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Winning a streetfight, curious?

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Fight. If you're trained, practiced, and have put the dedication into yourself. Then all you should have to do to win a "streetfight" is simply fight. There is no "win-all" technique/strategy/or combo that will guarantee success or advantage without fail. The best thing to do is to train hard, practice hard, and learn all you can. Then, when the time comes just fight.

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Einstein

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Northren Ogre first point is key. Another is distance. If at all possible never, ever let anyone who might be a threat get within striking distance (punching or kicking) where they can strike you without having to commit (step) in order to make contact. How often do you see two guys get in each others face while arguing. That's a major no, no.

"The longer I live the more convincing proofs I see of this truth, that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?" Benjamin Franklin

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Rule # one in a street fight for life or death. Never use fancy or useless things. You want to make your hits count so you can escape. But here's another view at it, it's all a matter of opinion for example, when someone throws a punch at you would you want to block it then punch or kick them ( then a style like karate or any Hard style would be good for you ) but if you would prefer to flip or arm bar them ( judo would be good for you or any grappling art ) then grappling arts would fit you better. It's all a matter of opinion. You do what's best for you and what you are comfartable with. If you don't feel comfartable with striking then don't use but i'm not saying to change your style in a fight, learn an art you like and you feel good about, don't study one that you wouldn't want or have to do.

Be as a tranquil pool of water in the woods. Calm, collected, reflecting on its surface all that is around it. Make your own mind such a quiet mirror reflecting the mind of the opponent. Even as your partner's impulse to attack passes through his mind it should be reflected in you.

The safest battle is the one that is never fought

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wot kind of low kicks? with the heel ot the edge? were should you hit shin or knee? :-?


the only time i fight is in school and i know people have said it before me but CONTROLING your breathing is a must, people allways have feelings of cowerdice legs shake cant think straight, but you must remember the samething is happening to your opponent.


a great tip is, before the fight starts ask him a question (if you have time) such as "why are you doing this" then wack him on the nose with your back knuckles before he finishes talking


surprise = vivtory = being alive


if your jumped however and it's not the duel kinda fight then your on your own. NO ONE CAN PREPARE FOR THAT. so just. be carefull


LOL ask him a question then hit him? Kindive dirty eh? For school I mean.

Be as a tranquil pool of water in the woods. Calm, collected, reflecting on its surface all that is around it. Make your own mind such a quiet mirror reflecting the mind of the opponent. Even as your partner's impulse to attack passes through his mind it should be reflected in you.

The safest battle is the one that is never fought

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keep your calm, when you get angry you make mistakes and get sloppy


i like to do the psychological fighting


i like to smile and laugh while fighting, throw quick smacks to get them angry and sloppy and then open up with a barage of attacks, strikes of all sorts and throw them to the ground or choke them out real quick


also fight nasty, kicks to the knee, groin, shins, kidney punches, throat, the neck is one of the best targets no matter where you hit there is something vital there whether it is cutting off blood flow to the brain, pressure points, the throat, and no air, and vital points like the dim mak

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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I have been in a few fights and I have been charged at and had someone come up from behind me, and what not. I have NEVER had a problem kicking or socking a guy in the groin, more than not they go :o after the stun the fight is usually over, I'll deliver a few blows to make sure its done though.
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My first fight was against a guy on drugs, my first counter attack was a kick to the groin, my kick was right on target and I think it was a hard hit, yet he didn't even flinch. I don't know what he was on, but he didn't feel a thing, yet he was sober enough to try and steal a purse (not my purse BTW :D) and then fight for a few minutes and then run away.
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Don't be caught off gaurd or you will lose, train hard to hit hard.


Catch them off gaurd most people go for a sucker punch at your face or a big western style round house punch with a wind up like a long bow so if they do that then give em a quick kick the groin or a punch to the face.

The amateur shoots his hands out ferociously, but lacks any true power. A master is not so flamboyant, but his touch is as heavy as a mountain.

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