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When are you all going to realise that boxing actually exist

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Boxing may be one dimensional but Hands are generally the most important thing in a fight...boxers know how to hit and get hit besides being generally tough..and that gives them an advantage over 90% of the people out there.
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To Neil002 and TJS:


thanks guys


Im not trying to put boxing above others but give it the recognition it deserves in this forum. Unfortunately as i said before i feel that now it has been moved i will only get the agreements and as i thought i can guess the people that will agree and those people are doing so.


If anyone can move this back to the general martial arts section i would be grateful as i belive this discussion needs to be had.

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I come across it still...by viewing the forum based on when the posts were made. :D


I stand by my original post, just wanted to let ya know some non boxing types (not to be confused with anti boxing) can still follow along.


I actually considered joining a kickboxing club instead of returning to karate this time, but decided for the time being to regain the skills I had in karate; there is still so much to learn after black belt :D I was also ticked that amateur kickboxing isn't allowed in Ontario so I'd have to go out of province/country to compete until I go pro, and I want to return to competition.


As for boxing...I just did a search and discovered there "is" a boxing club in Barrie. Hmm. I DO need to improve my hand work; I've been working on it. I think for now, I don't have the additional time to dedicate to boxing, but it reminds me that Sensei was a former boxer - I'll have to hit him up for some extra hand drills, especially after I get my heavy bag! Do you think a boxing club would do seminars? I love seminars :D

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.


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Thanks for that reply Karate_woman its nice to see some more open minds for change. It will be nice when all the arts can be talked about at the same level but until then its going to be a lot of arguments i guess.


I think its worth asking your instructor if he/she used to box as he can give you some good stuff most likely.


I did Karate for two years but now do Mauy Thai and i dont regret any of it!


Boxing can add some nice fast hand work to karate but i guess that will ultimately make you a kickboxer if you follow that route.


Still, worth having a look at what boxing is all about so you can broaden your horizons.


Godd luck and dont forget to ask him/her.

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I think most gritty-gym boxer can take the trash out on the majority of contemporary martial artists. They just train at a higher level of intensity. The average martial artist is soft, not very strong, and weighs little. Also, many contemporary martial artists simply do not train as hard, with as much pain, as do most boxers. Hardcore boxers do much to defeat contemporary martial artists.


However, a contemporary martial artist that has trained hard, is strong, well-built, put the pain in to get his gain, and worked on fighting will have the advantage over the boxer. If it is a comparison of pure technique the well-trained contemporary martial artist has a much more vast arsenal of weaponry from which to attack from. There is a greater chance of him doing something the boxer doesn't expect and gaining advantage. Put it into people speak and the boxer, who very well might have been a street brawler before, just might rush you and beat your face down with so much aggression you might not know what to do. Just as easily the contemporary martial artist just might be a cool headed individual who can handle a crazed attacker.


I think when referring to boxing the judgement of its effectiveness is based more on the boxers themselves. Many of which grew up on the street and brawl with the best of them. And brawling isn't something most contemporary martial artists train for. But, as for boxing as an art(which by the way boxing is just as much a martial art as say Tai Chi or Aikido) it's just too limited to be on any interest to me.


As for experience, it's almost irrelevant for me to list anything about my personal dealings with very good boxers. (Both my Uncles were Golden Gloves, my cousins box, and a roommate of mine was a boxer from American Samoa) Not to mention the fights I have had with boxers. My individual experience and training puts the boxer on an unfair playing field and making such a comparison doesn't prove anything. I have beaten every boxer than has attacked me. Does that make boxing ineffective, or a useless art? Absolutely not. So, asking me to base my opinion on my personal experience with boxers is somewhat erred. I base my opinion strictly on the arts and leave reality to the user.


So, for me to say that boxing sucks just because of my personal experience with boxers basically bears no validity. I have a friend, if who fought a boxer, would most certainly have his arse handed to him. Now, does boxing become a very effective art? From his 'experience' boxing has just proven effective. But wait, from mine boxing has been proven ineffective.


Boxing, more importantly boxers, when analyzed for what it is is a force to be reckoned with. However, it's effectiveness is going to be based on your ability to deal with it.


As for wanting to take boxing as your primary self-defense art, I wouldn't recommend it. You'll be robbed of a lot of necessary skills that boxing just doesn't teach. You would learn a lot, but you would also be training with a lack.


That being said, I'm done.



"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Einstein

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What are talking about Ghost, Boxing is the most popular Martial Art out there. I never heard any MA making the kind of money a boxer can make. I've seen boxers in street fights and they rule.


I'd like to point something out, the Pugilist in the old days fought bare knuckle fights for 100 rounds until one of them fell over and couldn't get back up, pretty tough dudes. Boxing came from this, the only difference was the addition of the gloves and the guard was brought closer to the face, to make it more exciting. If you know Boxing and employ the guard of a pugilist in a street fight you will destroy most people. Also since kicking and grappling is not allowed in Boxing it does limit what you can do in a real fight, but someone with real boxing experience can easily adapt to almost any MA.


I got your back Bro.

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who

are willing to endure pain with patience."

"Lock em out or Knock em out"

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Yo ive been reading through out this thread and i just want to say


if you have never learned anything about boxing you should keep


negative comments to yourself. i know alot about boxing AND kickboxing


and i could take out a kickboxer with him using all of his weapons,


with enough skill a boxer can 'adapt' if you will, to any situation brought


unto him, so dont make assumptions...peace

-Boxing -Kickboxing -Muay Thai -Brazilian Juijitsu

Mind is matter, and matter doesn't mind, be-cause matter is in the mind, so mind is over matter.

'Have you ever glued broken glass or shells to your hands wrapped in tape....its an experience...

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I see a lot of "I can beat...." from both sides on this issue. However, I think that any kickboxer who hasn't trained for a while in straight boxing is selling themselves short. Unfortunately, not many kickboxers do train this way. Rather than dwelling on which sport (art) is better, we as kickboxers need to respect the skills that can be obtained from a boxing background. And that's all The Ryno has to say about that.

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."

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Not really after what can beat what just want boxing to get its recognition. And for people to stop baching it by hopefully getting them to understand a bit more about at people post mon this topic
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