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Whats the difference between BJJ and JJ

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I don't believe it happened - even in training. The Machados are so far above even good black belts that I find it incredible to say the least. If it was a Machado representative, then that's different to it being one of the brothers.


I await Treebranch's response.


My former instructor has tapped SEVERAL Machados' before so what's the big deal?

Tapped out, knocked out, or choked out...Take your pick.




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Tapping someone on the leg is different to submitting them :)


As I said, it's easy to make these claims "Yeah, I tapped the Machados", or "Yeah, I tapped Rickson - no big deal". It's quite another thing to back your claims up.


I await any news i.e. which brothers, by whom, when etc. Otherwise you guys are just liars. Simple as that.

BJJ - Black Belt under John Will (Machado)

Shootfighting - 3rd Degree Black Belt

TKD - Black Belt

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I await any news i.e. which brothers, by whom, when etc. Otherwise you guys are just liars. Simple as that.


Now that's a wee bit harsh to flatout call us liars isn't it? I don't know about Treebranch's instructor, but I trained under Gokor Chivichyan at the Hayastan academy for about a year and a half before leaving to train elsewhere due to transportation issues. I'm sure I don't have to explain anything else... unless you doubt Gokor could give the Machados a good run.

Edited by goshinman

Tapped out, knocked out, or choked out...Take your pick.




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I apologise Goshinman, I don't think you're a liar.


However, I do indeed doubt that Gokor could give the Machados a run. Gokor is a known liar - he lied about his NHB record, he's lied about beating BJJ legend Ricardo Liborio, and Frank Shamrock. I'm sure the guy is good, but he is well known to take great liberties with the truth.

BJJ - Black Belt under John Will (Machado)

Shootfighting - 3rd Degree Black Belt

TKD - Black Belt

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I apologise Goshinman, I don't think you're a liar.


However, I do indeed doubt that Gokor could give the Machados a run. Gokor is a known liar - he lied about his NHB record, he's lied about beating BJJ legend Ricardo Liborio, and Frank Shamrock. I'm sure the guy is good, but he is well known to take great liberties with the truth.


Can you provide me some verification of this? I have heard of these accusations against him before. Although I don't know all of the details about the alleged lies he told I can say that I know of specific half truths he has told which also contributed to me leaving his dojo. But having said that, the mans grappling skill is without question on par with some of the very best in the biz and I personally spoke with Carlos Machado about him and he had nothing but praise for the man and his skills, and stangely enough he wouldn't confirm or deny if he had tapped to Gokor during training, So who knows?

Edited by goshinman

Tapped out, knocked out, or choked out...Take your pick.




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Oh and by the way Gokor is holding his Hayastan grappling challenge tournament in knoxville tennesee. He has said he will roll with whomever wants to roll with him. Here is the link.



Tapped out, knocked out, or choked out...Take your pick.




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Anyone doubting gokors skills is tripping hard. Ask yourself why both shamrocks, and a bunch of other big names went to train there. Ask Steve about how good Gokor is. I will find you his school address, and you can ask him. Word is that handled the Shams easily. I have seen his students manhandle some big names in the bizz. When he and Rigan rolled, I heard that it was crazy. Rigan has said on more than one occasion that Gokor can definetly tap a lot of bjj black belts. I will give more info later.

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I didn't doubt his skills, except in regards to tapping the Machados. I'm just saying that there are a lot of stories about Gokor not sticking to the truth e.g. winning his first NHB fight at 9 yrs of age !

BJJ - Black Belt under John Will (Machado)

Shootfighting - 3rd Degree Black Belt

TKD - Black Belt

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I didn't doubt his skills, except in regards to tapping the Machados. I'm just saying that there are a lot of stories about Gokor not sticking to the truth e.g. winning his first NHB fight at 9 yrs of age !


:o Holy stick, 9 years of age! He must be....THE ONE!!! :P

Tapped out, knocked out, or choked out...Take your pick.




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