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Martial Arts-Salary Questions

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Hi, I am currently running a martial arts school for my teacher. Does anyone have information about what a typical school manager receives for a salary or what the normal percentage is for someone in my position? or where I can find this information.In addition to the daily running of the school, all enrollment and renewal goes though me. I supervise the staff, teach, do all the programming, answer the phones, play a major role in all school activities, write the newsletter, in addition to running a 300 member gym in the same facility. I need help.. I am feeling over worked and underpaid as I watch the school's profits increase since I have had the job. My teacher is also looking for the answer to this question, so Iam not complaining or being sneaky! thank you,



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is the 300 member gym part of the m.a. school or is it a separate entity altogether? if it is separate then you are basically working for two co. how do you supervise the staff? I'm not trying to sound mean, but most m.a. schools dont really have a large staff. usually an owner/instructor, a couple of asst. inst. and maybe a receptionist. which sounds like what most of your duties would fall under.(except the teaching). most schools pay there receptionist on a fair scale of what that type job pays in your area, now as far as teaching, are you the chief instructor or is the owner?. paying asst. instr. can be different from school to school. some dont pay asst. inst. at all, but there training is free. some will pay minimum wage but its usually as a part time employee. you should just sit down with your teacher/boss and come to an agreement on what you both feel is fair to you.
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thanks for the input.. My intial reaction is that I do far more than a receptionist.. I design ads, I do all the daily receipts, I give significant input to curriculum, I put systems into place for black belt testing,prepare tax figures. I am in charge when the owner is away, and we work otogether to make changes and inprovements in the school .. I supervise a staff of 20, so we are a large karate school.. 12 or so of them are instructors. I am not the head instructor.. which at our school is mere a title that goes to the instructor with the most seniority.. she is asked to consult on different subject and she teaches two nights a week, and attends testing events, but does not have any real duties that come with her position.. I taught for two year with no pay while I was working so at another job. I now work 40+ hours a week . I just wanted to know how people figure out a profit sharing or whatever. We don't use a billing company; they wanted 9% of our intake. I do it all myself and we are just looking for a fair way of compensating me and we wanted to know what others do.
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Sounds like you should be making between 28-35K (or more) base salary depending on the area you live in. Insurance and retirement is a diff story. If that place doesn't offer a health plan than you might want more money to offset what it would cost to purchase a plan on an individual basis which is way expensive. Profit sharing can be one of my least favorite sources of saving for retirement. It just plain sucks unless your dojo is knocking down major money and the owner is willing to part with it. You never know how much they will be giving you from year to year. It's better to have them match dollar for dollar 401K. If nothing else you can open a Roth IRA thru your bank or credit union.

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