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13yr old masters!!!!!!!!!

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I've always been against age discrimination, or any discrimination for that matter. Whenever possible, decisions should be based on the individual, not their age. When I was 15, I was taking classes with 17 year olds, and most of my friends were from those classes. When we wanted to go to see a movie, we had to go to the theater that didn't card for R-rated movies (well, we could've had a friend buy the ticket, but we sort of protested the carding theater, but I digress)


As long as a test is standardized, there's no reason to care what the person's age is (well, unless it's standardized around age, but usually that's just so psychologists can study development). It's very important that the test be standardized. If you give a 13 yo an easier black belt tests, that cheapens the work other black belts did. However, if the 13 yo passes the same test as everyone else, don't belittle their work by saying their too immature for the rank. If the test is letting immature people through (be they 13 or 30) then adjust the test to keep that from happening (I don't know how exactly you test maturity in martial arts, but I'm sure some of the intructors here can offer good tips)


I skipped a grade, and in addition to that, I was taking some classes with the grade ahead of me; I don't mean to toot my own horn, just to show that I have at least a little experience being graded with people older than me. When I took a test, I didn't get an easier test or bonus points because I was younger, but I also was never told that I was too young to understand something we were being taught. Also, I just turned 20 last week, when I woke up that day, I wasn't suddenly more mature than I was the day before.


Sorry this was kind of jumpy - had a hard time organizing my thoughts today.


edit: oh forgot to add an off-topic comment about the "doogie howsers" .. I saw a girl on WinTuition (game show) one time who said she skipped high school and went straight to college. However, later in the show she couldn't name any of the great lakes. Guess she should've gone to high school ... (well actually that's grade school info so I dunno). To make this slightly less off topic, this is analagous to people who really are too young to be black belts. There should be tests, and not age limits, to keep these people from advancing faster than they should.

Aamorn - KSW Chuhng Di

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Weather I study a martial art or not is besides the point so stop using that to duck out of the subject. Don't you belive the teacher who taught him should judge him


Ofcourse its up to the teacher :idea: But that is the point why award such a rank :-? It may not signifie he is the best fighter but will currupt the proper growth of a MA if u can understand that.


N e ways like i said b4 i appreciate everyones oppinion and thats really all i wanted to know so have fun training and always work hard at it. :karate:

"Sweat more in the dojo,bleed less in the street"Kajukenbo fighters axiom.

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I personally don't think that a 13 year old can have the strength of mind to be the equivilant of an adult black belt. This is not to say that they may not have the technical ability of the grade.


Just my opinion, as all of the posts are just peoples opinions.


I don't know enough about other arts to comment on. The art I practise relies a lot on KI, whick takes a lot of understanding and practise.


Ki can only be developed over a number of years, no mater how good the technical side of the students ability.

Fourth Dan Instructor & Student

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Im with Kensai


Its a joke


No one under 16 IMO should ever have a black belt. Their is way to much mental responsibility that goes with one. I made mine at 18 and at the time I told my Sensei I felt I was to young for it.


Doing moves and understanding moves are completely differant. I would much rather train under a person who knew what he or she was talking about but could not kick over their waist then train under and dance teacher who had no clue what moves were ment for but looked like the second comming of the Blue POWER RANGER.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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What if it is a performance based style?


What if they can fight well at their size?


What about 28 year olds that don't have "mental responsibility"?


What exactly do you mean by "mental responsibility"?


And what does it have to do with the colour of a belt?

Andrew Green

http://innovativema.ca - All the top martial arts news!

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I think its more a mental thing than a physical thing. MA should teach the development of the mind, body and spirit.


Now we all know people who we don't think should be holding the ranks they hold. For any number of reasons.


If its a prefromance based art then you don't need to wear a black belt.


If they can fight well for their size thats great but the general understanding is a black belt should be able to hold their own vs anyone. 13 year old kid can't hold his own agaisnt a 30 year old man. Sorry.


A person who is not mental responsible in my opinon reguardless of age has not business wearing a black belt. Mental development above anything else. If you are not mentally able to wear the next rank under me you better find a new school if you wish to go up.


If belt color has nothing to do with it let them wear a brown belt till the become adults.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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13 year old kid can't hold his own agaisnt a 30 year old man. Sorry.

Last year my math teacher who was 28 got extremely angry in class cause some kid kept making jokes. He hit him but the kid knocked him out cold. The teacher wasn't a small guy or anything they were both average. I think the kid just knocked him out because he got a square hit in on his temple. But still it kind of blowsy our theroy out of the water. BTW when the school hired the teacher they didn't bother checking his background, they would've seen that he had to go anger management therapy 4 yeard before that if they had though.

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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I think its more a mental thing than a physical thing. MA should teach the development of the mind, body and spirit.



Now we all know people who we don't think should be holding the ranks they hold. For any number of reasons.


Nope, don't care, claim whatever rank you want. If you decide you're 12th dan I won't argue, but that doesn't mean I think you're any good.

If its a prefromance based art then you don't need to wear a black belt.


If not performance what do you test for?


If its not performance based don't give them any belt.

If they can fight well for their size thats great but the general understanding is a black belt should be able to hold their own vs anyone. 13 year old kid can't hold his own agaisnt a 30 year old man. Sorry.


Can you hold you're own against someone of Shaq's size? How about a NFL player?


Does this mean that small adults can't get black belts?

A person who is not mental responsible in my opinon reguardless of age has not business wearing a black belt. Mental development above anything else. If you are not mentally able to wear the next rank under me you better find a new school if you wish to go up.


How do you judge someones mental development?


What about adults that are just not very bright? Kid's that are?


I'm really curious, how do you assess someones mental development at your belt tests? Are you a licensed Physcologist?

If belt color has nothing to do with it let them wear a brown belt till the become adults.


It's about having their accomplishments recognized in the same way as everyone else.


If belt colour is the recognition it should be the same for everyone, regardless of age. Now if you want to have some sort of physcological testing as your requirements thats your decission, its your school. But most Martial arts instructors are not qualified to test this.

Andrew Green

http://innovativema.ca - All the top martial arts news!

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I don't put much stock in that statement. Only because you can knock yourself out by running into a shelf, standing up to fast in a hot room, or frankly just having a glass jaw.


Nothing is ever 100% TURE or false.


Kids don't drive cars because they are not consided mature enough to control such a dangerous machine. Kids are not allowed to vote because they don't understand the platforms people run on. (This is not to say adults do) However I think a kid should not be given a black blet under the same reasons.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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Kids don't drive cars because they are not consided mature enough to control such a dangerous machine. Kids are not allowed to vote because they don't understand the platforms people run on. (This is not to say adults do) However I think a kid should not be given a black blet under the same reasons.


I'm missing your Logic.


It's OK to give them the skills, just not to recognize them as having the skills?


Give them the car, driving skills, the ability to drive it, just no cool jacket that says they can drive?


A black belt is not a license, it is a recognition of an accomplishment.


If those are your views why train kids at all?

Andrew Green

http://innovativema.ca - All the top martial arts news!

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