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New Priest


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A young priest, taking his first confesion, was dissapointed to find it was the town drunk. But he wanted to do his best for the guy, so he went into the confessional and waited for the man to collect his thoughts. After a few minutes though, he taped on the screen to see if the drunk was awake. No reply, so he waited a few minutes more and taped again. Still no reply. So the priest knocked a little harder. This got a response- "You might as well quit knocking. Ain't no paper in this one either!"

Freedom isn't free!

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A man and a woman are messing around when they hear someone pull in the driveway . "It's my husband" the woman says. "Hide quick" The man grabs his clothes and jumps in the closet. He hears a small voice say " It sure is dark in here" The guy looks over to see the womans son in the closet with him. " The guy tells the boy to be quiet to which the boy responds " But its dark in here and I'm ascared of the dark" The guy says" look I'll give you 50 bucks just be quiet" The boy takes the money and dosen't say another word. Later the husband leaves and the man is able to get away.


The next Sunday the little boy goes to church. His mother tells him he has to go to confession. As the boy steps in and shuts the door he says "It sure is dark in here" to which the priest in the next booth replies" Oh No, Your not going to start this again are you?'


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One beautiful Sunday morning a priest desperately wanted to go golfing, but he couldn't exactly miss Sunday Service just to golf. So, he decided to lie and call in sick to the church.


So the priest went to the golf course on that beautiful Sunday morning, and enjoyed himself by playing a good first few holes. Then on the 6th tee par 3, he swung and...HOLE IN ONE!!! He couldn't believe it!! He was hopping up and down in joy, when suddenly a beautiful light came shining down from the heavens. It was God, and the priest said to God "I got a hole in one! Thank You thank You thank You!!!!" And God said:


"Great, now who you gonna tell?"


* as a side note I wasn't really sure whether or not I should capitalize You so I did just to be safe :lol:

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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