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Winning a streetfight, curious?

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I understand but how hard is it to understand

Alright friends i am very curious as to hear peoples views and aspects on winning a streetfight, to be more clear it doesnt have to be a one on one just any kind of fight maybe if you were with some friends out in the town then a bunch of guys pick one with u or in a bar whatever u want but try to keep it simple more or less the main ideas and points to look at in winning or even surviving a fight?


N e ways thnx 4 posts :D

"Sweat more in the dojo,bleed less in the street"Kajukenbo fighters axiom.

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I understand but how hard is it to understand
Alright friends i am very curious as to hear peoples views and aspects on winning a streetfight, to be more clear it doesnt have to be a one on one just any kind of fight maybe if you were with some friends out in the town then a bunch of guys pick one with u or in a bar whatever u want but try to keep it simple more or less the main ideas and points to look at in winning or even surviving a fight?


N e ways thnx 4 posts :D


The parts I've highlighted were what made it confusing. It sounds like you want to know the requirements for a "win" in a streetfight, the focus of your questions seems to be on the end of the fight and not what techniques are used to get to that point.

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I agree - straight strikes: Stay inside, most people use the flailing limbs style of fighting, unless they are trained (and trained well) in some discipline.


Never "let" them have the first strike - you don't wanna get caught.


Be ruthless - there is no rule book to a street fight, unorthodox means are acceptable (ie. if some one puts you in a collar tie-up - i think that's what it is called in Greco wrestling- lick the side of their face takes their mind off of kicking your ass - even for a second - and exploit that let up by them.)


Fight up close and personal - I'm talking inches away - fighting that close throws a lot of people off.


Again these tactics may not work well against a trained fighter unless you are very good at in-close fighting.

"Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft." - Pres. Theodore Roosevelt

"You don't have to like it, you just have to do it." - Captain Richard Marcinko, USN, Ret.

"Do more than what is required of you." - General George S. Patton

"If you have to step on someone else to stand tall, then you truely are a small person." - ?

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my inexperience in street fights except for being beaten up 6 years ago (even though I caused the other person to run away) makes it hard for me to say


ok: unless your fighting a boxer most people will pull a punch far back to get power it gives you so much time - the problem is that the extreme slowness kinda leaves you waiting for the punch - the punches never happen one off unless the person is an idiot and doesn't throw more than one punch.


the way I think to win, use your legs. Of all the street and school (as a younger kid) fights i've ever seen people have always avoided using the legs. Some kind of lame honour code. Before I knew martial arts I won a school fight by doing a fly kick to a persons head. I just ran at them and fly kicked and it was over. While I wouldn't do the same now because I understand that such an attack is asking for anyone with half a brain to move out of the way and kick my ass, I'd be using my legs.


sidekicks at knees and shins, front kicks to the sternum - if you've ever seen Jet Li's kiss of the dragon when that big boxer looking guy with comes into his safe house (the prawn cracker place) i'd expect me to fight with the same thing in mind, disabling limbs.


So much depends on the situation - and the problem i can imagine with most streetfights is that you dont know if your against more than one person.


Against more than one person i'd be manouvering one person to be in front of another person so i wouldn't have to deal with two at once.


The most important thing I can say is get the hell out of wherever it is once it's over.


We learn some street defence stuff in our dojo for certain things, one is being cornered against a wall and someone does a hook on you, just use a normal block and then rotate your arm to lock their arm and slam them into the wall.


We've got a few for barfights, most of them are locks - the rest are ones that involve you intercepting objects before they get their power (chairs etc) stepping into someone attempting to throw a chair and cracking them one in the nose/sternum while pushing your guard above your head to stop the chair falling on your head, etc.

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thnx the swarm very true, i am abit more experienced on the street however i can say one thing fore sure IMO the key elements here are focus, calm and not letting ur emotions get the better of you, secondly if u have to fight do hard and fast with attacks that will criple opponent i.e groin,eyes,knees ect... if u can nail ur opponent off guard lets say in the middle of a sentence it will be that much more devastating. I was watching a show on TV about MA's and there was a guy that grew up in the ghetto and throughout his life he saw alot of bad things but MA's changed that for him and one dday a guy aproached him asking for a match of which he replied he didnt have, the guy reached for some thing but he didnt get to far because the MA's nailed him with a barage of devastating blows, when the guy was down unconcious he moved his jacket to reveal a sawed off 12 gauge. :-? Now my point being is in the street its really scary and for me i really dont like fighting i just find having a positve attitude and avoiding these things would be great however like a unpredictable day of rain u might just have to defend yourself maybe evn for ur life. I was curious to find out ppls outlook on this subject and found it quite interesting. Though not much ppl replied to it :lol: . N e ways i wish all those MA's that seek betterment in themselfs luck and hope as the next generation of MA's we help each other to acheive our goals and maybe someday MA's wont need a fighting aspect( even though i luv it! :karate: ) because the lack of understanding and acceptance will be diminished. :wink:

"Sweat more in the dojo,bleed less in the street"Kajukenbo fighters axiom.

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You mean how does it feel when beaten up by many people until you almost dead?. Great, it feels great!. I will do it again any day!. With almost no teeth intact, a broken arm and tree broken fingers and with the hole body in pain and balls as big as Canada you realize that you will live, that you made it, your alive!. Yes, that feels great!. What the other guys think I don’t know, so I can’t answer you on what it feels winning a street fight, but I hope they felt great after they succeeded in beating me speechless and I thank them for leaving me still alive!. Yepp, I have just won my self a street fight, but hey, who wanna know my story!. In your eyes I lost it, didn’t I?????

If the first lesson was a failure, then you know that skydiving isn't for you!

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My best advice is use your skills in a way that spectators won't be aware you are a Martial Artist. This especially important to your attacker, act like you don't know anything, don't show fear or any emotion. In a fight try to get in back of your attacker, they are easier to control, from the back. Try to position yourself so that all the attackers are in front of you, you have to control the whole fight, make sure people don't get you from behind. Of course in reality, you don't know what's going to happen, or even when, but always be aware of your surroundings. You should know when you walk into a room who the trouble makers are. I study Togakure Ryu Ninpo Taijutsu, and they teach you to do more than fight, they teach to survive. Sounds cheesy, but it's true. Never let someone get a cheap shot in, keep them at a distance even if they are just talking crap.

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who

are willing to endure pain with patience."

"Lock em out or Knock em out"

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i think it would be very important not to let anger get the best of you.


When adreniline is pumping it is harder to control yourself.


Also, targeting is extremely important.

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Spoken like a true warrior Larryjf.

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who

are willing to endure pain with patience."

"Lock em out or Knock em out"

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