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Well, I'm a guy, and I've noticed that womens are a little different! I,ve spared with, worked with, and been paired with female MA's from different styles & schools. I generally let them set the tone. If they want to go at it hard, we do. If they want to go easy then I don't push it. But I've never felt slighted being paired with a 'guurl'.


I've also noticed that women sometimes have a different approach to things, which can challenge you. Men have a tendency to rely on size and strength. Women are sometimes far better than men at technique. Not being large or powerful, I tend to aproach fighting with technique and adhering to the principles of power we are taught. When I watch sparing, I often focus on some small gal who has good technique and try to emulate her when it's my turn. I also like to spar a woman who is a good fighter. They are fast- sometimes faster than the men. Speed comes primarily from relaxation, not from physical strength. Men that rely on muscle to do the job for them tend to be more tense, and therefore slower. I'm not saying women are better fighters, or that the average female MA could whip the average guy if it was for real. But some of them could hold their own in most situations, and they do present some interesting challenges from time to time.


So, hang with it, girls! Most of us like having you around. In fact, I've heard very, very few disparaging comments about female MA's, in private or in public. And I think the jerks exist so the rest of us can practice our Zen/Tao/Christianity/whatever.

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Nice post delta1. There are physical differences that give men and women different advantages. I may be for equal standards but I'm not crazy enough to pick a fight with a 200 lb guy (I mysef am 115 on a bad day :lol: )and if I found my self on the short end of that stick I would have to rely on my speed and technique, not my size and strength.


Thanks for the encouragement!!!



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis



karate woman, i just read your post that started this and responded so i really dont know how the subject has trailed. But ill say this, the one thing i love about martiala rts that you dont see in the millitary or anywere else (i say military, because i think this should be implimented there) is that there is one standard. its a standard not based on any persons race or sex but a standard that one most reach to be able to survive in a combat situation, in the ring, or on the mat. and no matter who you are, if you make that standard your there, it does not change. dont say 'there making it harder for me because im this color; if your in a real dojo, it dosent happen, and dont say ' they have to make it easier for me because im female' because, if its a real dojo, they wont. you have to use the same tacticts to get away as everyone else. the rapeist certainly wont go easyier on you because your a woman, so there is no reason the standard should be lowered. so if the dojo is good, all the blackbelts have earned the same rank, gender race and creed aside.


Ill also say this, if i may be so bold, women have flexibility and alout of times, weather we relize it or not, pain threshold over us guys. (it takes a lot of endurance for pain to give birth! its in the blood) If im in the ring with a female oponet ive never met before i am ALWAYS three times as alert as i am with a male and i have to be. Because they make excellent martial artist. i didnt read anyone elses post, but if someone said otherwise, there are to major aspects of the world you have a very bleek and misguided understanding of, the first is the martial arts, and the second is women.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

No where in my comment did I say I felt the woman sucked at karate. I gave to examples of good and bad, dont say i underestimate the power of a woman, and dont say she'll clean my clock. Thats nearly the same thing with places switched as the topic we are discussing here dont you agree? Saying that Just cause a Guys a guy doesnt mean he can win, is the same as saying just cause a girls a girl doesnt mean shes cant do MA.

Rule #1: Play the game to the limit. Damn the consequences.

  hobz said:
No where in my comment did I say I felt the woman sucked at karate. I gave to examples of good and bad, dont say i underestimate the power of a woman, and dont say she'll clean my clock. Thats nearly the same thing with places switched as the topic we are discussing here dont you agree? Saying that Just cause a Guys a guy doesnt mean he can win, is the same as saying just cause a girls a girl doesnt mean shes cant do MA.


Hobz, notice the laughing smiley face? Ha,ha....get it?


I like a sensitive man but....don't read into my post something that is not intended to be said. Likewise, I did not read into yours and conclude that you were saying that women sucked. The comment was addressing the fact that an orange belt has less experience than a brown belt and had nothing to do with the fact that they were both "girls". Sorry you took offense...none intended.



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


i'm glad that almost 100 percent of the responds are positive. its good for us women. we must remember that in okinawa karate was used to protect the tiny locals. it is designed for small, petite people so i can see no reason why women should not participate or in fact become good at karate.ThANK U FOR UR TIME

Impossible is not a fact, It's an opinion!



Wow! Great string of comments. It's interesting to see the different views on this since this is an issue I'm finding at my dojo too. Actually there are two of us who seem to have a bit of a problem with the gender difference. For me, it has gone away a little (particularly since I've been known for not having much control as in my post) but there are several younger ones there that still have issues sparring on a tougher level with me as a woman. I normally have to tell them I don't break. I think it helps me some that I am bigger than a lot of average women (not happily so!). I've been lifting weights and training to lose weight for the last two years so I'm still quite big and for the majority of the guys in my dojo, they have no problem seeing me at least semi on their level.


Now my friend who joined with me, on the other hand, is petite and seems very frail. She'd kill me if she knew I said that because I for one know she is as tough as they come. Just last week the two of us were sparring with a new white belt who was still quite green and he actually commented on the fact that he can't see her being able to help herself or put him down since she was so tiny. He figured she'd break basically. She was pretty insulted by that and I don't blame her. After reading some of the posts on here I can see that sometime in the near future, she'll be able to prove him wrong and kick some ass herself!


As for myself, one of the only things that I really hate and wish were different is holding the bag for kicks. In particular front kicks. I unfortunately seem to end up having a part of my ananomy being rather viciously attacked and can't seem to avoid it. I do wish there were better ways to hold the bag to keep this from happening. I've tried several different ones. Perhaps when I lose more weight this will be less of an issue. :roll:


:D Well, there are a lot of female beginners in my club, actually more women than men, but I think a lot of people actually start kickboxing for fitness. In order to keep out club running our instructor advertises it that way, even though he teaches traditional Muay Thai.


Anyway, a lot of the women drop out. There's about a 1:5 ratio of female to male seniors in our club and I have to say I like it. Because at half of our trainings either I'm the only woman or my friend, who is a biig girl (ie: tall, strong), everyone I spar against/hold pads for tends to be bigger than me. Which is good, because if I can hold my own against the 75kg guys it makes it a lot easier to fight a 60kg girl!


More specific to the topic though, I've never had a problem at MA with sexism. There is one guy at our club who doesn't like to hit girls, but he just tries to work on his guard and throws in light hits when my guard's particularly open. Everyone else just goes as hard or soft as the other person's skill level indicates. 8)

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