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The serious 'What's the most deadly style of karate' thread


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The point of the comment was to prove that, its not what style you train in, but how you train in it. Now show a little more respect BK, I'd like some for all my help I've offered you.

Rule #1: Play the game to the limit. Damn the consequences.

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The point of the comment was to prove that, its not what style you train in, but how you train in it. Now show a little more respect BK, I'd like some for all my help I've offered you.

I wasn't trying to show disrespect I was trying to see if there was something I'd missed because from my understanding what you just said is basically saying the same as peas are green. Anyway sorry for that, was kind of mean now that I read it.

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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Be careful submission fighter with the ol' generalisations- all karate styles have reverse punch. Ever heard the old karate saying 'there is no reverse punch in karate'?


I think some people are still having trouble with the difference between a sport or self development art and a martial art for self preservation. In the latter all attacks will be at weak points as much as is possible, the action usually occurs close in - no bouncing around and in and out with techniques, there will probably be some, or a lot of, conditioning of the weapons to be used, the encounter will be over in seconds usually, the art will explicitly teach eye, ear, groin etc etc attacks as a major part of the curriculum- and these days a good school will spend a lot of time teaching psychology and avoidance so you never have to be in the nasty situation of having to test these things out.


smr- you are right in re-mentioning shuri-te and naha-te-there are different principles involved here. However, I think that rigidly separating them wasnt probably done until later- in some senses, as I said before, each kata is a style in itself- each karateka used their own style reflected in the katas they invented. The difference is the rigidity implied by the modern view of style which I don't think was around back then- hence my comment and kamikai's on their being no styles.


So we can continue arguing about modern styles or we can realise they all have a common 'style' within them- the seed of the original forms- and seek to bring that back out, after all that is the only truly effective karate there is. (Any modern practitioner who successfully uses karate in the street will have re-discovered at least a part of the old ways so I'm not suggesting that a 'Shotokan' person, for example, who was trained properly and had the right attributes couldnt defend themselves at least in some scenarios. The great Terry O'Neill is a fine example of a man that can use his karate.)



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this post is exactly why i fill that my idea should be in place. it may seem far fetched, but hear me out i think you all will like it. there needs to be tournment, not conected with the olympics, thats either annual or every four years. What would happen is top minds would first be selected to seperate what is and isnt a 'martial art', this includes every combat form that can possibly be used in sport all over the world, from karate to wu-shu, to boxing to fencing. Once this is done, each art could select a board to vote on its rep. then, the boards for every art and style would look at the results of fights throughout the year and pick one fighter who could best represent there art/style. A large scale tournment could then be held to decide who was superior, it would consest soley of free sparring and weapons. (weapons is nesaciary, so certain arts like fencing could be included) ZThis would need great media attention, there are already mixed tournments, but there sorta lame, if you seem them in the century catalog youll note they look like there from the wwf. If for no other reason, this would be a sweet tournment to watch simply because of seeing all the diffrent styles and people from all over the world in one dojo.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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This post is exactly the wrong one to suggest a sporting contest in.


Please, please try to differentiate between sport and MARTIAL arts- it may one day save your life.





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This post is exactly the wrong one to suggest a sporting contest in.


Please, please try to differentiate between sport and MARTIAL arts- it may one day save your life.






yes because when two people fight with no rules other than no biting or eye gouging it is absoulutly nothing like a real fight.. :roll:


watch ufc 1-5

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This post is exactly the wrong one to suggest a sporting contest in.


Please, please try to differentiate between sport and MARTIAL arts- it may one day save your life.






yes because when two people fight with no rules other than no biting or eye gouging it is absoulutly nothing like a real fight.. :roll:


watch ufc 1-5

Can' you pick up a club and beat someone with it in a competition? Can you use any weapons in a competition? Do they have competitons where there are multiple attackers aginst one person? Competitions have rules I mean you stated two that would really turn around a fight.

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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Thank God BKJ- I was close to banging my head against the wall in frustration.


TJS- Two points: Firstly in a real fight more often than not it will start with a psychological, verbal exchange-very different set up- and/or it will occur close in from the off- not nice like a ref started match where you approach each other in a posture- you may not even see the attack coming sometimes.


Secondly you were given a brain- this 'could' and should be your most powerful weapon. Please use it- I have seen, and felt, the realities of the things I talk about- you are being very naive, along with some other posters when thinking that sports and life are the same. Please start thinking like 'Bushi' and stay safe. (As another example: remember when one chap in the UFC was slammed into the canvas but managed to lock the throwers arm and win? Swap the mat with concrete for a start)




I realise this post isn't going to make me popular :bawling:


but if I can help wake up even one (I guess there are a lot of young people here) person to the nasties of real violence then it will have been worth it.


Take care all



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deferintiate between sport and martial art? that was kinda a stupid statment to make if theres any way to say that respectively. Yes, the roots of the martial arts were for millitary purposes, the word budo literally means the millitary way, but even though i am a traditional student, i belive that the martial arts have evolved. there are many reasons to study now, self deffense is one, so is fitness and so is sport. so you prove through this topic that in self deffense, one style out ways another, how will that show to one who wishes to get in shape? or one like me, who is doing it in sport. this may sound ignorant on my part, but i doubt im going to use my training much in a real situation, ill basiclly strike once were it hurts worse and keep moving. ignorance is claiming that there is but one purpose for the martial arts.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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