think of ki as a biological phenomanon or something abit more is irrelavent. you belive it not by choice but because you use it everyday without knowing it. to since someone in a room when they make no sound. to feel an object falling behind you and catch it just in time. to look into someones eyes and scense a lie, all these things are part of ki to.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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would you like to?....(lol, that probably sounded like a threat!) no seriously, ive seen a video clip of a one inch punch that resulted in the opponet landing boo-tang on the floor sevral feet from the karateka executing the technique. ill try and find it and post it here.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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I did some research on the good ol' one inch punch. There is a very practical explanation for it that doesn't involve any focused energies or adrenalines or bio-electricity. If you watch the person performing the technique, the start off square to the target. After having executed the technique, the performer is perpendicular to the target! He has moved his entire body into the technique. Combine your body mass, and some momentum and you could move a significant amount of mass. It is only an illusion that the punch is being executed in one inch.
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