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Countering the BJJ fighter

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Ok, I've heard quite a bit in the arguements between BJJ and the other styles, but have one question remaining. What is the best defensive actions to take when someone is about to shoot in and take a person off their feet?

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When you mean sprawl, are you talking about spreading your feet wide as if you were going to walk over around a big pile of dog crap?

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I would say sprawl. Or take a natural posture like the basic Aikido stance. 60% weight on the back leg, then pivit out the way, and take a throw or pin. However, its not as easy as it sounds.

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"learn bjj..it's the only way your going to beat"


I disagree, I think BJJers although Amazing fighters, have a limited stand up game. So, I think may of them would want you on the ground. So if you take that into consideration, then I would prepare lots of evasions against such attacks.


Also, although BJJ is great at ground work, I think Judo and Wrestling have a very good ground game and so learning bjj is not the only answer.

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Although idealy one would want to stay standing time and time again it has been proven it's not that easy...wrestlers and other grapplers are the the only ones who can do it and even them it easy to pull someone down into your gaurd.

I think Judo and Wrestling have a very good ground game and so learning bjj is not the only answer.


both great stlyes and rescently have shown their effectiveness but just about all of them cross train in BJJ, in the early UFC Judo didint do nearly as well as BJJ and usually wrestlers were very tough..but without submission knowlade they usually got caught.


Im not imply BJJ is the only way but when going up against agood BJJer it's just about neccesary to know BJJ to some extent.

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i think to many peoples think that it is the style that do the job but it is not like that! IT IS THE MAN BEHIND IT!! you think that if the gracies won some fights(i think they were many :D ) their style is perfect?? this is like sayig that all aikidoka have all the abillities of The great O-sensei or that all kiokushin karateka will go mad in a corrida and kill all the bulls as MasOyama and the examples may continue . But all this guys have something in comun : they all trained and some are still training hard, very hard - O-sensey was known for perfecting a single tehnique for years , the great Kimura of judo was known for perfecting his unbeatable o-soto-gari against trees, masOyama for killing bulls(this is a bit controversy) and crushing stones with his bare hands and the examples may continue .


So i think that saying : if you want to beat a bjj you must learn bjj is wrong .


As the bjj is learning how to get u to the ground u can lern how to kick him hard or pivote around him as he makes his move.

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Not all the best BJJ fighters are Gracie's - look at Minotauro, Mario Sperry, Bustamante, Vitor Belfort.


Kicking and pivoting won't work to stop a shoot. Neither will evasions. If they worked then you'd see wrestlers using them. Wrestling is 5000 years old and uses the sprawl to counter the shoot because it works.


You need to learn how to sprawl and use whizzers(see Frye vs Bitetti). You'll most likely still end up on the ground, but if you have good wrestling skills you can control the fight enough to get in some good shots.


If the fight does hit the ground, and you haven't done BJJ or a lot of Judo then you will get submitted by a BJJ guy.

BJJ - Black Belt under John Will (Machado)

Shootfighting - 3rd Degree Black Belt

TKD - Black Belt

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