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My Sensei's kicks are unblockable!


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I found out today first-hand just how powerful my sensei is. He is an 8th Dan with the All-Japan Karate-do Federation in Wado-Ryu. He was a world-class karateka in the 70s, competing in tournaments with guys like Billy Blanks and Bill Wallace.


Anyways, today I was at yudansha (black belt class) and we were doing a deflection block drill on a front thrust kick. I could do it okay (although I still need work on the technique) on the other black belts, even some of the top fighters.


But when my sensei did it on me as an example, I could not move the kick at ALL. If he drove that into me I would have been toast.


It was very humbling.


Has anyone else had experience with someone like that?

22 years old


Formerly Wado-Kai Karate

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Years ago I was at a Seminar with the late Prof. Nick Cerio. He was a short stout fat bald guy who didn't look too intimidating esp. since he was in his 70's. Well he told me to attack him so at first I did with about 60% effort. He didn't really do anything but move out of the way. Then he said "good now that we got that out of the way I want you to really attack me and really try to hit me." So I came a little harder but not 100%. Long story short I came at full tilt and by the time I realized what had happened I was on the ground looking up at this short, stout, fat, old guy and feeling pain all over my body. Not only did he manage to take me down, put me in an arm bar but he also moved out of the way and hit me about 15 times.


Amazing People.

2nd Degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and Tae Kwon Do. 1997 NASKA competitor-2nd place Nationally in Blackbelt American Forms. Firearms activist!

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It's a front thrust kick to the midsection. The leg is vertical but the motion is mostly forward (It is chambered with the knee up then the foot shoots relatively straight out from there).


The blocking technique is an outside scoop block. With the open hand you redirect the kick to the outside. It was done with the forward arm against a rear-leg kick. It is essentially a more dificult and subtle way to handle a kick that would normaly blocked with a low block ( a forceful block that travels ACROSS body to knock the kick out of the way) in karate. Against someone like him, I would definately do forceful block. I imagine I'd have slightly more of a chance defending against it that way.


Withers M.A.A,


Great story. A lot of the senior dans who are small and old and fat at my club have punches like pistons. Boy do they make them count.

22 years old


Formerly Wado-Kai Karate

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Sometimes the best block is not to block. We kick sometimes hopping the other guy will block it cause your leg is so strong you can hurt the others guys arms if you force him to block everyitng. On the other hand if they kick full force and miss a few times it takes a lot out of you. Think about it.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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that block is difficult against a powerful kick...when you make that block you are supposed to move back aswell.


you can also try redirecting it with your elbows so you can keep your hands up...just make sur eyou turn your body with it.

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Yes, we would move back (or to the side) against a kick like that in practice, but we were just drilling the block on its own at the time.

22 years old


Formerly Wado-Kai Karate

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DoktorVet-any decent kick made by someone who intends to do you damage will be near enough unblockable. You need to look to the past to help solve this problem and my first suggestion would be to stop thinking of Uke as a block and think of it more as to receive energy.





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